Servant Profile

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True Name:Unknown, is mostly refered as Undertaker


Aliases:136649, Silver Fox, The Best Death God, Strongest Death God, The Headmaster, Undertaker

Aligment:Chaotic Neutral



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Qualifiable Classes:Berserker, Lancer, Caster, Archer, Ruler









Undertaker is a eccentric and enigmatic individual who giggles a lot, appreciates laughter, enjoys frigtening others qnd has a liking for good jokes and coffins to the point where he sleeps in coffins.

He's a pelicular Death God. Unlike most Death Gods that despise demons, thinking of them as vulgar creatures, Undertaker doesn't seem to have any prejudice against them or any other. He is fascinated by humans and try to understand them especially liking interestin humans. He having a lot of affection for the Phantomhive family, irronically having also shown a dislike towards Queen Victoria. It was also noted that Undertaker has a curiosity towards death being considered unhealthy even for a Death God.

Although he can come off as uncaring to most people, but he has shown to care about people close to him. He keept the hair of Claudia Phantomhive in one of his sever mourning lockets, conforted Ciel Phantomhive after a hard job and in numerous occasion helped him through information gathering, and even cried when he remembered his dear friend Vincent Phantomhive's death.

Having been a Death God that reaped the souls of humans in a peaceful, indiferent kind of fashion Undertaker has no problems with killing others be they good or evil. Although he has no issue with murder he doesn't like senseless slaughter either.

Class Skills:

Presence Concealment(A+)

Magic Resistance(EX)

Independent Action(A++)

Battle Continuation(EX)

Persnal Skills:

Territory Creation(A+):Undertaker is able to recreate his favorite place of all, his workshop, the Undertaker Funeral Parlor. It's a advantageous place for two of his Noble Phantasms, being able to store as many corpses as he wishes and having acces at the Death God records.

Death God Body(EX):Death Gods, also refered as Grim Reapers in other cultures, are noted to be especially tough beings. The only weapon ever shown to be able to harm a Death God is a Death Scythe and even than Death Gods can take on the most grievous of wounds like having larfe stab wounds or having their hearts blown off and can still continue fighting at a great capacity, the wounds healing after a time. Death Gods also have frightening speed that even a average Death God is said to "be so fast that they ignore gravity" and as the strongest of the Death Gods Undertaker goes beyond after that. It should be noted that while Death Gods have a inherit bad sight and need special glasses Undertaker hasn't shown any problem in combat despise not having his glasses anymore.

Sotoba Manipulation(C):Sotoba, inscribed strips woods found at Japanese graves, are weapons Undertaker weilds in combat. He can summon a infinite amount of them and are shown to be a lot stronger than mere wood. Undertaker has also shown the ability to seal things inside the sotobas, having his Death Scythe sealed in one moat of the time.

Noble Phantasms:

Bizzare Dolls "What comes after the pre-determined end"



The results of years of experimentation of Undertaker in hopes of reviving humans he is now able to create Fake Cinematic Records and introduce them into corpses, making them raise once more. Those are not truly revived, qs Undertakeris able to recreate Cinematic Records but unable to create a soul, and just "empty flesh dolls without a purpose".

The Bizzare Dolls have appearence similar to a humans with very pale skin. However, they are much faster and stronger than a regular human. They are also unbothered by any type of damage qnd continue to move unrestricted, the only way to kill a Bizzare Doll being to pulverize it's head. It's unknown is they have any senses remained, but is virtualy impossible to hide from a Bizzare Doll. While they don't seem to use their hearing, sight or smell they are able to sense what they want most, souls. The Bizzare Dolls bite into their victims, killing them, in hopes of aquiring a soul. However, they will never be able to, not that they're even able to understand.

While most Bizzare Dolls are mindless beings there are a select few that are able of speech and a very small portion is able to develop a intelligence where they're almost indistiguishable from humans.

Pink Pen "The rewriter of fate"



While not a Noble Phantasm apliable in direct combat it's still a incredible powerful Noble Phantasm. Aquiring the records of a person through his territory Undertaker is able to use the pen to rewrire said record. The record comes in form of a black book with black writing where the individual's entire history is written. By using the pen he can erase from said record and write a new one in pink writing. Doing so he changes the individual's history and fate as he likes. He used it only once to save Ciel Phantomhive from a insane hermaphrodit fallen angel.

Death Scythe "The weapon that cuts through anything"



Death Scythes are the principal weapons of Death Gods. They are weapons known to be of the select few that can kill demons and strking a human with it would separate the human's soul from their bodies and reveal their Cinematic Record. Death Scythes are able to cut through anything even dimensions, the only exception being another Death Scythe.

At his "retierment" Undertaker's glasses, list and Death Scythe were comfiscated. While he had no issue with the first two, Undertaker got quiet attached to his Death Scythe and managed to snughle it out and keep it. Although he admits it was quiet the hassle.

Most Death Scythe are regular hand scythes, but Undertaker is one of the few possesing a personalized Death Scythe. Undertaker's Death Scythe consists of a long curving silver blade extending from a miniature skeleton, whose skull is wrapped in a thorny vine, at the top of the handle; the rib-cage of the skeleton connects to the narrow stem of the handle, which ends in a lower backbone. Unlike other personalized Death Scythes that are limited to their own range, Undertaker can form green slashes in the air with his that have the same proprieties as a Death Scythe, enabling him to also use it to fight at long range.

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