⚠️⚠️TW: Animal abuse, abuse and violence, manipulation, cussing, and s**cidal thoughts!!⚠️⚠️
{Val's Pov}
I stared into the mirror in the bathroom, just looking at myself. Had I always been this soft? This easy? This...who the hell knows. I start to mumble to myself, it's habit, I guess I really have lost it...
"Look at you...you piece of shit. Who the fuck are you gonna hurt today?. Huh? Ugly ass son ofa bitch." The thoughts raced through my head, barely processed before they come out of my mouth. I just keep staring at myself. "You don't deserve no mercy..no kindness...you deserve to be fucked down here. To rot." I punch the mirror, a loud CRASH sound following soon after as glass breaks all around me. Fuck it. I'll either cut myself pickin it up, or leave it and step on it later. The thoughts keep coming, eating at my brain, at what little bit of soul I have left in me. "You don't deserve no good...you...this is all you deserve, all you're good for...bein this..fuckin monster, look at yourself in the broken glass, that's you. This fuckin monster that you see is all you're ever gonna be, look at you." I walk out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, groaning as I sit down, more thoughts rush into my brain, it's almost part of my routine at this point, the thoughts, the talkin to myself, shit like this. "Ugly ass son of a bitch. You bastard of the-...." I pour a drink, I watch the rum flow into my cup, most people like coffee in the mornin, coffee isn't strong enough for me. I need somethin that feels like a punch in the face. Rum. Whiskey. Vodka. Tequila. Gin. Any of that shit. "Go out there, do what you do best, pretend......play the fuckin asshole you always was, just another fuckin day." I walk back into the bathroom and kick the glass aside, then run the tap water and splash my face before turning off the light and quickly shutting the door. I walk into my closet and grab my jacket, looking in the full body mirror now, mumbling again. "Thats all you deserve, you are Valentino. This is all you are." I took a deep breath and walked down the stairs and into the club, music already blasting and my girls entertaining the few customers we had this mornin. Scumbags really, scumbags that pay me good Fuckin money for cheap sluts who wouldn't be shit without me. I saved them off the streets, or the circus, or somethin that was worse than this. They can complain all theys want, this is better than Whateva fuckin situation they was in before me. I wave to some of my girls, they give me a fake, perfect smile back and wave. Except angel, who wasn't here yet, late again, I'll punish him for that later. I down the rest of my drink, tossing my glass down and walk backstage, exiting through the curtains and onto the main floor, I smile at the crowd and clear my throat, "LADIES and Gentledemons~ demons of all kinds, welcome to Valentinos 'humble' abode~" the crowd cheers and I laugh, this is what makes it worth it, the money, the fame, the power. "Now, unfortunately y'all gots to pay to play while ya here, this is my little pension, after all!~ so, feel free to come on in, spend your money, and I will show y'all a real good time~..." they cheer louder, I wink at them and watch as a few swoon. "One which you will never..ever, forget~ but first! Put your claws, paws, or fuckin hands together for the pretty pixie pole dancer herself, Demi moonshine!~" they erupt in cheers and I step off the stage as Demi, one of my most prized dancers, steps on stage. She's cute, an Imp who's good at what she does. She isn't as good as angel, but she ain't any worse. I sit and watch from my chair, it's placed directly across from the stage, just so I can see everythin that happens, who's makin quick grabs, who tosses the cheapest amount of cash, who's goin to take her home tonight. I know a lot about Demi, she was one of my first stars after all, and she knows a lot about me, more than any of my others. She's cocky, that's for damn sure, currently she was dancing and lip syncing to some new-age pop song, somethin about confidence, fuck if I know, somethin velvet would enjoy probably. I watch the crowds reaction, demons whistle and grab, some toss money, tips that I'll split, half for her, half for me. She swings around the pole and slowly slips out of the shirt she had on, now in a lacy bralette and a mini-skirt, this earns an array of applause, and I light a cigarette, the song slowly comes to end and she collects her tips swiftly before a new song begins. That's when I see them. Babycakes, a newer dancer, real good. "Babycakes, come on over here and sit by me," I pull them close and kiss them, they smile and blush. A melancholy smile though, nothin genuine, just a "im smilin cause I have to" smile. "Mm..you are lookin like a fiiiine~ lookin doll tonight~" they muttered a weak 'thank you sir', they was wearing a short red mini-dress, black heels, and a new jacket- wait, a new jacket? Where's that old eyesore they always have?? "Mhm, hey, did I buy that?" I ask, pointin