Chapter 16: A Bad Day (Hunter's POV)

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Hunter was having the same nightmare from the night before. Last time, Belos would call Hunter to the throne room, show Hunter Flapjack who would be wriggling in his hand, and then ask Hunter several questions before killing off Flapjack.

"Why would you disobey me, Hunter? Aren't we family?" Belos asked.

"Yes! Of- Of course, we are!" Hunter exclaimed desperately.

"Then, why did you keep a palisman?" Belos asked cruelly.

"I just- I thought-" Hunter stuttered.

"Who do you consider more like your family, me or the bird?" Belos asked.

Hunter knew what was going to happen next. Flapjack was going to die and it would be all his fault he wouldn't be able to do anything and Flapjack would never forgive him, heck he would never forgive himself-

"It's me or the PS5, tell me which of us is more your type~" Luz's voice rang out from behind him.

"Luz, what in the name of the Titan are you doing here?!" Hunter asked, turning his head to Luz.

"Looks like you can't decide, so if it's not me, then I'm gonna run it over!" Belos sang.


Hunter shot up from the couch with beads of sweat waterfalling down his face.

"My love, know I'm in for the long ride~" Luz sang.

"Luz, what are you doing?!" Hunter gasped.

"It's called singing! Wanna have a try?" Luz offered as the original song continued in the background.

"Nope," Hunter replied automatically.

"Why not?" Luz asked.

"That song just made my nightmare ten times better and worse," Hunter explained briefly, "Hey, what time is it?"

"Tweet! Chirp chirp!" Flapjack twittered.

(It's 7:00! Go back to sleep!")

"Luz why the flying fairy are you singing at SEVEN IN THE MORNING???" Hunter asked.

"Because I won't have time later!" Luz replied.

Hunter groaned, "Why not?"

"Because I'm skipping school with Amity today!" Luz exclaimed.

"What? Why would you do that?" Hunter asked.

"Cuz canonically you are supposed to get to school and see Willow and Gus today while me and Amity go on a hunt for the author of the Azura book series!" Luz exclaimed.

Hunter looked at her with suspicion and a hint of curiosity. She wasn't being serious, right? There was no actual way for her to get to the future, well, other than time pools, but Hunter doubted that Luz would have the remarkable luck of stumbling across one again. Was there another way for her to go to the future? Or was it one of those occurrences that humans kept on having? Hunter was sure he had read about it before, but he had forgotten what it was called.

"Is this one of those human things... breaking the fourth wall, right?" Hunter asked.

"Bingo! Wait... Oh Cramity, I'm not supposed to do that! Forget you heard all of that!" Luz ordered.

"Uh, ok," Hunter replied.

"Hunter, you're going to go to Luz's school today!" Eda announced, walking into the room.

Hunter shot a glace at Luz, to which Luz looked away, shoved her hands in her pockets, and started whistling suspiciously. Hunter directed his attention back to Eda.

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