Chapter 15: Finger Guns (Luz's POV)

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(btw, from this point onwards, I probably won't put the translations of what Flapjack is saying unless it's in Hunter's POV, cuz, you know, Hunter's the only one who understands him.)

Luz, Hunter, and Eda rode the stone sleeper all the way to Philip. Once they found him, it screeched, causing Philip to gasp in surprise. The three of them safely landed back on the ground. Luz walked up to Philip

"Tell me how that thing's gonna help you build a portal to the Human Realm," Luz ordered, referring to a round plate with a crescent moon on it.

Philip looked down at the newly acquired dark blue plate.

"Oh, no," Philip placed the plate in his bag, "I need this for something else."

"No?" Luz felt her blood boiling, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO?!"

"I mean, if it's information you want, perhaps we can make an exchange. I'll probably require another sacrifice sooner or later," Philip walked closer toward them confidently, "If you or your aunt want to-"

Luz watched as Hunter stepped up, ready for a full on fight, but Lilith got there first and punched him square in the nose without any hesitation, probably breaking it too. Luz felt a savage satisfaction at the thought.

"Ugh! You hateable sorcerers!" Philip exclaimed.

"Stay mad," Lilith turned to Luz and Hunter, "Come on, we're finished here."

"Cool aunt~" Luz hissed.

And with that, they all climbed back onto the stone sleeper and left Philip behind. Luz felt amazing about the revenge on Philip, but she knew that if Philip wasn't going to tell her how to make a portal, she might never be able to get back home. Luz noticed Lilith looking at her.

"You know, Luz, if some jerk like Philip can build a portal, then I'm sure you can too!" Lilith assured.

"Plus, you're the first human to become a witch, I'm sure you can easily be the second to build a portal," Hunter added.

Luz smiled, "Thanks! Hey, we have a little time before the tide comes in, you want to do something exciting?"

Lilith looked at her in confusion.

Lilith gazed excitedly at a craftsman carving a baluster with her notebook out. Luz was leaning on the stone sleeper from before with Hunter at her side.

"Balusters, Luz! Deadwardian balusters!" Lilith exclaimed.

Luz smiled happily, but her smile faded a bit once she remembered what Hunter had said back at the Titan's head when they were fighting the stone sleeper.

(EVERYONE STOOOOOOP!!! Ok, this is a warning, this part will have mentions of suicide, though not much, and I don't want to trigger anyone! Plz take caution while reading this part of the story or just skip the parts until I say the parts are done. That's all, bye!)

"Hunter?" Luz turned her head to him.

"Hmm?" Hunter hummed, Flapjack on his shoulder.

"About what you said back at the Titan's head-" Luz began.

"I said a lot of things in that place, you're going to have specify, human- uh, Luz," He corrected himself.

"I mean what you said about digging your own grave," Luz reminded him.

"It's nothing for you to worry about, it's in the past now," Hunter replied calmly.

"But what you did was kinda-" Luz began again.

"Sad? Yea, I know, it's kind of pathetic of the former Golden Guard to resort to something like that," Hunter interrupted.

"No! It's kind of suicidal, Hunter!" Luz continued, she wasn't going to sugarcoat it.

Hunter's eyes went wide, "Huh, I never thought of it like that..."

(The mentions of suicide are done!)

 "Hunter, there's something called therapy, and you definitely need some," Luz deadpanned.

"Eh, I'm good," Hunter shrugged.

"Chirp, chirp! Tweeeeeeet!" Flapjack twittered. 

"Sleep is only for the weak, Flapjack," Hunter responded darkly.

"Oh great, you're sleep deprived too," Luz remarked sarcastically.

The three finally flew back to the owl house after getting back to the present times.

"We got lucky today. Next time those time pools show up, they could be on the other side of the world," Lilith told them as they walked towards Eda.

Eda turned toward the trio, "Hey nerds! How was your nerd quest? You find that dead nerd?"

"Layin' it on a little thick there, Eda. But, yeah, we found Philip," Luz replied.

"Whoa, seriously?" Eda asked.

"Yeah, he stunk," Luz groaned, remembering the feeling of betrayal she had felt only a few hours ago.

"Agreed," Hunter added.

"I punched him in the face," Lilith informed.

"Groovy, auntie~" Luz told Lilith.

Luz and Lilith did finger guns to each other while half dancing. Luz actually heard Hunter gag.

"Uh, you gu- you guys need to stop that," Eda stated.

Long story short, they didn't stop for a while.

(Sorry for the short chapter guys! But do you know something that is good? THE NEXT CHAPTER IS ANY SPORT IN A STOOOOORM!!!!! I am genuinely excited to write the next chapter! Also, get ready for a POV from Willow! See you soon guys!)

- HelpMePlzImBeggin (June 21st, 2022)

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