Part Thirteen

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It was two months later when you were stood in your and Tony's chambers, looking outside at the King who was obviously enjoying attention of a lady that was quite younger than him.

Your mother was stood behind you, looking over your shoulder.

"I don't want you to allow yourself to have a marriage like they do."She said. "Poor woman. Has to watch her husband walk around with a girl that can be his daughter."

The doors opened and Anne rushed inside in panic. She looked at you with wide eyes. "The Princess Virginia has gone into labour." She said and you closed your eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Just like I told you. It was bond to happen any day now." You told your mother. "Where is the prince?"

"He has been by her side when it started. And he is with her now."Anne said."What do you plan on doing, Your Highness?"

"I have no idea." You said as you sat down on the bed, holding a hand over your belly.

"See, I told you." Your mother pressed."He's been spending more time by her side now. He forgot about you."

"He loves her. More than anyone else. Even adores her. I saw it with my own eyes." Anne said.

The door opened and Esther was the one to walk inside. "She's still in labour."

You looked to Anne. "If what you said is true, he'll come here, won't he?"

"What are you going to do?" She asked.

"I have a plan." You looked to Esther."I want you to find a healer willing to do what I'm about to tell you. Tell her I'll pay her however much she wants."She listened further for your instructions before she walked out of the chambers.

You sat down on the bed and spoke to Anne. "I want you to tell the prince I'm not feeling well. Tell him there's a... risk of losing our child."

She smirked and nodded her head.

When Anne found Tony, he was sat besides screaming Princess Virginia, who was crying out in pain. He was comforting her while the healers moved around the chambers, trying to help her in any way they could. He looked up when Anne entered.

"My Prince. I apologise for intruding, but it's about Princess Y/N."

"What?" Tony asked, confused.

"Her Highness has not been feeling well the whole morning. She's sick and she's calling for you. The healer is worried about her and your child."

"What?" Tony repeated, standing up from his seat.

"Tony... " Virginia mumbled out, making Anne glare at her.

"I have to go." Tony repeated in panic. His whole face reddened before he rushed out of the chambers, Anne running after him.

When he reached your shared chambers, he bursted inside and looked around them. His gaze fell on you in your shared bed, looking sick. The healer was placing wet cloths on your forehead, no doubt in an attempt to lower your body temperature.

"My love", Tony said before he dropped to his knees next to the bed, by your side. "What happened?"

"Tony... " You mumbled out, your voice weak. "Is that you?"

"Yes, it's me." He took your hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing the back of it. "How are you feeling?"

"I... " He winced when you started to cough. "I thought you were with Virginia."

"Nothing is of more importance than you, my love." He kissed your hand again before looking at the healer."What is happening to my wife?"

"I don't feel well." You grabbed onto Tony more, while the healer spoke.

"The Princess is very weak, my Prince. We're not sure what is happening to her."

"What is the cause of this?!" He asked the woman, who looked to you. Tony looked down at you as well. "Y/N?"

"The cause is you ignoring my daughter. She has been ill for days now. It took you long enough to see."

"You have? Why didn't you tell me?"Tony looked down at you, moving your hair from your face. "I don't know what to say, my love. I hope you can forgive me, both of you." He kissed your stomach and, while he wasn't looking, you gave your mother a stern glare, while she just continued to act like she did nothing wrong. He looked up towards you again and you groaned in pain.

"I hope you see what you did to her by visiting that Virginia, is that her name? My daughter's been under enough pain because of her."

"Mother... " You warned her through your teeth.

"No, your mother is right." Tony said."I won't visit her anymore, I give you my word."

"Really?" You asked weakly.

"Of course." Tony said. "Leave us alone now." He ordered to everybody.

They quickly gathered their things and left you alone with the prince, who moved to lay down on his side of the bed. He kissed your forehead."Are you feeling better?"

"A bit, now that you're here." You smiled up at him.

The doors opened and a guard walked inside, bowing before he spoke to Tony."Your Highness, the Princess has given birth."

"Leave us." Tony said.


"Leave!" He said, louder this time.

The doors closed again and you were left alone. Tony's hand massaged the bump that just started to grow bigger and he pulled you into a hug. You gripped onto his shoulders, leaning your head on his chest before smirking to yourself. Your plan worked.

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