⚠️⚠️Tw: Swearing⚠️⚠️
We were still running. It had been 48 hours, and we were still running. I was panting, sweating, crying. I could barely see the road as tears filled my eyes, finally though, Andy stopped. He gasped for air and I stood next to him doing the same thing. "You..you must be fucking crazy.." he said breathlessly. "W-what do you mean?.." "Why did you come back for me?.." That...Why did I come back for him??? It's not like I really knew Andy! Yes, he tried to save my life. Yes, he was kind to me in my final moments. And yes, I knew deep down he was a good guy—why on earth he was in hell, I don't know—but I didn't know Andy. "I was trying to repay you. An eye for an eye or whatever.." I finally caught my breath and wipes my eyes. "Alright...alright we're e-even..we're even.." "No we aren't." I looked at him. We were not even. He only attempted to save my life, I died anyways. I saved his life, he's still here. "What..do you mean?" ...."Take me somewhere safe, and we'll be even.." he stared at me. In silence. Before finally nodding and grabbing my hand. "I'll take you somewhere safe...I'll take you..where I stash the money." That lying son of a bitch. I risked my life for him because I believed him!. He said he didn't have the money and I believed him!. "...You have the money?. VALS money?. The money I risked my life for because you swore you didn't have it?!." I screamed, pulling my hand away and staring at him, he only nervously rubbed his hands together and nodded slowly, "yea...I-I have it...but you don't understand, Val..Val is a slave driver. He takes whatever he wants and leaves us with the scraps!. Do you get that?" He looked at me, waiting for a response....I guess he was right, Val was selfish..and cruel...I nodded. "So then you know exactly what I mean. Now come on..let's go" He started walking and I slowly followed behind him, even if the whole thing felt like a mistake.
After about 4 hours, we finally made it to an empty warehouse in the middle of nowhere. It was rusted, probably made from some kind of cheap metal, there were vines covering the sides and bugs crawling over it, I shivered. Andy opened the door with a loud agonizing creak sound, I stared at the rusted hinges. He walked in and gestured for me to follow, once we were both inside, he shut the door and locked several locks. "There...not even Val knows this place exists..you'll be safe here." I stared. I couldn't really think clearly. "What?..you'll be safe here! Look, we need 2 more days alright? 2 more days until the extermination. And you will be safe here until—" The what?- "What extermination?..." he looked at me like I was an idiot, which..given the circumstances, maybe I was. "Are you kidding me? I've been here the exact same amount of time as you, and even I know what that is!...Please tell me you're joking.....seriously?! No one's told you?" I shook my head and sat on the cold tile floor, looking up at him like a little kid about to hear an old folks tale. He just sighed and shook his head, "Ok..the extermination is when the angels, y'know, from heaven, come down here and wipe out anyone or anything they see. Because of hells overpopulation." I nodded, then sat still..."....Where do we go..a-after this?" He sighed again, more frustrated. "I don't know where we go from here. It can't be any worse, right?......Just stay here, I'll bring you some stuff soon, you'll be safe here, alright?" I nodded, listening to the sudden sound of rain pouring down and dancing on the metal roof. Andy cupped my face in his hand, for a second it was comforting, "And hey. Don't touch that money. I got that, for me. Don't touch it. Do you understand?" I nodded again. What did he need that much cash for? I didn't care to know. I just nodded, and he let go. "I'll check up on you in a few hours. Bring you some stuff." I laid down on the hard floor, he went to the door and began undoing the locks one by one. "Goodbye Andy..." he turned and looked back at me, "See you later.." He walked out and I heard him enter a code into the door, locking it from the outside. I laid on the floor for what felt like hours, listening to the comforting sound of the rain and slowly drifting off the hushed taps...Let's hope that by the time I wake up, this will all just be a shitty nightmare....
Hello my lovelies! I am so so so sorry for being gone for so long!! It's been a rough couple of months, the next chapter is in the works, and I'll hopefully be writing more frequently with the summer coming up! As always, I love you all, be safe ❤️ also if you know me from tiktok, no you don't.

Him.. (Val x Reader/oc)
Fanfiction‼️WARNING: this story contains the following: Smut, alcohol and drug use, mentions of abuse, gore, and vulgar language. ‼️ This is a story based entirely on Joseph Holloway's Valentino asmr rp storyline, with my own personal twist. I got permission...