chapter 9: great hall for breakfast and classes

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With Isabella Malfoy
Isabella Malfoy , Gabriella Lupin, Noah Potter,Harlod Pettigrew Potter, Isabella Malfoy and Alain Black sat at the Ravenclaw Table chatting with each other and their other Housemates about What Classes they are excited for when Isabella notices her Brothers Jace and Draco sitting with their new friends at the Huffpuff and Syltherin tables respectively which Made her Happy and her sister Addison Malfoy sitting with her new friends at the Gryffindor table which made her smile even more when she wave to her Sister and Her Sister Waved as well. She was happy that her siblings were having a great time with Their New Friends.
She waved to Her brothers and they Waved back. She Smiled at the fact that her siblings were having a great time with Their New Friends at hogwarts. They got the supplies they would need for classes which were Charms and Defense against the Dark Arts which they shared with Huffpuff and they Left the great hall for class.
With Addison Malfoy

Addison Malfoy was sitting with her friends Harry potter, Jason Lupin, Alec Pettigrew, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Jenny Black ,Percy Weasley, Oliver Wood, Fred and George Weasley and Lavender Brown.

Addison Malfoy was chatting with Percy Weasley about what Classes she was most Excited about and Percy Weasley was talking about What Classes He liked the most she was talking to the twins about her favorite sport Quidditch and what position she would play if she tried out in a few years. She said Chaser. Harry said Seeker, Jason and Alec also Beaters , and Jenny said Chaser as well And Ron said Keeper. She waved to Her Siblings and they waved back which made her smile at all of the new Friends they were Making at Hogwarts and was excited for classes to begin today!!! She was loving hogwarts because she made new friends and She Was Absolutely thrilled about flying Classes they were doing on the 7th of September. They got the supplies they would need for classes which were Potions and Transfiguration which they shared with Syltherin and they left the great hall for class.

With Jace Malfoy

Jace Malfoy was sitting with Lindsay Pettigrew, Ella potter, Adam Black,Teddy Lupin, Susan Bones ,Cedric Diggory , Hannah Abbott, and Megan Jones chatting about What Classes He was Most Excited about. Cedric was talking about What Classes He liked most and also he told her What position he plays on the Quidditch Team ,He plays Seeker and Jace was talking about What position he would play if she were to have tried out for the team in a few years. Jace said Seeker, Ella , Adam and Susan said Chasers, Teddy ,and Lindsay said Beaters and Hannah Abbott said Keeper. They got the supplies they would need for classes which were Charms and Defense Against The Dark Arts which they shared with Ravenclaw and they Left the great hall for class.

With Draco Malfoy

Draco was sitting with Daisy Black, Abigail Lupin,Clary Pettigrew ,and Hillary potter chatting about What Classes He was Most Excited about. Marcus was talking about What Classes He liked most and also he told her What position he plays on the Quidditch Team , He played Chaser , Terence played Seeker, Adrian also played Chaser, and Cassius played Chaser as well. Draco was talking about What position he would play he were to Try out in a few years. Draco said he would play Seeker, Daisy said Chaser, Abigail said Chaser, Clary said Chaser, Hillary said Keeper, Crabbe said Beater and Goyle said Beater.

he waved to His Siblings and they waved back which made him smile at all of the new Friends they were Making at Hogwarts and was excited for classes to begin today!! he was loving hogwarts because he made new friends and he Was Absolutely thrilled about flying Classes they were doing on the 7th of September. They got the supplies they would need for classes which were Potions and Transfiguration which they shared with Gryffindor and they left the great hall for class.

End of the chapter!!! Let me know what you think of this chapter pretty please?

Next chapter will be the Classes they are all in and They Will Have two classes with all of the Houses together. So yayyyyyyy.

I really appreciate you guys reading this story and I hope you continue to enjoy it. ❤️ 🥰💗. See you guys Next chapter soon.

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