Chapter 2: Back to the Owl House (Eda's POV)

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"Finally, I finished beating up those weirdoes!" Eda shouted, "Ooh, I wonder if there are more fights I'm missing!" 

Harpy Eda flew past the passed out scouts and through the tunnel only to bump into none other than Kikimora.

"Ugh! Watch- oh, the Owl Lady, but, um, uglier! If you get in my way I will have your head!" Kikimora shouted as Eda stopped their carts from reaching their destination.

"Oh, we'll see about that, shorty!" Eda replied smugly.

"Scouts-" Kikmora began as she was picked up by Eda by the color of her cloak.

"Nuh, uh, uh! Go back, or the dwarf gets it," Eda threatened as she showed her talons on her other hand and brought it closer to Kikimora.

"You'll never get away with this Owl Lady!" Kikimora exclaimed as the two scouts retreated.

 "I'm sure I won't," Eda mocked before throwing Kikimora back the way she came from.

"Titan, she's a headache!" Eda sighed as she flew down the tunnel.

"Hey, Boots! Did I miss any-... thing..." Eda asked as she spotted Amity attempting to drag the bad but sad boy.

"Oh hey Eda! Funny story, he's on our side now!" Amity exclaimed.

"What-" Eda began.

"He tried burying himself alive but got a redemption arc early instead," King explained bluntly.

"You watch too much anime," Eda deadpanned.

"I know Luz," King replied with a shrug.

"GET! UUUUUUP!!!" Amity yelled.

"Boots," Eda walked up to Amity, "I think he's asleep."

"What?!" Amity exclaimed, "I didn't think he was actually serious!"

"You know what, I got this," Eda assured her as she easily picked up Hunter and hung him over her shoulder.

"Are you sure you should carry him like that? I mean, he is on our team now," Amity reminded her.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I keep on forgetting we're not just kidnapping this kid!" Eda laughed.

"Uhh-" Amity stuttered.

"I know right! It's so weird not doing something illegal for a change!" King exclaimed.

"Wow, ok. I am going to ignore what you guys just said," Amity stated as she began to climb onto her palismen, Ghost.

"Hey, take me with you!" King shouted as he scurried onto Ghost.

"Tweet!" a red bird palismen landed on Hunter's head.

"Well, would you look at that..." Eda thought to herself.

"Well then, we're all set!" Eda declared.

"Let's go then," Amity replied.

And that they did. They flew all the way back to the owl house in peace. God was that kid lucky he was asleep, if he wasn't, he would've seen Eda eat almost a dozen birds.

"And we're here!" Eda announced as they landed next to the owl house.

"Huh?!" Hunter yelled as he woke up with a start.

"Oh, you're awake!" Amity exclaimed.

"Wait, you can actually turn into a harpy?!" Hunter asked Eda, ignoring Amity in the process.

"You betcha I can, nerd!" Eda answered as she lowered him onto the ground.

"Wow, that was the longest sleep I've had in a while!" Hunter admitted.

"We were only flying for about an hour," Amity pointed out.

"Oh, I know," Hunter replied happily.

"Okay, you dumb angsty teens, it's time to go home so..." Eda reminded them, gesturing to the door.

Eda walked up to the door and opened it but couldn't for the life of her figure out how to get in.

"I'll help," Amity volunteered.

"I guess I will too then," King added.

"Yeah I'm just gonna stay where I am," Hunter stated, earning a teasing glare from Amity, "Fine, fine, I'll help."

The three tried pushing Eda in but it wasn't really doing anything. Suddenly, Luz rushed into the living room with Gus and Willow on her tail.

"Ow, ow, ow! Just get an elixir! Ugh, I've got into harpy mode and now I can't get out!" Eda yelled to Luz.

"She also ate like, nine voles," King added in.

"Hey, I had to keep up my end of the bargain," Eda reasoned.

"Oof!" King grunted as they all tumbled through the door and onto the floor.

"Ugh," Amity groaned, rubbing her head.

"Amity!" Luz yelled, running toward Amity and hugging her, "I'm so happy my awesome girlfriend is okay!"

Eda watched as Amity shot Hunter a 'told you so' look to Hunter, who was also sitting on the floor, before hugging Luz back.

"Me too!" Amity replied blushing.

"Hey-" Gus began, looking at Hunter before Hunter quickly covered his mouth.

Luckily, the short exchange that only Eda saw was covered up by King complaining loudly about not being hugged by Luz.

"So, you wanna break the news, or should I?" Eda whispered to Amity.

"News?" Amity asked.

"You know," Eda whispered, jerking her head toward Hunter, who was currently threatening Gus, "That."

"Hey Luz, who's that?" Willow asked.

At that moment, literally everyone except Willow and Luz facepalmed. Heck, even Gus face palmed!

"Hunter!" Luz cried dramatically.

Hunter laughed nervously, "Uh, hi human..."

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