The Girl

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Scarlett POV

Y/N showed up at my door at three o'clock sharp, wearing skinny jeans, a popular white blouse and a black leather jacket. She was also wearing her famous glasses. Aviator style, which secretly left me in my panties wet.

Now, we were speeding along on her bike, through the streets of Los Angeles. The coast of the California sea was on our
left side, as we moved further and further away from the center.

I didn't know where we were going - Y/N didn't want to tell me, even with the promise of a blowjob wherever she chose
(yes, I appealed that way) – but I fully trusted that crazy woman who drove like a real madwoman, looking for death.

We left the coast behind and entered a more suburban part of the city. There were homes and more middle-class homes as we passed, and I was starting to wonder where we were when we pulled up to a huge house all painted with pink and baby blue tones. It had an all-gold sign, which read "House of Happy Children".

As soon as she parked the bike, I got out and took off my helmet, looking around. The house was protected by a small white fence, which there was a little gate - also white - made of wood, which took us
straight to the front door. Green grass covered every space and ended before the white fence, leaving only a path of stones in the middle, where the gate was.

- Y/N... What is this place? - I asked, handing over the helmet to her, without even taking my eyes off that place so...

-It's the place where your smile is gonna be multiplied by a thousand. - She said
simply placing the helmet inside the compartment of the motorcycle and taking my hand. - Come on, I'll introduce you to the place that makes me the most happy in the whole world.

She opened the little white gate and let me in first, before following me. Taking my hand, we went along the way of stones and up two steps, until we were at the front door.

I thought she would knock, or press some bell, but to my surprise, she just turned the knob and walked in, taking me together with her.

It only took a few minutes for nearly ten kids to come out through a door and run to her hugging her.

- Aunt Y/N, glad you came to see us!

- We missed you. I told you that she would never leave us!

- I thought you'd never show up, damn it, Aunt Y/N/N.

There were so many talking and smiling at the same time, that the only thing I could do - besides being incredibly amazed - was smile.

There were boys and girls and one more group showed up a few minutes later. Y/N smiled, hugged and kissed each of them. Their eyes sparkled as they looked back at me.

- Guys, calm down. I have to introduce a very  special person to you. - She said, taking my hand. — Say hi to Aunt Scarlett.

- Hi, Aunt Scarlett! - they said in unison.

- Hi, my loves. - I said, smiling at them.

- Scarlett, these little people here... - She smiled and winked, receiving several childish smiles in response. - They're my family. The most important part of me and who I am.

- Ah, Aunt Y/N/N... - a tiny little girl, who shouldn't have more than five years. She was blonde and had a charming expression when approaching Y/N.

She only had to extend her arms to her just once and then she was on her lap. She looked curiously at me.

- She is so beautiful. - She muttered to Y/N. - Are you aunt Y/N girlfriend?

Oh, damn... What to say at a time like this? I think I got a rather startled expression, because Y/N laughed, calling the little girl's attention.

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