⚠️⚠️CW DONT SKIP THIS PLEASE!: This chapter will contain Smut, degradation, praise, and light bondage, if you are not comfortable, then please skip this chapter, there will be a tl;dr at the bottom for those of you who are uncomfortable with these topics, ok thank you!! ⚠️⚠️
I got ready, doing my makeup, fixing my hair, I looked beautiful. Angel didn't know what he was talking about, Val didn't lie! He promised to buy me the finest things in afterlife and he did! I went from wearing cheap knock-off brands, to wearing Prada! Versace! Louis Viton! I was fabulous. I smiled as I covered up the bruises and marks from that woman, that she-devil. And got ready for a night with My....boss. Val is my boss. I'm so stupid, I can't be over in my room dreaming of some fantasy life with him!. Don't be naive. Not again. Not like last time. I grabbed my bag, took a hit off of a cigarette to clear my head and then walked downstairs and to his office. Ivy stopped me on the way. "Hey, Um, Babycakes right? Or do you prefer y/n?" She asked, getting closer she was pretty, and her voice was nice. "Uh..either is fine." I said, not trying to rush conversation but trying to hurry to val. "I'll just call you babes, anyway, I heard what happened earlier with that client...sorry, if you need to talk to anyone, I'm here for you hun. I promise, I know me and angel seem like total assholes, at least to each other, but that's all for fun, y'know?" She said. I nodded and smiled, she was really nice, her words were genuine, however I don't think Angel likes me at all, and I don't 'vent' my problems. To anyone. Ever. "Thank you Ivy, I appreciate that, hey I have to get going val needed me, but talk later? Maybe grab a drink?" She smiled back and touched my hand. "Totally! But I only trust the drinks my boyfriend makes, see you around babes!" I watched as she walked away, then walked upstairs to Val's office. There was silence from inside the office, other than soft music that had been on all day—Jazz—I knocked and stood there, waiting."come on inside babycakes, I been waitin for ya" he's been waiting on me?? That's,..I opened the door and walked in, getting hit instantly with the smell of cigarettes. I smoke, but not constantly, this was a strong scent. He eyed me up and down, then stood up and walked over, "Ain't you prettier than a Georgia Peach?" What? Is that a compliment? "Uhm....?" "It's a good thing hun, means I think you's look good" he explained. "Oh, thank you sir" I said, blushing slightly and looking down. He tilted my chin up, "you are very welcome, and how about for tonight, you just call me Val. Ok?" "Yes si—Val" I responded, he smiled and nodded, then without further hesitation we walked to his limo. I at first sat across from him, until he insisted I sit beside him. "Now why is y'all all the way over d'ere? C'mon here sug, I don't bite, unless ya want me to~...Nah! I'm just jokin, but come on over here babycakes." He let out a wheezy laugh and I moved over, sitting beside him as he rested a hand on my lower thigh. I fluttered with excitement, but stayed silent. What do you say to one of the most powerful, cruel overlords in all of hell, who on top of that is your boss, and takes you out for dinner?! "...I'm sorry about being dramatic, you must think—" "Hush with that, I shouldnta set you up with her if I had known y'all won't gonna handle it properly. It's on me, Tha's why I'm takin y'all out baby." I nodded. "You don't talk much, do ya?" "Someone's observant" the thought passed my mind. "Uh...no, not really..." I answered, shaking my head and staring at the floor. "Shaaaame, you have a pretty li'l voice...I would just love to hear what all you have to say~...maybe, more than just words, if this night goes as planned~" He smirked and looked at me, as I felt my cheeks turn red and hot, my mind was so flustered I could only manage to make incoherent sounds before choking out a meek "W-wh-what um..what uhhh do you m-mean by that Val?" He just looked at me and then tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, before leaning close and whispering "Babydoll, I think you know good and well what that means~....But it's up to you whether or not anythin happens, if you, allow me to entice you~" at this point I was as red as his Jacket, and hot as all of hell. He is a bad guy! He's awful! Terrible! One of the worst demons in hell but yet, I'm drawn to him, like a pathetic little moth to a blazing candle, whatever his plan was for tonight, I crave it. I'll do whatever he says, as long as it ends with long, lustful, passionate, fornication. After a few minutes of conversation, we pulled up to a restaurant and got out of the car. It was fancy, 5 stars, too fancy for me, I wasn't going to fit in maybe I should just go home- "pretty ain't it?" My head snapped up and looked at him, then nodded, "mhm..very nice thank you..." he chuckled, then led me inside, as he spoke to the hostess I stood next to him and looked around, I looked at the people, all of them