CH 28

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Hello, here the new chapter. A previous talk from another chapter will be mentioned, let's see if you can link what chapter I'm talking about...

Anyway, hope you like it! Enjoy...

CH 28

*** Lena's narrative (voice-over) ***

Fear... ever since we're littles, there's always something that makes us feel 'fear'. We get used to the feeling, but, that doesn't make us immune to that terrifying feeling... especially when we believe that we can lose the most precious thing we have in this world...

Lena sobs. - "I just kept thinking that if I could just find a way to solve it all without worrying you, then, everything was going to be okay. But, I was wrong..." (tears) "I was selfish, and, scared. And, I didn't want to lose you, I don't want to lose you... so, I kept making excuses to keep lying. I didn't want to cause you any pain. But, I know that, my lies have hurt, you. And, I'm so sorry, so, sorry..."

Kara says nothing, she just stands there, in front of her wife, hearing everything she has to say while tears roll over her cheeks and, blur her beautiful blue eyes...

It's past 3am when Lena is finally able to finish by saying everything. A big silence takes over their bedroom, and, Lena cries in silence, waiting for the worst...

'She's gonna leave me, she's gonna leave me, she's gonna leave me...' Lena says in her mind, like a broken records. The CEO is so afraid that Kara will never forgive her. And, Kara has good reasons to be angry at her, she has good reason to walk away without turning back. And, if the blonde decides to do that, Lena will not blame her, she will just blame herself...

Lena is so sure that she screw up her marriage, her happy family than the CEO is already bursting into tears, kneeling in front of Kara, hugging Kara's legs, gripping hard on them, trying to make sure that Kara can't leave... that she will not leave her... But, this is the thing, Kara has no intention to move at all, because after all...

Kara mumbles. - "Lee... what is love...?"

Lena sobs. - "Huh?"

Kara. - "Lee, look at me..."

The CEO keeps hugging Kara's legs, she raises her head up, just enough so their eyes can meet. And, the crying green eyes of Lena were expecting to meet with angry blue eyes, but, all she sees reflected in those beautiful blue eyes of her wife, it's compassion & love...

Kara. - "Years ago, before Clarke was born, you asked me what was love for me. And, I told you back then that for me, love is when one person knows all of your secrets, your deepest, darkest, most dreadful secrets of which no one else in the world, knows. And yet in the end, that one person does not think any less of you..."

Lena mumbles, recalling the conversation they had years ago. - "Not, even if the rest of the world does..."

The blonde softly makes Lena to stop gripping so hard over her legs. She forces the CEO to stand up, and when she does that, Kara softly wipes off the tears of Lena when she says...

Kara. - "Even if the rest of the world condemns you, even if you condemn yourself for your bad choices. I'll never do it... I can't..."

The CEO's lips quiver, she's crying again, Kara is too good for her...

Kara hugs Lena and says between sobs. - "I can just imagine how hard it has been for you to keep these secrets to yourself. How much it must have hurt to hold the burden of everything on your shoulders..."

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