chapter 13: Ella gets beaten up and Runs away part 1

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Ella woke up and Changed into her Huffpuff School uniform and Went downstairs to find a new friend of Her's Susan Bones sleeping peacefully on the Couch in the Huffpuff common Room. She put a blanket on Susan so she wouldn't be so cold when she woke up.

Ella then down the stairs to the Huffpuff common Room to Find someone who she did not want to see at the moment.

It was Joseph Mackey, Audrey Mackey , Sam Mackey , Ava Marks and her twin sister Annie Marks.

Ella said " What do you want with me? I am not in the mood to deal with Being Builled by the Five of you guys. Now please leave me alone now. I am heading to the great hall for breakfast now. She Tried to walk away from her Builles, only for Sam to grab her arm and pull her towards them.

Ella said " Let me go now. I just want to eat breakfast when I get to the great hall , go to my classes and spend some time with my siblings.

Sam gripped her arm tighter and pulled her into a empty corridor. The others followed and blocked her from leaving the corridor.

Sam performed the leg locking curse and Use a full Body Bind curse to keep her still. He let her go and she fell on the floor.

Ella yelled " Leave Me alone please you five. I don't want any trouble. My older sister Calla is waiting for me at the great hall.

Calla Potter Was a fifth Year Huffpuff and one of  the female perfects the other perefect girl was her best friend Alison Jones and also was the Oldest girl in the Potter family. The second Eldest girl was Daniella Potter. Ella was always wanting to spend time with her and she looked up to her.

Sam said " Silencio". Ella could no longer fight back and she fell to the floor.

Joseph Punched her in the head and she was knocked out cold.

Ava stepped her wrist and kicked her in the side.

Annie kicked her Head once and kicked her left side.

Audrey stepped on her and Pulled out her Wand and did a seaweed spell. She also stepped on her arm.

Then The Five first year Syltherins leave and Ella is left there.

With Calla Potter at the great hall.

Calla was getting worried. Ella was never late to meet her in the great hall for breakfast.

Calla wondered if Hillary had any idea of where Ella could be. Call decided to ask.

Calla approached the Slytherin table to ask Hillary about Ella.

Calla saw Hillary talking to Cassius Warthington, Marcus Flint, Adrian Pucey,Terence Higgs and Peregrine Derrick. She also saw Graham Montague joining the Conversation.

Hillary must have noticed Her because she waved to Her and she sat down next to Cassius Warthington, who blushed at her sitting next to him. Adrian smirked at Him. Calla didn't notice though.

Calla asked " Hillary, can you please help me find Ella? She was supposed to meet me for breakfast and I haven't seen her yet. I'm really worried about her.

Hillary said " Sure we can Help you find Ella. Let's team up in pairs of 2 and I will tell Harry and Noah to Help look for Her.

Hillary Tapped Harry on the shoulder and said" Harry, it's Ella, she is missing and we need your Help finding out where she is.

Harry said " I'm In. I'll get Our Other Friends and Siblings to help look for her.

Hillary said " Thank you Harry James potter.  I am going to tell Noah what's going on.

Hillary Tapped Noah on the shoulder and said " Noah ,it's Ella, she is missing and we need your Help finding out where she is.

Noah said "I'm In. I'll get Our Other Friends and Siblings to help look for her.

Hillary said " Thank you Noah Remus Potter. I'll tell Calla that we will all find Ella.

Hillary went back to the Syltherin table and Told Calla the Good news. She beamed happily at the news and went to Classes.

With Ella in the corridor where she was left

Ella woke up and noticed she was limping on her right leg. She saw Her common Room in front of her and waited For the Huffpuff Perfect to  say the password and Sneaked in and went to Her dormitory, got a bag with a change of clothes and her drawing kit and homework. She then Sneaked out of The Common room and and limped out into the Forbidden Forest. She didn't care where she went at this point. She just wanted to go away from  Joseph Mackey, Audrey Mackey , Sam Mackey , Ava and Annie Marks.

End of the chapter!!! Next chapter will be Ella meeting some nicer people and Reuniting With All of her Siblings

I really appreciate you guys reading this story and I hope you continue to enjoy reading it.

See you guys in the next chapter!!!

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