so rich and fancy, better than me in every way. I was a nothing. A nobody. To everyone here, including Val. I shifted and then followed behind closely as Val and the hostess walked us to a table. I'm not good enough to be here, I could never afford a place like this. I sat down in front of him, keeping my eyes locked on the floor. "So, tell me some more about yall'self, I like to know my merchan—Employees..on a more um...personal level." He said, as he scanned the menu with his finger. "What do you wanna know?.." "I want to know about you, baby, ya hopes, ya dreams, where y'all is from, how y'all died. The works." I sighed. "Hopes, died a long time ago, dreams went with em. I was from Kansas, moved to L.A. when I was young—well, actually, I didn't "move" I ran away. I couldn't stand my parents, or my siblings. And as for how i died, I died in a car crash. So." I said, looking up at him. He nodded his head for a minute, but said nothing. It was silent until the waitress came to get the drinks, i ordered a water but he insisted on the Red wine, so I caved and got that instead. He got the same. More silence until she brought the bottle and two glasses, he poured our drinks and i finally spoke. "What about you?" I said, taking a sip of my wine. "Hm?" He stared at me confused, so I continued "Your life alive? What about you, i want to know my boss on a 'personal' level" i giggled as i took another sip. He chuckled a bit, then said "Well...My hopes are that this night ends well and you'll enjoy workin for me. My dreams are to be the greatest and most successful pimp in all of hell...Im from New Orleans, born and raised, and i don't remember how I died, and if i do, then ive blocked it out." I smiled a bit, he doesnt seem like a 'bad guy', just a normal soul..."What about your family?" He stopped drinking and stared at the glass, a scowl forming on his face, I must've hit a soft spot, as he stayed silent until the waitress came back to get our food orders. I kept it simple and ordered a pasta that was on the menu, he ordered a steak with some sides. I can't stand silence, it makes me think I'm in trouble. Growing up, a silent house meant someone was mad—Typically my mother—and we were all in trouble. "L-look I'm sorry, I was just making conversation and—" "It's fine. But my family life is none of ya business, so you best not be tryin to figure things out. Only thing that matters now, is that I have vox. Sure, we's on and off, but i have him. And i have a 16 year old daughter, Velvet." I nodded. "Yes sir..." he sighed and drank. I stared at the ground. Finally, after a few minutes of boring conversation, the waitress brought our food. I picked at mine, zoning out and not wanting to make things more awkward, he interrupted the hushed sounds of chatter around the restaurant, forks scraping, chewing, I focused on every sound. "You just gonna stare at it? Or are ya fixin to eat?" He looked at me with a small smile as he swallowed the food in his mouth. "Hm?..oh, OH! Right! Sorry, I forgot where i was for a moment.." I let out a nervous laugh and started eating. I was amazed at the food, it was incredible, possibly the best pasta I've ever had. "You have a uh, bit of sauce on ya mouth sug" he chuckled, I looked up from my plate, my mouth full "hm?? Mm!! Mm" he laughed some more and grabbed a napkin "here, let me help.." he gently wiped my mouth, I blushed as I swallowed my food. "T-thanks, sorry I can be a bit messy" I said, letting out a small sigh. Again, he chuckled "tha's alright, I like it messy~" he said, speaking softly as he finished his plate. My face was as red as the pasta sauce on my plate. "What'cha thinkin for dessert baby?" He asked, grabbing the dessert menu, I was full, even though i only finished half my plate. "Oh, I dont think I have the room for it, I can barely finish this portion" He nodded. "Tha's fine, I aint a fan of sweets no way, I'll get ya a box and we can go do somethin. What would you like to do?" You~ NO! NO! Dont think that! Dont even say that! Are you crazy? He is your boss!— "How about a walk in the park?.." he took my pasta and put it in the to-go box, not looking up as he spoke. "Sure, been awhile since i got fresh air" he slid the box to me and grabbed the check, leaving a large tip on the table, then standing up. "Le's go then" I smiled as i grabbed my food and set it in my bag, then stood up, fixing my dress and following behind the tall moth demon. We walked through the city, he kept an arm around me, keeping me close, the sounds of the busy city ringing through my ears, eventually fading as we walked closer to the park. I stared at the stars, I always loved the sky at night, he was doing the same. "...Beautiful sky tonight..." I looked at him, he looked down at me and nodded "it is, skies down here ain't like the ones in the livin world...I like em more down here" "why's that?" "Don't know..." I nodded. We walked, making small talk and then falling silent. Only this time, the silence was