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"And that is how the French Camisards and the Quakers contributed to the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing." Nini absentmindedly chewed on the end of her pencil and scanned the notes she was just taking. Her teacher droned on, holding the attention of very few students at the time. "During this section on America circa the Industrial Revolution, we'll look into society and its developments regionally in communities like this, the Shakers as well as the Church of Latter-Day Saints, the Mormons."

She could barely stifle the laughter that rose when EJ leaned over and loudly whispered, "Did you understand any of what he just said?" She watched Ricky shrug and nod in response. Her mind shifted over to wondering how someone could possibly be so stupid. Hell, maybe Carlos was right and he wouldn't be graduating at the end of the year.

Their history teacher flashed a quick smile in Nini's direction before continuing. "This unit couldn't come at a better time, actually. The theatre department is putting on a production this Friday night. It's their play for a competition and it is called 'As It Is In Heaven' about the Shaker communities. I'm offering extra credit for anyone who comes and gets a signature from me on their playbook at the end of the show."

The man continued on about how his plan was foolproof considering the fact that playbooks would not be handed out at any point other than the seating times and he would not be signing them until the very end of the show. Even then, he had every intention of including a bonus question on their next quiz about details from the play. On the way out of class, Nini heard the man telling EJ he could really benefit from the extra credit.

Nini was almost too busy to even talk on the phone with Ricky during the course of the week. Nevertheless, the duo attempted to at least call and say goodnight to each other before bed. The night before the show, she made time to call him because hearing his voice always made her feel better.

"By the way," he said suddenly when they were discussing the play, "I'm kind of confused. The costumes you were working on a couple weeks ago were for this show? What costumes did you guys show me back in December?"

Nini rolled over in her bed and readjusted her phone on her ear as she thought back. "Oh! No, the ones you saw in December are for this show, they've been ready for like a month and a half for rehearsal purposes. The ones we had to finish pinning and measuring me for are for the end of the school year musical. We're doing Hairspray."

"So EJ is dragging me out to see the play. Very interesting that he decided we were going because I was gonna try to convince him to go anyway," Ricky laughed out. "But I'm excited to see it! Please tell me about your character."

Nini laughed at Ricky's interview-like question. "Well, I play the character Hannah and she's... struggling, to say the least. Aside from Hannah, I do have some singing parts. So when the characters all leave the stage and that girl Lily's character is the only one on stage and she starts shaking? I'm backstage singing into a mic and portraying an invisible angel. The other times, I'm just a pre-recorded angel."

"Mhm," Ricky hummed. "So that part just comes to you very naturally, right?" And he couldn't see her blush or shake her head at him, but he could picture it very well in his own mind.

Nini giggled out, "Shut up, Bowen. I'm no angel, those are usually Godsent."

"And you're not?" he flirted. He then waited for her laughter to subside before saying, "It's quite late. Maybe you should get some rest before your big day. Goodnight, Neens. I love you."

She quietly responded, "Goodnight. I love you too."

Ricky sat in the auditorium seats, EJ sandwiched between him and Gina. On the other side of him sat Seb. Their other friends seemed to be running late. His phone buzzed a couple of times, so he pulled it out, but tilted it more towards Seb, less afraid of him peeping over his shoulder than EJ.

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