Chapter 4:This priest might be a home wreaker

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Kayneth was very close to death if he was left in this state. Fortunately for him the Bizzare Dolls stopped functioning per Undertaker's command. Thing that did not go unoticed Diamurd.

Diamurd:My master...

Artoria:I can only think that was my master's doing.

Undertaker:In fact, it was my doing.

Both Servants stopped and stared at the Death God. Undertaker just gave a goofy smile.

Undertaker:There was no other way, my master is quiet sensible and fragile. I guess there's no way around it. Homucluses are made after humans and humans are quiet weak and fragile.

Diamurd:Is it not enough that you put my master to death's door, you also need to make fun of my entire race?

Undertaker:Close to death, indeed. Why do you think your master is close to death? I stopped my Noble Phantasm because you gave me quiet the amusement with that line. Pffft, it sounded likee you were confessing to Saber! Hahahaha!

Diamurd:Wha...I wasn't!

Undertaker:I guess that love spot did affect your brain capacity!


Artoria:Lancer, your master is dying. And we still need to deal with these dem...


Artoria:Monsters. Do would you two stop bickering like children!?

Diamurd:...He started it.

Undertaker:I guess we do need to deal eith this. Lancer, your spear can nullify magic, right?

Diamurd:Yes, that is the ability of Gae Darg.

Undertaker:Than the answer is simple. All we need is you to hit that grimoire.

Gilles:And how do you plan to get over my army?

Undertaker took that sotoba that looked to be indestructible and held it by a tip like a sword. He than held Lancer with his other hand.

Undertaker:Better hold on tight.


At a speed that not even Diamurd was able to process Undertaker has leaped forward and cut down the monsters with his sotoba. Diamurd, seeing they reached close to Gilles, thrusted Gae Darg forward and nullified the grimoire magic as it pierced it.

Diamurd:Than I will take my leave.

Diamurd went in spirit form and appeared before Kiritsugu and the passed out, bleeding and close to death, Kayneth. Kiritsugu did try to shot him but the rotated one of the spears qnd deflected the bullets with ease.

Diamurd:Emiya Kiritsugu, I have no ill intent against you. I have simply come to retrieve my master.

Diamurd took his master over his shoulder and took off. The other two Servants watched him leave, Gilles already having teleported away with a angry look.

Artoria:That was a meschin tactic.

Undertaker:I'm a Assasin, you know?

Artoria:What do you think of Lancer's master? Will he survive?

Undertaker:My Bizzare Dolls have damaged him quiet a lot. Even if heed he'll be in no condition to fight. That's if he doesn't due on the trip, hehehe.

Artoria:I'm surprised to see you go to such lenghts to kill him. What threat could Lancer be to a Death God?

Undertaker:It's not about Lancer. Unlike you, I'm quiet atached to my master. I knew that guy wouldn't hesitate if Irisviel would have gotten in hi way, maguses today think quiet lowly of homucluses.

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