comfort. Eventually, I stopped and stood there, then said "..Hey, um..Val?...Why did you actually take me out?...I mean, I know you said it was an apology dinner, and those comments in the car about wanting to sleep with me, but honestly...?" I looked at him and stood still, he stopped and looked at the stars. "Well...I s'pose, I wanted to get to know ya a little better, baby. You ain't said much 'bout yaself though, so next best thing is gon' be sex, hm?" He didn't look at me, I stared at him, trying desperately to get our eyes to lock, even once, but to no avail. "In my defense, you weren't exactly being an open book either, I mean, the most I know about you is that your an overlord, feared, you have an on-off relationship with another overlord, and you have a daughter...that's it...." I noticed a soft smirk on his face, though he was still looking away. "Sweetheart, my life ain't nobody's concern. It wont pretty. It wont fun. And i'm better off down here, t'en I ever was up there..." his voice trailed off as he slowly started walking again, I quickly followed behind. "I just..want to know you, thats all." He smiled and looked at me, then remarked "Then le's go back to mines place, and..."get to know' one another?~" I nodded quickly and followed him back to the limo, keeping up the best I could. Once we got into the car, almost instantly, his lips crashed against mine, I sat in his lap and he played with the zipper on my dress, swirling his tongue into my mouth, each of us letting put soft gasp for air and hushed moans. Finally, after what felt like forever, we arrived at his house, he pulled away and I let out a soft whine, I wanted more. He reassured me that I would be getting plenty more of him, then winked and with that, we went inside. The condo was huge, nearly a mansion, I was astonished. Black tile floors throughout most of the walk-in, at least from what I could see. "C'mon, I'll give ya the tour before we fool around" He hung his jacket on a coat rack next to the door and walked through the walk way, and down the hall. I followed behind, observing every detail that I could. Fist his living room, a huge red couch and love seats in the center, large posters of his dancers, photos of him, Vox, photos of velvet when she was young, he seemed like a good dad based on the photos alone. A large fluffy white carpet on the floor, a coffee table in the center, it was made of glass and heart shaped. A huge flatscreen tv above the fireplace. Then he led me to the kitchen, it was normal, average. A huge liquor cabinet was the thing that caught my attention, he must've had one of every single liquor I could imagine. He was rambling about them, I wasn't listening though. Just staring at all the things. He had black marbled counter tops, finally I tuned into what he was saying once he opened the fridge and began pointing out some groceries, I suppose for later, if I stayed the night. "..Except the monsters, thems is vox's, he drinks energy drinks often, I can't stand em, too sweet" I looked at him and nodded as he walked to the dining room, it also was typical. Bills were piled on the table, along with a briefcase and a few empty bottles of something, I assumed rum, that seemed to be his favorite. We walked down the hall downstairs, guest rooms, and a few rooms that were locked. One said "TV room" I assumed it was Vox's control room. He finally began leading me upstairs, he kept the tour of upstairs short and simple "velvets room, guest room, guest room, bathrooms, walk in closet, and finally..my room~" he led me inside and I could feel my stomach filling with butterflies, I walked in behind him, the room was huge. Everything was incredible, clearly expensive, the bed was incredible, satin red sheets, a black comforter, heart shaped pillows—I assume for decorations, they don't look like the kinds you use to sleep on—handcuffs on the bed frame caught my attention, fuzzy, red. It was a canopy bed, with red lace curtains. "You see somethin you like?" He asked, walking over to a mini bar, the man loves to drink. He poured rum and I nodded, "The house is..incredible, I mean, I've never been in a house so fancy!" He chuckled "Why don't you make yaself nice and comfy, take ya shoes off though, the sheets are satin." He sipped from his glass. I slid off my heels and climbed onto the bed, laying down. It was like laying on a cloud, it was the most comfortable bed I've ever laid in, I was so distracted by this, I didn't even notice val had sat down next to me. Until he reached a hand over and laid it on my thigh, rubbing gently. I gasped a bit and looked at his hand. "Seem lost in thought..tell me, what's on ya mind baby?" I looked at him and suddenly, I couldn't process words, I stuttered and jumbled words together for a minute before finally saying "W-what's the plan f-for tonight?" I looked at him, he smiled and said "Whateva you want it to be~" with that, he moved his hand away from my thigh and moved it to my face, cupping it gently, then staring.
