Part Twelve

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Just a few weeks later, you and Tony were coming back to the palace after you were allowed to take some time for yourselves.

After you were met outside by the entire court, you were now in your and Tony's shared chambers, while he was with his parents.

Before you knew it, the night had fallen and you were standing in front of the mirror, while Anne smoothed out your dress.

"You look beautiful, Your Highness."She said while looking at you in the mirror.

You caught her gaze and smiled."Thank you."

"You're glowing." She said, making you look at her in question. "I mean it. Just look at your skin. Are you sure you don't have the heir to the throne growing in your stomach?"

"I hope so." You said, moving your hand over your still flat stomach. You couldn't see any changes happening on your body quite yet.

Before Anne could speak, the doors to the chamber opened and the prince walked inside. She stopped everything she was doing and she saw him gesturing with his head for her to leave the chambers.

She quickly did as she was asked.

You still didn't move away from the mirror, your gaze peeled to your figure. Soon, you felt a pair of strong hands wrapping around you and you let out a gasp as his chest pressed against your back.

"How have you been, darling?" He asked you, and you caught his gaze in the mirror, making you both smile.

"I'm fine." You said as his hands now moved down to rest on your stomach."Just... a bit hungry."

"Hungry, you say?" He asked, the smile on his face widening.

"Can we eat?" You asked him, and he nodded, taking your hand.

"Let's feed the mother of my children." He made you sit down in his lap behind the table, while he sat on a chair, and he started to feed you the dinner that the maids left on the table. You didn't feel like eating with everybody else, you were already exhausted and you didn't want to add more to your exhaustion.

"You spent a lot of time with the King." You said as you swallowed the food. Tony placed another bite in your mouth before he answered your question.

"Yes. We discussed something, but he wanted to inform us that all the wars in your country have stopped. They surrendered. Now, when we're crowned the next King and Queen, we'll rule over your country, too."

You smiled nervously at him."That's, uh... that's good to hear."

Tony looked at you very closely, his eyes moving over your face. "Is something wrong?"

"No, no, everything is fine. I was just... surprised to hear it, that's all."

"Are you sure?" He asked and you nodded.

You both could notice how the other one tensed and there wasn't that much of the previous cheerful conversation left.

"I talked to Virginia today, too." He began, making you suddenly look towards him. "She found me in the hallway. We had a nice walk."

"Good for you." You said and tried to get up from his lap, but Tony's tight grip on your waist kept you in place.

"She mentioned something about you having a plan with your mother about the throne and the crown."

Your lips parted as you looked at him, trying to calm your breathing and the way your heart was beating in your chest. "What? And you believed her? Over your own wife?"

"Y/N, I-"

"No, Tony, I", you gripped on the table as you started to sweat. You didn't know why, but you suddenly felt warm, and your throat was suddenly dry, making it hard for you to speak."I... "

"Darling?" Tony asked, noticing the way your expression changed. "Are you alright?"He gripped onto your jaw and made you look at him. He could see your eyes rolling backwards, and you fainted in his arms. He quickly caught you, yelling out to the guards to get you a healer, while he carried you over to your shared bed.

He laid you down on it, his hands moving over to lightly slap your dace, trying to wake you up.

"Darling, please wake up... "The doors suddenly opened and the healer, an old woman entered the chambers, quickly moving over towards you.

Tony gripped her arm before she could do anything, making her look up at him. "Find out what happened."

She quickly nodded and got to her work, while Tony caught sight of Anne walking into the chambers. She gasped when she saw you unconscious and went to approach you, but Tony grabbed her under the arm and pushed her away. "Let her do her job."

He moved away from you as well and moved towards where Anne stood.

"I have something to ask you about."He told her, and she looked at him in question.

"Of course, Your Highness."

"You're her lady in waiting."He nodded over at you, and Anne nodded as well.

"I am."

"You would know if her and her mother were planning something to take over the throne, wouldn't you?"He asked. "And you would tell me?"

"Of course, Your Highness." She quickly said, as she looked over at your unconscious body. She didn't want to lie to the prince, but she had to.

"Good." Tony said and he looked over at where you gasped awake, sitting up in bed. It wasn't long before you made a gagging sound and the healer was quick to react, holding some dish in her hands for you to throw up in.

Tony looked... well, he looked like a mixture of terrified and disgusted. He watched you in shock as you continued to throw up before he was rushing towards you to hold your hair back, forgetting all about how disgusting he found the scene.

The whole room smelt like acid and Tony was surprised at how much you were throwing up. You were finally finished a few moments after and you moved back to the bed, the healer wiping your lips.

"What... what happened?" You asked Tony and he could hear you could barely even talk.

"I don't know, darling. You just lost consciousness while we were eating. You scared me." He said, rubbing his finger up and down your cheek.

"I... " You sobbed as you caught Tony's hand. "It hurt so much. I was scared."

"Your Highness", the woman spoke up, "I have to properly look into what happened to Her Highness. I suggest you wait outside the room. It will be finished in a few moments."

You gripped more onto Tony's hand, afraid to be left alone. He found your wide eyes looking at him and he rubbed over your hand to calm you down before he placed a kiss on your forehead. "Everything is going to turn out fine, darling. I have to go now, I'll wait outside the chamber."

You nodded and he left, along with Anne. You sighed as the woman got to work.

Just like she said, it wasn't long before he was asked to join you inside again and he found your surprised face.

"What happened to my wife?" He asked the healer, who was placing her things back in her bag.

"I have bad news, and the good nows, my lord. The bad news is, the Princess was poisoned. Seems like it was through her food." She said, making Tony just as surprised as you were.

"Are you sure?" He asked after a few moments of silence and realisation.

"I am. Did you eat any of the food?"She asked Tony, who shook his head. "I see. Well, we'll have to be more careful with Her Highness' food, considering she's also feeding a new life."

"What? What are you saying?" Tony asked, sounding distant. He looked over at you, only to see you nodding.

"Your wife is pregnant. You will be a father, Your Highness."

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