Chapter 5:Where's the Caster? Caster, not Assasin!

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Undertaker was eating more of his cookies from a jar that'd normally be used to deposite the ash of a deceased person. He was devouring his self-baked sweets on a couch while looking at Irisviel qnd Kiritsugu who were sitting in opposite sides of the table. Artoria was in her room being as grumpy as a tennager, despite having been a responsable and mature king while she was still human.

Irisviel and Kiritsugu wee staying there in silence. The only sound in the room was Undertaker's munching.

Kiritsugu:I'm going after Kayneth.

Irisviel:Um, won't you take Saber with you.

Kiritsugu:I'm afraid it was made painfuly ckear that, despise being Servant and master, we can't really cooperate. She wants to save a few lives when she could save dozens by giving up on those. Our thinking doesn't aline.

Undertaker:Hehehe, I think she's going through a rebelious tennager phase.

Kiritsugu:...That's a terrifying thought.

Irisviel:I think she believes you don't trust her.

Kiritsugu:It's hard to trust her when it seems like everything sge wants to do ends up working against me.

Kiritsugu got up from his seat and took his gun. Undertaker waved his hand in goodbye while giggling.

Undertaker:Well, now, guess I'll begin to track Caster down.

Irisviel:Can I help you?

Undertaker:Shouldn't you help Saber?

Irisviel:I'm actually more worried about the experimating on children and turning them into tentacles monsters than Saber's mood.

Undertaker:Hehe, very well. That girl needs to grow up.

Irisviel:On that note, what happened to the other Servants?

Undertaker:Assasin is sticking to the priest as a proper servant should do. Gilgamesh drinks wine and wncourage the priest to give in to his dark side, I doubt the Tohsaka head will libe much longer. Lancer did got his master to help, but he's no longer a threat after the damage done by my Bizzare Dolls. Rider has actually got gone in the city and made friends. Berserker was unusualy quiet for a Berserker.

Irisviel:Well, at least we have two masters assured to be incapacitated.

Undertaker:Come along, master. I hope you have a strong stomach, hihihi!

On the other side of the city Kayneth has finnaly woke up. He noticed three things. He was covered in bandages, he was bounded to a bed and his wife was beside him, looking at her wounded husband.

His wife had red hair and hair of the same color. Her name was Sola Ui Nuada Re Sophia Ri.

 Her name was Sola Ui Nuada Re Sophia Ri

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Sola:You have finnaly woken up, Kayneth.


Sola:I have managed to regenerate your organs, but you're a mess. Your soul was ready to cease and your magic circuits were damaged beyond repair. You're never gonna be able to use magecraft again.

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