⚠️Smut warning!⚠️
Our eyes were locked on one another's, the tension building, until I couldn't take it, I leaned in and kissed him, he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer, I felt him slip his tongue into my mouth, this was the ecstasy I had been chasing, this was my high. We made out, for what felt like forever yet not long enough, until finally I was under him and he was slipping his bottom hands under my dress, I let out soft moans in between kisses, then he pulled away. I whined almost silently, then he began kissing my neck, biting, leaving hickeys and marks, all his attention was on me, I craved for more. I had always been an independent person, so why was I so reliant on him?...This thought rushed and repeated in my head, but eventually it all went silent as I felt him pulling my dress off, he was like an animal. "Please..d-don't stop.." I whispered, he smiled as he pulled down my underwear, and whispered back "I didn't plan to...baby, I ain't even started~" Painfully slow he removed his shirt and jacket, then slowly took off his belt. "Hands above your head darlin'~" He commanded, I quickly put my hands up, he wrapped his belt around my wrist and tied them up, then slowly took off his pants. Fuck. My body quivered, arched, he hadn't even begun touching and I already craved and ached for his touch on me. He climbed on top of me and instantly began leaving kisses, bites, and hickeys all down my neck, my chest, my shoulders, every inch of me belonged to him, he was making sure I learned that. More...that's all I wanted, I wanted more..."Mm~ p-please, please val~" I whimpered out in between kisses "Already begging for me? How sweet~" He chuckled, teasing, fuck he was hot. Finally, he started to thrust himself in and out of me, I knew it was wrong, he was just using me, but the ecstasy took over, I gripped the sheets and moaned. He whispered sweet things in my ear, praises mixed with degrading terms, which only made me crave more. "What a pretty whore you are, hm?~ Clearly a pro, takin' all of me so easily~" 'All of him' was 13 inches at least, and I could feel all of it in me. He was a gentleman though. Speeding up when I cried for him to go faster, going harder when I begged, complimenting and giving attention to my whole body. "Your thighs look so much prettier with me in between 'em, don't you think?~" "m-mhm!" I couldn't speak, I was close to my peak as I arched my back and felt the jolt go all through my body, I came and soon after he did the same.⚠️⚠️⚠️ SMUT DONE!⚠️⚠️⚠️
Afterwards, he helped clean me up by taking me to the shower, he helped me wash off, honestly I could barely stand anyways. He gave me one of his shirts to sleep in, it almost went down to my ankles, then he and I laid in his bed talking for awhile. Mostly about the sex, but talking nonetheless, I cuddled into him and fell asleep, I don't know if he slept or not, but for the first night in a while I had good dreams...🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
A/N: I found this really cringey reading back to myself, but I do not want to fix it 🥲 If you skipped the smut: Val and the character hooked up, it was really good, he was surprisingly sweet with it. <3 thank you for reading this loves!

Him.. (Val x Reader/oc)
Fanfiction‼️WARNING: this story contains the following: Smut, alcohol and drug use, mentions of abuse, gore, and vulgar language. ‼️ This is a story based entirely on Joseph Holloway's Valentino asmr rp storyline, with my own personal twist. I got permission...