Chapter 1:This Assasin has a thing for death, doesn't he?

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The Holy Grail War. A battle of seven masters who summons seven heroes of the past, also known as Servants or Heroic Spirits. All this for the golden cup known as the Holy Grail, a all-powerful wish granting device.

Originally, the Holy Grail War was between the three great families of maguses of Japan. The Tohsaka, the Matou and the Einzberg. But from the First Holy Grail War things changed and now anyone can participate as long as they were chosen by the Grail.

Now it has come the time for the Fourth Holy Grail War to begin. As alwais, it was held in Fuyuki City.

While the three families mentioned before still participate, the Einzberg choose someone outside the family to represent them. As planned, this man was chosen by the Grail as a master.

The man had spiky black hair qnd black eyes that looked to be dead. Although looked to be dead, his eyes were focused none the less. His name was Emiya Kiritsugu.

Kiritsugu happened to have already summoned his servant

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Kiritsugu happened to have already summoned his servant. The Einzbergs happened to have been in the possesion of a legendary scabard, a artifact of great value. Anything the Servant had in their life can be considered a artifact good to summon the one it belonged to, the chances becoming very high if it had a great emotional value to the Heroic Spirit.

The scabard happened to also be a conceptual weapon. It's nane also happened to be Avalon.

His servant was sitting beside him, the Saber servant. The girl who happened to be the Saber had blonde hair qnd green eyes, being clad in a knightly armor. Her name was Artoria Pendragon.

On the other side of Kiritsugu was another woman

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On the other side of Kiritsugu was another woman. However, she wasn't a Servant but she was a homuclus. The so called "reward" given by the Einzbergs.

They were sitting before a circular pentagram similar in some ways to the one where they put Avalon on to summon Artoria. They were gonna play smart and summon a extra servant to help them. It may have been against the rules of tge Holy Grail War, but those were more guidlines than anything else.

The women had silky white hair and, opposite to Kiritsugu, her red eyes were briming with life. Her complexion was really pale, but she looked to be quiet healthy. Her name was Irisviel von Einzberg.

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