to the jacket, "Um...no sir, I-I bought it myself, I thought it looked nice-" I interrupt them, "you bought that? Holy shit baby, you look good enough to eat~...". I chuckle, they blush harder and again mutter a thank you. I nod and take another glance around, making sure everyone's in their proper spots. Angel still won't here. I turn to babycakes, "Now, baby, where the fuck is angel dust?." I look down at them. "I...I don't know sir..." Liar. They look down at the floor and then away from me. "What do you mean. You don't know. He is on in two fuckin minutes, followed by you. Or, have you forgotten that?." They went to speak, I cut them off, "You see, if he don't go on, you don't go on, and if you don't go on, the person after you don't go on, the whole thing gets fucked!. So.." I grab their face, tears already made themselves seen in their eyes, "I need you to tell me where he is." I stare at them and they look away "I-I don't know.." Liar. Fuckin liar. "Look. me in. the eyes. Y/n and say that again...." The fear in their eyes was somethin different, I love it. I love that I have that power. See, once someone works for me, their name they used when they was alive is gone. No one uses it, except me. And that means trouble. "S-say what?...Mm..." They ask, as if they're stupid. "That you don't. Know." They blink away their tears and stare into my eyes, but I can hear their voice breaking as they mutter for the third time "I d-don't kn-know sir...." I let go of their face, "Hm...I believe you, now..GUS." A worker of mine, he turns his head and babycakes rubs their jaw, "get the fuck over here, now!" "Um..what's wrong boss??" "I don't suppose you know where Angel is?" He looks at me as if I asked a stupid question, like I was an idiot. "Not sure boss, he came in, said something about going for a smoke, but that was about an hour ago, before you arrived..I don't know where he is now-" Fuck. Of course angel would do this shit. I'm pissed, fuckin bitch wastin my time after everythin I have done for him?! "Am..am I, goin completely out of my fuckin mind?. Where the fuck is he?. He is on in TWO. FUCKIN. MINUTES. After whiskey is finished, he's. on. And I will look like a fuckin idiot if he does not show—" Gus interrupted me. "Have you tried his room?...sir?..." Damnit. "No, I have not. But—" Nevermind. "Wait...hol' on....I think I know where he might be. Hold the floor for a minute Gus, and you babycakes...you just stand there and...Oohh...you just look like you~" I smirked and chuckled, looking them up and down. Damn. "I'll see y'all in a minute.." I walk away from them, the further I walk, the quieter the music gets until it's just silence. I walk toward his dressing room, his private room really, I read off the names of the other rooms quietly to myself, then stop in front of his door and knock. "Angel~" No response. I knock again. Nothin. I back up and then kick the door down, my voice quickly changes, a demonic tone, "Angel where the FUCK are you?. You are on in two fuckin minutes." Nothin. Silence. Deafenin silence. I look around for a second. "Hm...alright...we'll play it your way then.." I pull out my phone and dial angels number, "I will fuckin call you. And you better have a damn good reason bitch." I was talkin to myself really, he won't here, but talkin to him simultaneously. The phone rang and I held it to my head, Angel answered, he went to speak and I interrupted, "Angel! Baby, where are you?" "I-I was on the way daddy, I took a smoke break and a-a small nap at the hotel, but I ended up oversleepin, a-and the princess she—" "Oh, I see, well, silly me! I mean, after all, you are on in two fuckin minutes." "I know, daddy I know, I'm on m-my way, but I-" "I don't give a sh-" suddenly I heard a loud squeal come from the closet, I turn my head towards the g•d-awful sound, "what the fuck was that?.." Angel began pleading over the phone "don't open the closet! Val, Daddy!, Val!" I opened it anyways, he can't tell me what to do. A....pig. A fuckin pig?. What the fuck? "An-Angel, why do you have a fuckin pig in your room?." I stared at the animal in front of me, a small, fat, pink little pig with big round eyes, it was actually kind of cute. "T-that's nuggs, he's my pet, I can't keep him here, h-he needed to stay somewhere, please don't hurt him..he's my co-companion!" I smile, getting an idea I hadn't thought of before. "Oh..I see, he's a little companion for ya..well ain't that sweet.." Angel sighs with relief, this only fuels my anger more, "ain't that Fuckin sweet?. Hey there little guy," I pushed the pig a bit with my leg as it oinks and wiggles around, I hear angel gasp over the phone. "Well ain't you cute, let's see if you like bein picked up!" I grabbed the animal by the foot and it squealed and wiggled in my grasp, which only made me hold him tighter. "Daddy, daddy please! Please don't hurt him, please put him down, I-I-I'm so sorry that I'm late, it—" "Angel. You have exactly one minute to get out from whereva fuckin pisshole you are in, before I tear this motherfuckin pig into bacon. Do I make myself perfectly clear?." I could hear his sniffles at this point, had he been cryin?? Of fuckin course, the damn drama queen. "Yes daddy..crystal clear..." "Good. What's his name again?" He sighs, "Fat nuggets, I call em nuggs.." what the fuck kinda name— "Ok, ok..