CH 42

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*** Lena's narrative (voice-over) ***

'They will never be Super!' A thought, a wish I've refused to admit for so long. I'll be damn crazy if I say I've never thought about a world where my kids and my wife wouldn't be Super, a world where they could just be them. A world where Kara could be just Kara. A world, like that, wouldn't be just perfect?

"Kara, where are we?"

"What do you mean? This is home..."

Lena looks around, she looks at the kids playing around, she looks at the pictures on the walls, at all the memories and she doesn't understand what is happening. One moment she was doing a spell and the next...

"Mommy! Mommy! Breakfast"

And, the next she's on duty, making breakfast. Her kids are begging her to get out of bed and make food for them. Of course, Kara offers to do it, but all the kids shake their heads, saying that her food is not good at all.

"Hey! That's mean!"

Lena chuckles, looking at the adorable pout of the blonde, but, the kids are right, the girl of steel cannot do it all, especially in the kitchen. So, the dear CEO stands up and gets ready to feed her hungry kids like any other day. First, the mix for pancakes. She doesn't need a recipe, she knows the ingredients and exact quantity she requires by heart.

Puffed, browned and heavenly sweet. Kara and the kids hum in delight when the aroma of Lena's pancakes gets into their noses. Like in some cartoons you might have watched, they float in the air, guided by the sweet aroma and Lena chuckles, looking at her entire family, acting like bees, following the honey.

"Hands where I can see them! No stealing bites till we settle the table"

They comply, but stay close to the tall stack of pancakes which is starting to take shape. All the kids, including Kara look amazed by it, licking their lips each time Lena adds a new layer, making the stack taller enough to feed an army. Lena smiles looking at their faces, she encourages them to settle the table fast so they can start to eat and in a blur all is settled. The kids are already in position to attack that stack of pancakes and getting excited to devour it when the golden syrup cascade from the top of it.

"Kids, chew slowly, you too, Kara!"

The blonde pouts again and the kids giggle when they hear how their own mother gets scolded. In Kara's defense, it's not her fault that Lena's pancakes taste so good and more than that, they taste of home. The comfort of fullness they bring to their heart is something out of this world and that's why they cannot get enough of it.

They eat in silence, too busy eating to make a light conversation. Lena takes care to cut a pancake in tiny pieces to give a taste of it to little Karolina. The little one makes a fuss about it, she pushes it away and stretches her arms towards what she really desires, her fruit. Lena smirks, at least one of them still prefers to eat the same as her.

"If she doesn't want the pancake, can I get it?"

"All yours, darling"


Lena chuckles when Kara devours in a second the pancake Karolina didn't want to try. And, while the blonde keeps devouring food, Lena gets ready to wake up the baby of the family. Their beautiful Hope.

"Hey you, sleepy head, it's time to wake up and eat"

The baby swings from right to left, pucking as she doesn't want to open her eyes. And, Lena is softly rubbing her little body, trying to wake her up, slowly but nothing works, Hope refuses to get up. It's the first time one of her kids prefers to sleep than eat. And, Lena would love to let her keep dreaming, but it's time to wake up, especially now that the dear CEO notices she has to change her.

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