Chapter 2: The Young Mercenary

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'why don't you just die you piece of shit.'

'you're so worthless. No wonder mom never loves you.'

Izuku woke up from his dream. Looking around his saw that he was inside of a room. It's not a nice one but it's still better than his own.

"So you're finally awake." A voice spoke startling Izuku a little.

Turning his head around he was met with a boy with red hair wearing a black sleeveless jacket and a black jeans playing with a knife.

"You had been unconscious for a day now." The boy state. "You're lucky I was the one who found you. If it was someone else they will probably kidnap you and turn you into their sex slave." He said playing with his knife.

"Uh who are you again?" The white haired boy question.

"Oh sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is makano Inoue. It is a pleasure to meet you." The boy said offering his hand as a handshake.

"Izuku Ya..." Izuku pause. If he use his real name then his family will surely caught up to him. And he was sure they will try to bring him back. That is until he remember Iwatani's last name.

"My name is Izuku Mikoto. The pleasure is mine." He said with a smile.

"So should I call you Mikoto then?" Makano ask.

"It's up to you. You can call me with whatever you want." Izuku said.

"I see. So what is your quirk? My quirk is air gun. Like it's name I can generate a powerful blast of air from my hands." The red haired boy state

"Well it's hard to explain." Izuku said.

His quirk allow him to copy, combine and keep the quirks of other people. The quirk that he had copied will be forcefully evolved making them stronger.

For example is Katsuki's explosion quirk. At first the quirk allow him to generate a nitrogen like sweats that he can ignite at his palms. But now after copying the quirk he can generate the sweats from every parts of his limps. He can now also control the direction of where the explosion went.

His quirk also gave him informations on how to use the quirk more efficiently and how they work.

But what makes the quirk more dangerous is that he can also copy the memories of others. Just imagine it. No secrets can be hiden from him. All that he need to do is touch someone and all the memories of that person will be inside his head. His secrets, happy and even sad memories.

"Well if you don't want to tell me then it's alright. Oh and by the way my master wants to talk with you." Says Makano.

The door was then open revealing a man with grey hair and grey eyes. The man was wearing a white martial arts clothing. A hige scar adorned his face. The man's body was huge. Not as huge as All Might's size but he is big. He can probably snap his body in half only by using his fingers.

 He can probably snap his body in half only by using his fingers

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