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He moved to the next page, as his fingers traced the small words printed on the page of the book he had just begun to read.

The book he is reading is very interesting, one of the worth reading books, Life of Pi. Sadly, the ship carrying Pi's family and the animals belonging to their zoo sank.

Pi was the only person who made it alive but what he didn't know was that a tiger also survived, so they had to work together to survive and fight for their life.

As he read the story of Pi, he remembered Minji saying that her boat had sunk, she was alone when it happens so he knew how scared she was. It was a good thing that she landed on their island to help her.

Like the tiger, he is ready to help her survive and be safe from any kind of disaster. Yes, he knew he didn't know her very well, but her being a bit naive he could say he shouldn't be suspicious about her whole identity.

He stood up in the red velvet chair to head to a shelf to return the book, he adjusted the spectacles he was wearing when the door of their library suddenly opened.

He looked at the visitor, who he thought was her. He was right to see Minji wearing an apron who looked like she was in trouble.

"You're just here at the library, I thought you were in your room because it was locked." She fanned herself because of the amount of work that she did, she was almost drained because she was not used to such activities.

He grinned secretly, he cleared his throat and  crossed his arms "Have you cleaned everything yet?"

"Yes! It's really tiring." She wiped her face with the sleeve of her shirt "Can you just cook? I just don't know how." She looked down shyly, embarrassed that she knew nothing even though she was old enough.

He approached her "Are you a spoiled brat?" 

She looked at him wide-eyed "How did you know?"

He grabbed her arms and pushed her aside, as she was blocking the doorway "It's so freaking obvious, you don't know how to cook nor clean properly." He replied then came out of the library.

"Eh. why you? You know how to clean but I was the one you ordered to do it." She rolled her eyes as she followed him.

"I did that so you don't have to be a brat. You'll need those skills in your life too, believe me." He replied then put the pot on the stove to start cooking.

About half an hour ago and they were already sitting at the dining table, they didn’t know why but they were very awkward while eating.

Especially Jake who couldn’t be more upset because he felt like the girl's eyes are focused on him. He can't eat anymore, as he was feeling uneasy to chew his own recipe on his mouth.

"Can you please..?" He sighed "Don't look at me while I'm eating, its rude."

"Don't be shy to me, you know I'm a playgirl." She stood up from her seat and then brought the plate to the sink for her to wash later "It just means I find you so attractive even while eating."  She added.

"Right." Jake boringly looked at his plate.


"It's been raining hard for a while, hasn't it?" Jake pulled back the curtain to see what was happening in nature "The wind is strong as well." The trees are swaying as if threatening to break when the breeze get stronger.

"Wait, I'll turn on the tv so that we can know if there's a storm." Minji sat on the couch then turned on the TV and immediately switched to the news.

"Good evening folks, its already alert level 1 in the capital Seoul due to typhoon Sihyuk and on Jeju island it is now level 2. Everyone near the ocean is advised to be careful and not to sail. Be prepared for whatever may happen, thank you very much." The newscaster reported.

"Sh*t there's a storm." She covered her mouth then looked at Jake "Is your mansion stable enough to withstand this typhoon Sihyuk?"

"Of course, its Engineer is still from Australia." He replied then check Layla in her bolster bed.

"Are you an Aussie?" She said in amazement "Why didn't I immediately think of that?" She lay down on the couch then looked up at the white ceiling.

"Obviously I'm Aussie because of my accent, only a drongo won't notice." He whispered but she heard it.

"What's a drongo?"

“Why don’t you search it on google?” He grinned.

"Wait." She took his laptop. That's what she uses for social media but of course she avoids her friends from seeing her online by turning off her active status.

She was about to type when their surroundings suddenly darkened except for the light that coming from the laptop.

"AHHHH!" She cried out in shock of the sudden brownout, only the whistle of the wind and the torrential rain were all they could hear. 

"Jake! Yah! Where are you?" She stood up as Layla passed at her feet. No one answered so she felt scared especially that it was storming outside. She decided to just closed her eyes.

Later on, someone grabbed her right shoulder so she became nervous.

At the sound of someone flicking the button of the emergency light switch, she saw Jake's handsome face.

"I'm here, drongo." He laughed wickedly then pulled her arm and made her sit on the couch. He placed the emergency light on the coffee table and it provided enough light in the white living room. 

"What's that drongo, Jakey?" She whined then wrapped her own arms around herself, feeling cold even without the air conditioner.

"It doesn't matter anymore." He shook his head then sat on the couch a bit far from her.

They were enveloped in silence at midnight as the nature was rowdy. I think they would rather just stay in the living room than sleep in their rooms.

"Where do you go to school?" Minji started.

"At Jino Academy."

She gasped and looked at him wide eyed "I'm studying there too! But why didn't I see you there?"

"Maybe because I'm a transferee?" He tilted his head "I transfered there half-way from Australia."

"That's why ... but why didn't I see that face of yours right off the bat? It's a pity, I wish you had been my boyfriend." She regretted that she didn't search thouroughly at their school. 

"I won't let myself be your boyfriend either." He laughed "You're not my type of girl." He added.

She frowned at his words "I'll pretend I didn't hear that." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms "What are the types of a Sim Jake?"


"Hardworking, knows how to clean and cook."


"The one who doesn't yell at Layla."

"Beautiful inside and out."

"And most of all not a playgirl."

"F*ck, i'm literally not your type." She felt devastated. 

𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐈𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 ➳ 𝙨. 𝙟𝙖𝙚𝙮𝙪𝙣Where stories live. Discover now