Chapter 3:They're a troublesome master and one hell of a Assasin!

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The night sky is lightened by stars as Irisviel and the two Servants drove in the car once again. Soon qfter Gilgamesh the other Servants left too, although Lancelot wasn't to keen in doing so.

Undertaker, now his robe once again covering the rest of his clothes and his bangs covering his face, giggled while looking out the window. While scouting around he found another Assasin, a Hassan, and when he killed him the retired Death God happened to found something interesting in his Cinematic Records.

Artoria:Irisviel, I really think we should've called a driver.

Irisviel:That's boring...I mean dangerous. But it was a real surprise, to think Undertaker was a Death God. Why have you retired?

Undertaker:Being a Death God is not as fun as mortals think. I'm really fascinated by humans, but Death Gods can't really interact with them if they're working. You spend all day ripping souls and cataloguing them. And don't even get me started on the paperwork.

Artoria:I see...

Irisviel:That sounds like office work! I can't imagine myself ever doing that.

Undertaker:I can't say it was all bad. I do know some of the heroes in the Throne personally, given the fact I was the one to reap their souls.

Artoria:You've qlso reap the souls of heroes?

Undertaker:Yeah, like Robin Hood or Marie Antoanette. I've also meet a very interesting family who which I became close and decided to retire to focus my time on them. I also got to be a Aristocrat of Evil in that time, but after Vincent's death I gave up and was only a morticier and informant of the Phantomhive family.

Artoria:That's a sad thing to hear...Undertaker.

Undertaker:Yes, I felt it too. Irisviel, dear? Stop the car.

Irisviel pressed abruptly on the breaks and the car stopped in front of a man. As they got out of the car they looked at the Servant who could only be Caster.

The man had black hair and black googly eyes. His name was Gilles de Rais.

Gilles:I have finnaly found you, O' Virgin Maiden!

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Gilles:I have finnaly found you, O' Virgin Maiden!

Irisviel:Uh, Saber?

Artoria:...I haven't seen this man in my life.

Gilles:How can you say that, Jeanne? Have you forgotten who you truly are!?


Undertaker:My friend, does my sword weilding companion look anything close to French?

Gilles:Silence! You did this, God! Even after all this time you still hold her soul prisoner!

Gilles began punching the ground and screaming at the sky, deeply disturbing the two women. Undertaker looked at the Caster as he eat his bone shaped cookies.

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