⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter includes SEVERE torture, it starts off with light smut, and it includes the usual cussing and things, if you're uncomfortable, as per usual there will be a brief summary on the bottom of the page! Thank you!⚠️
"Val~..Val~ mm~..p-please please~.." he bit down, rough, he kissed my neck as I felt myself get tighter around him, "stay still baby~ keep talkin to me, tell daddy exac'ly what you want~ tell BEEP BEEP BEEP.....BEEP BEEP BEEP"— I groan and hit my alarm off. That's the 3rd wet-dream I've had about him this week. The third time I've washed my sheets, and the third time I've debated buying a 'toy'. Either way, I wake up the same: I groan, I sit there and think about the dream, replaying every detail I remember, then I turn off my alarm, get up, take a shower, brush my teeth and hair, get dressed for work, light a joint and smoke while making a light breakfast, and finally fix up my makeup before going to work. I've told Ivy and Angel about these dreams, no one else knows though. I walk down the street. I listen to the cars and the conversations— blocking out all the "Hey mamas" and "damn baby" comments I get on my way— I put one earbud in and play my music as I walk, the studio is exactly 1 and a half songs away, once I make it there Vox greets me at the door, I smile and wave back, taking my earbuds out and going to my dressing room, the music of the studio blasting throughout. As I finish fixing up my hair, I hear a knock.
"Um..babycakes? Mister Valentino is requesting you in his office, he says it's urgent...he needs to speak with you, right now." Gus says, I can hear the tone in his voice, the shakiness makes me nervous...I haven't done anything wrong this week! "Yea..I'll be right there!" I quickly grab my bag and walk out of the room, going up the steps and into Val's office. He was sitting there, smoking per usual, completely straight-faced. "..Val?" I said in a hushed- almost whispered tone. "Oh, babycakes..yes come in, y'all sit down, sit down..drink?" I shook my head as I took a seat across from him. "Listen I'm sure you's confused as to why I have called you into my office...." He got up and shut the door. "So allow me to explain it: Babycakes, you need to listen to me..to understand the kind of position that I's in." He walked back over to his chair and sat down, putting his cigarette out on his neck before laying it in the ashtray, "..Alright?" I responded, what does he mean?? Understand what position? "Alright..see my..feelin's—" "You don't have feelings for me. I know. You've..made that clear. You're my boss, I'm your employee. There is no romantic feeling involved, just sexual. And what we did was an act of lust." I knew it. I knew he would bring it up again. I was so so stupid! "Hm..good, I'm glad we understand eachother now. In a..professional tongue, I do not have any feelins for you...on a more personal level perhaps...I think...I think that I...I..." He froze up and his voice drifted, a tense, uncomfortable silence filled the atmosphere, before it was broken by Val throwing and shattering his glass of Jack Daniels that was once in his hand towards me. I flinched back as he stood up. "G•ddamnit why is it so hard to tell YOU?!" More silence. I held my breath. His was shallow and heavy. "It feels like a part of me is trynna...prevent myself from sayin it...it's like it's not...it's like it's sayin that it's not in my character. It's not myself. I'm trynna tell you...I think on a person-..personal level......I do...I do have..feelin's for you." He gasped a bit and clutched his chest, I stayed still and silent, this had to be a trap. It just HAD to be. "S..somethin hurts whenever..." he gasped some more, his breath becoming more shallow, like when you're choking. I stood up and reached for his face, he smacked my hand away. "N..No. don't touch me...I'm sor..please..don't touch me." I sat back down not saying anything and instead just watching him as he held his breath, some of the glass had cut my cheek, I could feel where it had scraped against me, I could feel the warm blood roll down my cheek and drip on my lap. "Ok..alright...I'm fine now.....On a personal level, I think that's right. I don't think it could be anythin else.." "that's swee—" "But it can't work. I can't be 'that' person for you. You have touched me in a way that nobody else down here- well..I'm sure even up there...ever has before..and it's not..'s not natural for me." Tears welled up in my eyes and I nodded. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him, continuing this one-sided conversation. "Why the hell would you care about somebody like me..huh?. An evil piece of shit like me. I don't deserve your....affection. All I deserve is Whateva comes to me down here. You need. To understand that." He clutched his chest again. "I can't be that person for you y/n. I can't. Can't be that person for you. I can't—...fuck." His phone ringtone broke the awkward silence, as "S&M" by Rihanna played. I wiped my eyes and he grabbed his phone. I didn't know what to think, or feel, I wasn't listening to his conversation much, until I heard my name. "Alright..be on my way over, I'll have'ta take babycakes with me though.....yea thas the one...well you caught me at an inconvenient moment. So I can't afford to be picky, and neither can you" he snickered, I touched the cut on my cheek. "Alright. I'll be over soon." He hung up his phone and put it in his pocket, then looked at me, the cut, then back at me. I tried to read his face, remorse? Hurt? Anger? Sadness? I couldn't tell, but I knew that by my puffy, red eyes, tear stained cheeks and shaky hands he could read me like you're reading this story. "Babycakes, business. I'm afraid you gon' have to come with me." I looked at him, silent, but the way he said that— he