chapter 12 : Hillary gets detention

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Hillary woke up ,changed into her Slytherin School uniform and Saw That her new friend Tracy Davis was sleeping peacefully on the Couch in the Syltherin common room. She put a blanket on her so she wouldn't be so cold when she woke up.

Hillary headed downstairs to the entrance of the Syltherin common to professor Snape waiting for her. She wondered why he was waiting for her.

Professor Snape said " Miss. Potter , I was told by a few students of mine that you used a LOCOMOTOR MORTIS spell on Mr. Mackey yesterday after my potions class. Is this true?

Hillary said " Yes professor Snape it's true. I did use Locomotor Mortis on him after he was being very Rude to me and Harry.

Professor Snape said " even if that was the reason, using Spell on your Housemate was unacceptable therefore you have detention tonight at 7 pm sharp. Do you understand me?

Hillary replied " yes, I understand Professor Snape. I will see you at detention.

Snape walked away and Hillary went to the Great Hall where her siblings were having breakfast.

Harry saw her first and Hugged her tightly.
Ella Hugged her next and then Noah Hugged her last.

Harry said " How are you this morning?

Ella said " Thank you for staying with me until A perfect from My House showed up.

Noah said " I miss hanging out with you, Ella and Harry. Perhaps we all could take a swim in the Black Lake this weekend? Nobody has to know.

Harry said " Of course, it's only Monday and I am excited for this Weekend.

Ella , who was hugging Harry " I am Excited too.

Hillary, who was still Hugging Noah said " I am Excited to hang out with you guys as well.  I have Detention tonight for Using  the Locomotor Mortis spell On Joseph Mackey after Potions at 7 pm. And To answer your question Harry , I am wonderful this Quietly beautiful morning . And Ella, you're very  welcome, I wasn't going to leave you all alone. I have better be getting back to my table or I won't be able to eat breakfast.

All three said " Bye Hillary. We love you. Have a great time in classes today.

Hillary walked over to Find Marcus Flint  ,Adrian Pucey, Terence Higgs, Peregrine Derrick and Cassius Warthington
Were sitting.

Cassius asked " Did you get in trouble  for Using Locomotor mortis on Joseph Mackey after Potions class yesterday?  she piled Eggs and Bacon on to her plate and started eating.

Hillary replied " Yes I got Detention tonight.

Cassius said " I will Walk you to Detention tonight and wait to Walk you back. I'm a perfect so I can you to Detention and not get in trouble for it.

Hillary said " Thank you so much Cassius. I really appreciate it.

Cassius said " No problem. Let's get you to your Flying Class because it starts in 60 minutes.

Hillary said " Okay. Let's go now. I am finished eating breakfast.

The fifth year Syltherins led Hillary to her first Flying Class and Told her bye.

The rest of the day went well for Hillary and she walked with Cassius to Detention with her professor waiting for her. She had to write 1 essay on why using Locomotor Mortis on a classmate was wrong.

Once she was finished with the essay, Snape let her leave and Cassius walked with her to the Syltherin common room, she went upstairs to the dormitory,  took a shower,Dried her hair, put her PJ'S and went to bed.

End of the chapter!! Next chapter will be interesting because it features Ella's pov.

I really appreciate you guys reading this story and I hope you continue to enjoy it.

See you guys Next chapter!!!!

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