*chuckle* if you wanna call em that. That is, it's totally up to you, I just think that's fuckin cruel, but aye, that's jus me" I laughed, at the name, the stupid pig, angels vulnerability, it was all a joke to me. "One minute. Startin now, tick tock baby~" the pig continues to squirm and squeal, as I hang up the phone and start to whistle, I drop it to the ground and it screams even louder, this is why I don't keep pets. "What the hell are screamin for?! All I did was pick you up by the hind leg, I ain't actually doin nothin." I peek at my watch. 30 seconds. I look back down at the pig and start to wonder what he would taste like, it's been ages since I've had real bacon, I chuckle to myself as I hear a knock. Bingo. "Come in," I turn around, fully expectin to see angel, teary eyed and terrified, but instead, I see them again, maybe they knew about angels little friend. "Hey babycakes, um, did you know anythin about this Fuckin pig here?" "U-um..yes sir, I did, I thought you-" "Oh you did? Ain't he cute?" I picked the pig back up again and dangled it, almost instantly they shouted at me. They shouted. At. Me. "PUT HIM DOWN!" Who the hell do they think they is?! "What the fuck did you just say to me?" Again they repeat, this time calmer, "put him down." In some bossy ass tone, "put em down? Why the fuck should I. Angel is reaaalll late. And he has exactly..." I peek at my watch, "20 seconds before I tear this Fuckin pig in half. And eat em. " "NO. Put him down. NOW." Ohhhh...oh no no no, no. Abso-fuckin-lutely not. I sit my phone down. I set the pig down again and stare at y/n. "Babycakes.." I look down at the pig and push him with my foot, "run along pig. Babycakes, just when I think we have passed the point of no return...you keep pushin the fuckin line..with me." They fidget with their hands and back up a bit, "and you know what?" I walk closer with each word and then grab them and pin them against angels vanity, they let out a small yelp and a few hushed whines. Like an injured dog. "Im not puttin up with it any damn more...you've seen how I treat angel, how I treat Vox, how I treat-..pretty much everybody, because they remind me of me?...you are just plain fuckin me off!." They flinch and tears fill their eyes, I wrap a hand around their throat and squeeze it as they start to gasp for air. "Alright..now I am afraid I will not be lettin go of your throat until you agree with me on som'n.." They do their best to nod and gasp for more air, tears streamed down their face now and they looked away, to the floor. Fuckin.."Look at me." Their eyes stay fixated on the floor. "Look at me." They look into my eyes, I can see them startin to pass out. "You will not do this again. Do I make myself clear?" They nod and whine, "Good...oh, I'm sorry ya feet are off the floor, I don't even know my own strength sometimes..you remember that. Remember that you are my employee. Nothin more. That's all y'all are ever gonna be. Believe that." I let them go and back up as they fall to their knees and gasp for air, coughing, nearly throwing up. "Now fuck off." They wipe their eyes, stand up and leave, shutting the door quietly behind them. Suddenly, I feel this pounding ache throughout my body, I fall into the vanity and it crashes to the ground, spewing glass, makeup, glitter, and other shit everywhere. I pant and groan. "Whats..fuck, what's happenin to me?!" My face starts to feel hot, and almost instantly the ache is gone, but now comes a warm sensation on my face, it rolls from my eye down my cheek and drips off my chin into my hands. "Am I...Fuckin cryin again?!..." I look at my hands only to be met with the bright crimson red that I know so well, "Wh-blood?.." my confusion quickly turns to anger. How the fuck can I let myself go like this?! Be so weak?! Over what? A whore that showed me a little kindness?! They are a slut. No. No. NO. I get up and slam the door behind me, wiping the bloody tears off my face, I refuse, REFUSE to feel this way. For anyone. No. I refuse to feel like this anymore. My breath is pitched and heavy, my eyes blurry, as I stumble slowly through the halls. I am Valentino. I am..I sniffle and blink away the tears, ignoring the weird ache in my heart, and the pounding in my head, and the lump in my throat, I refuse. I will not feel like this g•ddamnit. I mumble again, and suddenly I find myself on my knees with my hands folded and my head down, a position that I so strongly remember hatin as a kid, the position of prayer, the position of faith. "G•d, whatever the fuck you are doin to me, I refuse to feel like this. Do you hear me?. I am the fuckin king down here. NOT you. You have no place in my heart, you have no place