laughed, "I know that kinda sounded like a threat didn't it?. Now. Let's go." We both stood up, walked out of the office and down the stairs. The music blasted, I stared at the floor and Val walked ahead of me, I felt like a dog on a leash, the way I obediently followed behind my owner the same way a happy mutt does on a daily walk. I got into the limo and sat across from him, silent still, he got in and snapped and I was quick to fix my seating and sit next him. My mind flurried with what he had said, the past few months were pretty rough...a couple of times wished we both were..dead? No, we're already dead, well whatever's worse than dead! I wish we were that. I wish I would've just left JT when I had the chance and I wish I would've gotten a taxi home. I wish.......we pulled up to an abandoned looking warehouse. Val got out first and held open the door for me, then gestured that I follow. I got out of the limo and walked closely behind him, the only sound being made in that moment was the sound of our heels clicking the tough cement pavement, and the sound of Val's breathing, which was heavier than usual, but maybe he was nervous about this meeting, he didn't say what it was about, just that I had to go with him. "Now let me be clear before we get inside.." he stopped in front of the large metal doors and tossed his cigarette down onto the cement, stomping it out, "You are here because I am not quite done with our conversation, nothin more than that. So, you'll be nice and quiet, not a word. Right?" I nodded silently, to which he gave me a pat on the head as if I was a dog, a way of saying "good pet, you listened". He pulled open the doors with a quiet creek sound coming from the semi-rusted hinges, and as we stepped inside our footsteps filled the small, yet vacuous building. Along with the sound of punching and a man groaning and screaming in agony. "P-please..please, don't do this anymore! I..I don't ha-have the money! I don't-" "Im afraid that's a problem you're gonna have to take up wit' the boss now...awe you've really fucked up this time~" the sound of metal, like a pocket knife or switch blade or something, could be heard flicking open, this didn't stop the pleas. "Please I'll pay you, please j-just let me go!..please!.." it was desperate pleading.
Val smiled and whispered to me "I believe this is the place...let's meet our guests, shall we?"He chuckled as he stepped closer and waved a hand to the two shark-breed demons, these must be the loan sharks he refers to, like a mob, I guess. They stepped back and revealed a severely beaten and battered imp tied to a chair, the only source of lighting directly above him, as if making him the main character. "Holy shit on a brick, I have never in my life seen a more *chuckle* pathetic sight. Andy McMillon, stretched out, and prostrated in front of-" "please listen to me, please, there has been a serious..serious mistake. Alright? Please! You need to believe me!" His eyes darted around the room—at least the one that wasn't swollen shut, I avoided eye contact, and in doing so realized that Andy's...woody...was completely present, one of the sharks, the one holding the knife, must've planned to cut it off before val showed up. "Oh I do..I do Andy, I really do. I believe that there has been a serious mistake....You see, when you do a drug deal for me, you are supposed to take the money back. And you are to take your own cut IN FRONT. OF. ME." I hate to say how much that demonic voice he did when he was angry not only frightened me, but also turned me on.."But you didn't do that! Did you? You just took the whole damn thing and you thought that I wouldn't find out. Good job boys." The sharks nodded and put their weapons on a table. "Please Val y—....." Andy's eyes turned towards me, we made eye contact, he stared at me with a look of fear, shock, confusion even. "No...no...it can't be...is that-" "Who the hell do you—" He followed Andy's gaze to me, his expression going from pure anger to just bewilderment. "You lookin at babydoll?-" I looked at the floor. "What? Is that..you?...I tried..I tried to save your life, don't..d-don't you remember?? Before you-you died? I tried to save your life, do you remember me? It's Andy! It's Andy don't you remember?!" His voice was breaking, panicked, truth be told I didn't remember him..he seemed familiar but all demons look the same down here, except Val, Val was unique. He clicked his tongue and his face turned sour..jealous.."Do you know this spineless little dick-weasel. Baby?." I stared at him, I stared hard. I replayed my death for the millionth time...I replayed the car crash. The paramedics—PARAMEDICS. He was one of the fucking doctors trying to nurse me back to health. Holy Lucifer..how could I forget that?..."Um..y-yes I do" he stared at me. Andy stared at me. One of the guards looked at me, the other kept his eyes on Val, like he was waiting for Val to blow. "Holy fuck you do?..Welll! Isn't this just a 'beautiful' reunion then?" He let out a sarcastic laugh. "I only wish it could be under better circumstances. Unfortunately," Val grabbed the knife from the table as Andy began to plead for his life, cowardly 'no's' being yelled "you have been very..VERY..bad. And Bad boys need to be punished~" Val took the knife and held it to Andy's neck, the slowly moved it down to his dick and began sliding the sharp blade down with light pressure, enough for bleeding, not enough for a scar, all the while Andy screamed and cried. "You need to tell me what you did with the money boy." "I don't h-have the m-" "Or I will continue." "I-it was a mistake..I don't have the money..but I-" "no no no, shhhh.." Val caressed Andy's face gently, rubbing away some blood and tears, almost tender..sweet...if he hadn't of been torturing him just now, I would've thought Val cared for