CH 15

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Hello! So, yeah, another supercorp baby in the way, and, I must tell you, that I'm planning a big, really big family for them :D !

Anyway, hope you like it, and, thank you in advance if you've the time to leave a review. See U!

*** Lena's narrative (voice-over) ***

Choices, we are never sure we are making the right choice, and, the possibility of being wrong scare us, but, sometimes, we just need someone to show us, that there's no reason to be scared at all...

(At bed)

Kara snuggles on Lena and mumbles with a happy smile. - "Good night Mrs. Luthor..."

Lena mumbles. - "I wanted to be Mrs. Danvers..."

Kara. - "What do you mean...?"

They turn their heads, blue meets green, and, lying down in bed, hugging each other, the CEO says...

Lena. - "Why you got so strong about keeping my last name...? Why...?"

Kara cuts her off. - "Why I wanted to become Mrs. Kara Luthor?"

Lena nods. - "Yeah, being labelled as a Luthor is just going to bring you pain, you'll be treated as a pariah, as..."

The blonde hero softly puts her hands on Lena's face, she stops the sad speech of the CEO with a tender kiss, and, Lena allows herself to get lost in that lovely kiss. The blonde breaks their kiss, just to say...

Kara. - "The Luthor name has brought you so much pain, Lee. And, I want to show you, that Luthor can be also something good..."

Lena. - "Kara..."

Kara. - "Lee, let's make history, so, the world will remember the Luthor's name, not for all the bad, but, for all the good we will do... together..."

Lena smiles. - "Together..."

Their front-heads touch...

Kara nods. - "Yeah, together. Together, with our kids, with our beautiful family; we will show to the world that Luthor can stand for goodness, compassion, love..."

Lena smiles, she never thought that someone could ever want to take her name, and, feel proud about it. Kara doesn't stop to surprise her, and, the CEO feels blessed for such unconditional love...

Lena kisses her on the lips and says. - "I love you, Mrs. Luthor..."

Kara giggles, she loves her new last name, because, she belongs to Lena, and, just her... and now, the entire world will know it... forever...

Before Kara arrival, Lena was reading a book, but, as soon as her dear wife got in bed, she closed the book and dropped it over the night table that's at her side. Lena was going to take off too her old fashion glasses, but, the blonde stops her...

Kara. - "No..."

Lena frowns. - "No...?"

Kara bites her lips, and, says with a timid sexy voice. - "I... you... you look sexy with them on..."

The CEO smiles, she never thought that Kara could have a thing for girls with glasses, but, if that's the case...

Lena kisses Kara and mumbles. - "If you like them so much, I should wear them more often..."

Kara chuckles, the blush on her cheeks just increases the teasing of Lena. But women play around in bed; kisses, hugs, tender touches; more than once Kara moans like a sexy cat with each touch, with each kiss...

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