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She yawned then opened her eyes. She could see that the sun had risen after the storm had not put them to sleep last night.

She stretched her neck and hands, it looked like they fell asleep on the couch in a bad position so that's why she was feeling numb. She looked to the right side of the couch where Jake was still sound asleep.

She came a little closer to his face "You're so handsome, I won't get tired of telling you that." She giggled then pulled back the curtain to see so much clutter outside as well as in the swimming pool.

She felt hungry so she went to the kitchen to toast a loaf of bread but she remembered that there was no electricity there yet "Who will fix the electricity?"

So she just took two pieces of bread loaf and stuffed it with nutella, but that wasn't enough for her breakfast so she tripled it.

As she chews the bread her eyes landed at the broomstick and dust pan from the corner.

"Hardworking, knows how to clean and cook."

She feel encouraged when she remembered the words he said yesterday, she then immediately swallowed the bread and grabbed the cleaning materials.

"I should start working now to be his ideal type." She whispered then opened the glass door, there exposed so many leaves brought there by the strong wind.

There were coconut and banana leaves, but she was not discouraged but became even more diligent.

She swept first near the doorway of the mansion, she looked around and found a sack. She picked it up to put the dried leaves there.

Is Minji strategic now?

"It's really fun to clean up." She smiled as she observed the part she had cleaned.

A few minutes later she was already cleaned half of the frontyard, when suddenly Jake, who had just woken up, came out of the mansion. He was rubbing his eyes and stretching his arms.

He looked at Minji and he was obviously surprised, he looked around then said "You seem to be working hard?"

"Jakey, you know I have to repay everything you've helped me with." She proceeded to sweep the ground "I'm ready to be the cleaner of this mansion."

He laughed out loud "It's like a miracle you've just become so hardworking." He noticed the condition of the pool "You know what? I'll help you clean up, I'll clean the pool." He picked up the skimmer net to remove the leaves.

"Wow, thank you." She bowed and jokingly at him until she came up the stairs to the shore.

She could no longer see any clutter in the frontyard when Layla suddenly ran there. Layla seemed to be feeling uneasy, when she suddenly positioned herself to take a sh*t.

"Damn it! Not now, Layla." She yelled so she caught the attention of Jake who immediately looked at her. She was so annoyed that she held her slipper while chasing the poor dog.

She was not the luckiest, when she ran so fast that she even stepped on the dog's poop. Slowly, she looked down then lifted her foot to see what was soft and yucky feeling she had just ran down.

In her reaction, Jake, who had been holding back a laugh, was amused "Good girl, Layla."

"Good girl huh?" She went to the pool to rub and to dip her feet at the dirty water "Layla, come here. I'll give you a treat." She glared at the poor dog while raising her slipper attempting to hit the dog.

"Do it and I will never accept you inside." Jake said seriously then caressed the frightened Layla.

"Jakey, you said that too yesterday but you still made me stay." She nervously laughed.

"This is not the time to fool around. As soon as I see that you did that to Layla again, I'm really going to kick you out of this island. This is just the first warning so don't extend it to three." He glared at her in rage then went inside with his dog.

Minji was left there as she was looking down in embarrassment, she was used to getting angry quickly so she unconciously did that. She still look after animals in fact her older brother has a dog. She won't be able to hurt Layla especially.

"The one who doesn't yell at Layla."

She sighed recalling his words "I just did earlier, and I even threatened to hit her with my slippers."

"Way to go, Ahn Minji." She had already started cleaning the swimming pool that Jake was supposed to be cleaning.


She was now in the kitchen, there she was standing by for a while now. After what happened earlier, it seemed like she still couldn't face Jake. She was too shy.

She wasn't like that before. When she does something and her friends get angry, she immediately forgets what she did as if nothing had happened. But when it came to the man she had only met in the past few days, she seemed to feel that she had been tamed.

He was too kind for someone like her who was ill-mannered.

But as she was spaced out at the kitchen, she suddenly heard footsteps nearing there, she was sure that it was him. So she pretended to clean the dishes in the sink to reduce her embarrassment.

She saw in her peripheral vision that he opened the fridge and took out the jug of water. He placed it on the counter in her left, unconciously she slowly turned her head in his direction.

She figured out that as he drank the water his eyes also glared at her, now unable to paint his face.

She closed her eyes and silently praying to be saved from that awkward situation. When she hope that he had left there, she was suddenly startled when she heard the sound of the glass clashing at the plates in front of her.

She opened her eyes but she saw nothing but the glass he had used in the sink.

𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐈𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 ➳ 𝙨. 𝙟𝙖𝙚𝙮𝙪𝙣Where stories live. Discover now