the young man. "You need to calm down boy..you need to save your energy for alll the screamin y'all about to do..but first-" I couldn't watch anymore. This guilt, I had this painstaking guilt watching a man that desperately tried to save my life, get so heavily tortured by a man I l...I worked for. Val looked down at me, his expression softened, but still had this twinge of annoyance. "What is it babydoll?" "M..maybe you could let him go?...Val?.." Rage. That was all I could see in his eyes. "Let. Him. Go?...You hear this shit Fellas?" He looked at the sharks who both smiled wide toothy grins and snickered to eachother. One spoke up, "Sure did boss, fucking crazy. This prick stole from us, don't you understand that 'princess'?" I rolled my eyes, but Val swiftly let go of Andy and grabbed my face tight. "Yes. Don't you that?. Babydoll, he stole from..." He looked me up and down for a moment before making eye contact again, "us. You understand? He stole from m-uh-us! And I need to make him know that he's never gonna be—" "I didnt steal it in the first place! I keep telling you! This is a mistake, look, listen," Val looked at him, I looked at him, but Andy looked at me. "You need to tell him that it's a mistake, I s-saved your life! Alright?..or at least, tried, ok-" My eyes were filling with tears, maybe it was because of Val's grip, the fear, but I think it was mostly the guilt. "Y-you we're the paramedic...You pulled me out of the car..gave me c..cpr..all of that.." "YES! Yes that was me! A-and I tried to save you! Y...you remember!" He smiled wide and looked at me as if I had just granted his greatest wish. I looked back at val, who tightened his grip even more and looked like someone had punched him in the jaw..he looked hurt. And mad. "You..remember. Well..I'm sorry y/n, but I can't make..exceptions. You understand?." He let go of me, shoving me to the ground, I let out a silenced whimper and the joy that once was filling Andy's eyes slowly faded back to fear. "Now if y'all excuse me I have some things to discuss with Mr. Andy here. Now if you could-" I picked myself up off the floor, I took a deep breath and looked at Val. "I liked it better when you played Violin..it was prettier than this." He stared at me in a way he's never looked at me. The way a lion looks at an injured gazelle. Or a snake looks at an oblivious bird. The way predators look at prey. Like he was going to kill me. Val wanted to kill me. "Wh- violin?" The shark looked at val. "What violin? Fuck Val, you play the fucking violin?!" Val dropped the knife and it clanked against the ground, I swallowed the lump in my throat and slowly started backing away, my breath picking up and my heart racing. With each step I took, he stepped closer. "You...you FUCKIN SLUT. HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU SAY THAT. INFRONT OF EVERYONE. Y/N. Huh?. I will...FUCKIN KILL-" He swung his fist toward me and I just barely dodged it, he hit the wall instead, slightly denting the metal. That one punch would've killed me. I ran. I ran fast. I didn't know if he was chasing me, but I could hear him yelling after me. "Get back. Get back here now!." He threw something toward me, something metal as it clanked on the ground when it hit. I tugged on the metal doors as hard as I could, tears streamed down my cheeks and my hands were clammy, my breath hitched and my heart felt like it wasn't beating. "IM GONNA...After everythin. We went through. You're just gonna drop the ball on me like that?." I just managed to pull the door open when he managed to throw something through one of the windows near me, I ducked and covered my head as glass fell all around, slightly cutting my arms and some of my exposed skin. "You piece of shit." He walked closer to me, I scrambled across the room and was able to hide under a table, the room wasn't as small as I thought, maybe the darkness just made it seem that way. "You are gonna pay for this baby," he fired a bullet in my direction, as a final shot, I took my chance and ran as fast as I could, somehow summoning the instant strength to pull the door open and run outside. He stood by the door and yelled from inside the building. "Yea you run y/n! Go on and run fast! If I see you again...you'll be a corpse on the damn ground. You hear me?!." I could hear his voice breaking, even then, but there was a buzzing in my ear that only seemed to get louder as I ran faster and faster, further and further, until I couldn't see the limo, or the wearhouse, I ran until I found a small, empty alleyway to sit down in, and for the first time, I felt at home.⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️WOW! Super long chapter that totally didn't take me months to finish! Anyways, sorry for the break, I was so so busy with life, but I should be working on chapters more often now! So yay! For those who skipped, in this chapter val confronts you on his feelings and how it just isn't his thing, but does he mean it? Or is he just playing hard to get?...you go on a work thing with him down to a wearhouse were you're reunited with the paramedic that tried to save your life before you died, Andy, but Andy fucked up with Val and there's a price to pay. You try to help, but it only results in Val getting so mad at you that he turns into his natural, demonic instinct and decided that you have to 💀 one more time. Will you die again? Will Val fall in love? Tune in whenever I post the next chapter to find out! As always, stay safe, love ya! ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️

Him.. (Val x Reader/oc)
Fanfiction‼️WARNING: this story contains the following: Smut, alcohol and drug use, mentions of abuse, gore, and vulgar language. ‼️ This is a story based entirely on Joseph Holloway's Valentino asmr rp storyline, with my own personal twist. I got permission...