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aaliyah pov

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aaliyah pov

"i have a girlfriend" i say

"aye just give me a chance" some random man say

"i'm gay and i have a girlfriend" i repeat for the twentieth time

it's too early for this shit. it's only 7:30am,i'm at a coffee shop grabbing some coffee.

i got interrupted with my peace by some guy walking up to me.

"i saw you're dating billie o'connell,i mean you got to be only dating her for the money. where else would you get your beautiful outfit?" he say

i laugh a little cause that's the funniest shit i've heard. i've heard all of this stuff about billie's and i relationship and it's just so funny. it's like they never seen a rich black woman before .

"first off,i date her because i like her and i actually see a future with her. i don't use her for money,never asked her for money and never will honestly. i know how to take care of myself. is it because i'm black that you don't possibly belive i can have my own money and pay for my own things?"

he doesn't say anything,speechless. "well then how did you pay for your things?" he asks

"why does that matter? go back to your mother house where you live in the basement" i say rolling my eyes "you were a mistake,your mother cried real tears when she found out she was pregnant with you and cried more tears once you were born" i begin

that was just the start of my long speech. "not happy tears either,it was tears of how could a baby be so fucking ugly. it was all hitting her how she birthed a terrible mistake like you,she was miserable with the fact that she birthed this child. then as you got older all she could think about how you were going to have no life when you were grown,you would be a disappointment to her"

"she would know how you wouldn't have any girlfriends in the future,she knew you would be a virgin until you die. she knew you would be a broke no good blob of a person,but that's you,couldn't be me though" i say looking at my nails

"fuck you!" he screams. his skin turns red in anger.

"aww i made the baby mad,cheer up buttercup" i smile "no bitches headass"

"i swear you're lucky you're a girl,i would've slapped you" he say

"oh my god i'm so scared" i say sarcastically

"you're not even that cute anyways,i was just trying to fuck" he say

if i'm not so cute why you trying to fuck me then? make it make sense dumbass.

"you're not so pleasing to look at yourself,anyways can you go scoot on somewhere i'm trying to enjoy my coffee in peace"

"i will!" he say before storming away

so yesterday billie called me telling me what this girl did. maybe i might have convinced billie to give me the girl address.

once i got it i went to her house,slashed her tires and spray painted her house with words.

i left without anyone seeing me. well if someone did see me they minded their business as they should.

i finish my coffee before standing up and leaving out the cafe. i get swarmed by a paparazzi man shoving a camera in my face.

"what do you feel about stealing eve's wife?" he asks

i couldn't help but laugh as i push him away. "move,didn't your mom teach you about personal space" i roll my eyes

"yes,but did yours teach you about not sleeping with a married person" he snaps back

"not that it's any of your business but we did not sleep together or even start a relationship until the divorce was finalized" i say getting into my car

i put my seatbelt on and lock the door and he stands in front of my car. he acting like i won't run his ass over...cause i will,with no regrets either.

i press my feet on the gas and he runs out of my way. i roll down my window and say "go eat a dick" before pulling away.

my phone starts ringing and i groan. who the hell is calling me this early?

i look to see it's sierra. oh hell no i can't it's too early.

i have no choice to answer cause she will literally keep calling until i answer. i remember once my phone died and she was calling me.

my phone got on the charger and she called me nearly 200 times.

"hello" i answer

"i need to tell you this while i remember but how would you feel about you and billie going on a double date thing with erica and i tonight at the club"she say

"i can't even drink" i state

"i'm sure billie will sneak you some drinks" she say

"ugh fine,i'll ask billie"

"yay! oh and by the way this is the hot older woman" she say before hanging up

aria pov

"i don't feel like it honestly,just wait till tomorrow please" i say

lately micah's been needy for sex and i'm just not feeling it honestly.

"you've said that for the past two weeks aria" he scoff

"well if i don't want to have sex you shouldn't be mad about that" i say turning around facing my back towards him

he rubs my shoulder before saying "you're right,i'm sorry baby...i just want to know what's bothering you"

"nothing is bothering me,i'm fine" i say sternly

"i know you,you're not fine" he say

i roll my eyes before saying "i've been texting my sister and my mom found out"

"that's great you've come in contact with your sister but sucks your mom found out...what did she do?" he say still rubbing my shoulders comfortably

"she said that if i keep on contacting my sister,she will come to florida and sit and watch me delete my account and make a new instagram. she said if that doesn't work she will also see me as a disappointment"

"your mom is literally the most horrible person i've ever encountered in real life. i would do anything to just choke your mother out. she doesn't deserve you aria and you don't deserve to be treated the way she treats you" he say

i turn around and kiss him quickly before pulling away. "i love you" he say

"love you too" i smile

he places his lips back on mine and his hands fall down to my ass squeezing it. his hands move up and down my waist.


a flash of the memory pops into my head and i get scared.i pull away from him yelling "no"

"are you okay? is it happening again? did i do something wrong?" he asks

i don't say nothing and he say "nothing is going to happen to you again in my hands,i promise you aria"

i stand up and leave out of the room. i head downstairs pacing around. what the hell i thought the flashbacks stopped?

i pull out my phone not giving a fuck anymore and call aaliyah.

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