putting that fuckin-...that fuck-..." the tears stream but I wipe them away roughly and take a deep breath, "and no. No. A-fuckin-men." I hold the position for a minute before realizing the time. Fuck. Angels 2 minutes are probably already up. Hm..let's say 30 seconds. I begin to count down under my breath as I stand up. "29...28....27...26...25..." I walk back towards his room and open the door, sitting patiently on his couch next to the pig. "22...21...20....19...18..." I grab the pigs leg again and it screams as I dangle it in front of me, leaving the door wide open, "10...9...8...7..6...5....4....3-" My phone rings and I answer, "Hello?. Oh! Angel baby, how are you?" "V-Val I am comin in now, please tell me you haven't hurt him, please!" "Oh, me and fat nuggets are gettin on like a house on fire, he does so enjoy dangling upside down in my hand. See? Hear em squeal?" I smile and hold the phone to the pig, "now hear him havin the time of his life?? Mhm," I laugh and angel continues to beg, "Th-the Fuckin doors locked! Val I'm outside, I-I just can't get in, daddy please!" "Oh you're locked out? Hm..I suppose..hmmm.." I click my tongue and I can hear him breathe heavily, did he run here? Probably. Good. "Hm, what do I do about that? Do I put your pig down and help you inside?...or, do I just be cruel so that y'all never do anythin like this shit again?. Hm..decisions, decisions" the pig screams louder as I hold him tighter. "No! No, daddy please I promise, I'll never, never do anythin like this again, I swear on my life! Please, please!" He was practically sobbin at this point, no one wants to see a whore cry on stage. Bad for business. I sat nuggets down on the floor and it scurried off to the corner. "Ok! Fine! I'll let you in, now calm the fuck down, Jesus Christ." He continued to plead, and cry, and beg, fuckin annoyin ass..."For the love of nine-sucker, I have put your Fuckin pig down, will you calm the fuck down?" I hear him sniffle and take a deep breath. "Ye-yes daddy..sorry...thank you..." "uh-huh," I hang up and walk out of the room, "GUS, go let angel in, I'm sure suffered enough. Tell him to get immediately on stage. The songs ended, he is on. Go." "Sure thing boss," he starts to walk away and I roll my eyes, "RUN." He quickly picks up the pace, and I walk back out to the main floor, I stop by tables and check up on my guest, I talk to my regulars, a few old friends, one of which had gotten themselves knocked up by one of my male workers, not my fault they paid for unprotected. As I walked away from one of my guest and over toward the bar, I noticed babycakes standing in the corner, wiping tears away, I walked over. Not cause I cared, but because I can't have them standin around doin fuckin nothin when perfectly good patrons are waitin on their entertainment. "Baby..what's the matter?" The flinch almost as soon as they see me, I gently caress their face and push their chin up to look at me, and lower my voice to a whisper, somethin soothin. "Awe what's the matter?.." they glare at me, as if to say "you know what's fuckin wrong you piece of-" I smile. They need to learn to get used to my treatment. Like it or not. "Don't pretend you dont love it when I'm..rough with you~" they keep glaring up at me with teary eyes, and mumble-just loud enough to hear. "I don't..." I smirk and grip their face a bit tighter, bringin mine closer, and lowerin my voice real nice, "that's not what you said the other night~....now you be a good little doll, and come sit with me on my little throne~"...they turn all shades of red and suddenly that "I hate you" glare turns into a "fuck me here and now" stare, my favorite fuckin kind. I smile and grab their hand, leading them up to my chair, I sit and pull them into my lap. "Thank you so very much babycakes, you are a treasure~..now you sit here and enjoy the show, angels on now, as he fuckin should be." They make themselves comfortable on my lap, and I hold their waist and stare at the stage. Damn. I want them, to rip their clothes off, to bite them, mark them, own them. And I can tell they want it too, they want me to do that to them. I tuck their hair behind their ear and whisper into it "meet me backstage..after your show, we'll talk~..that good enough for you?" They blush, "yes sir~" I kiss their neck gently, "Good...then go get ready for your show, you're up soon enough. And I want to see everybody watchin that Body of yours.." they get up and and walk off towards backstage, as I lean back and watch the rest of angels show.🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
A/N: Hey hey folks! Sorry for not writing, literally been mentally ehhhh, so. Anyways, enjoy this chapter, leave notes, leave tips, <3 love you all! 💕

Him.. (Val x Reader/oc)
Fanfiction‼️WARNING: this story contains the following: Smut, alcohol and drug use, mentions of abuse, gore, and vulgar language. ‼️ This is a story based entirely on Joseph Holloway's Valentino asmr rp storyline, with my own personal twist. I got permission...