Chapter 6:This party is going wild!

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Artoria, now her wound finnaly healed, has come down in the lobby. She couldn't find Kiritsugu to berate and neither could she find Irisviel nor Undertaker.

She was unsatisfied and no one was paying attention to her. Wait...was this why Mordred tried to kill her?

Before she could process more of where did she go wrong as a parent lightning striked outside. She took her invisible sword and went to tge entrance to fight the invader, which turned out to be Iskandar with his master.

She noticed two things that made her pause. One, the Rider Servant wasn't wearing his typical armor but a shirt a little too tight for his muscular frame. Two, Irisviel and Undertaker were 2ith him.

Irisviel:Oh, Saber! Rider has come to visit!

Artoria:Excuse me if I am a little concerned about a enemy Servant coming in out operation base.

Irisviel:You don't need to worry, we're in a alliance now.

Artoria:...When did this happen?

Undertaker:Bith me and Mr Alchemist have tracked down the hidden lab of Caster and have meet there. Sadly, there was no Caster. Although there were a few of Assasin's selves.

Irisviel:And we decided to make a alliance to put down Caster!

Artoria:Oh, yet another thing I was completly unaware of. And here I thought that my own master was the only one who had no trust in me.

Undertaker:See what I told you.

Irisviel:I hope Iliya won't go through that.

Iskandar:Haaah, the little girl seems to have issues with my arrival.

Artoria:Little...! So, you do want ne to cut you down, after all.

Iskandar:Now, now, I have only come here to share a drink.

Iskandar pet the barrel of wine he had over his shoulder with a friendly grin. The three Servants went to the garden and sat down at the center while the two masters watched them from the side.

Iskandar broke the head of the barrel with a punch and took a sip with a wood spoon. Right as he was gonna invite the other two golden sparks appeared in the air and Gilgamesh matterialized.

Gilgamesh:I hope you have not began before your king has come, mongrels.


Iskandar:You don't need to be so on guard, I invited her.

Gilgamesh:I has been a while. King of Knights. Reaper.

Undertaker:Hehehe, you're as amusingas ever.

Gilgamesh:You're not gonna feed us that trash, are you?

Iskandar:Huh? It was the best wine in my homeland.

Undertaker:I wouldn't know, I wasn't that much of a wine drinker. In my time as a Aristocrat of Evil I mainly drank liquor at the social meetings. Although those were a real bore.

Gilgamesh:Let me show you what real wine is like.

A ripple was open in space and Gilgamesh took out a golden vessel filled with wine. She than proceeded to bring four cups of gold through ot and served to the other.

Gilgamesh:In my treasury there's only the finest wine and silverware.

Iskandar:That Noble Phantasm is really convenient.

Undertaker:Of we're talking about all around usefullness, she'd take the prize. Most of my abilities are only usefull in combat.

They have sipped their wine in silence, the inly sound being Undertaker's occasional giggling. The one to break the ice was Iskandar.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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