CH 7

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Hi again, thank you for liking this, it really makes me happy to read what you think about each chapter and this story. So, this chapter will start some weeks after the previous one and there will be a flashback of their 1st time together in itallics. Also, when in the dialogue I write 'Supergirl', it means that Kara is dressed as Supergirl, I hope it's clear...

Here the 7th chapter of this story, thank you in advance if you've the time to leave a review...

(At Catco)

The CEO surprises her girlfriend with her presence. The blonde softly kisses Lena when the raven-haired woman arrives and says while she rubs her nose against Lena's cheek

Kara. - "I have missed you, a lot..."

The CEO smiles, nothing makes her happier than feel desired by the person she loves...

Lena. - "I brought you lunch, since I'm the one who has canceled our meetings, this time I came to you..."

Kara smiles. - "Lena, this is from a restaurant very expensive!"

Lena smiles and kisses Kara's cheek. - "You deserve the extra effort..."

The blonde giggles and they find a nice table on the terrace, they sit and start having lunch together, Lena stretches her hand and softly holds Kara's hand while they eat...

The blonde giggles and they find a nice table on the terrace, they sit and start having lunch together, Lena stretches her hand and softly holds Kara's hand while they eat

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Kara pouts. - "I barely see you these days, what is keeping you so busy...?"

Without detaching their hands, Lena says while she paints little hearts over the perfect skin of the blonde...

Lena. - "I can't tell you Darling, it's top secret..."

Kara pouts and Lena chuckles, finding adorable all the pouting of her girlfriend...

Lena. - "Let me ask you this, what do you prefer: talking about my project or about what we should do to celebrate our 3rd month's anniversary...?"

The CEO never thought she would be one of those persons who celebrate anniversaries for corny things, but, being with Kara, it's really a reason to celebrate, that's what she thinks. The blonde bites her lips, it's obvious what will be her answer...

Kara. - "That's an impossible question, and, you're cruel for asking it..."

Lena smirks, looking at Kara in the eyes. - "Well, you know, sometimes my Luthor gens just shine through..."

Both girls chuckle

Lena teases. - "So, what do you prefer...?"

Kara. - "I can't believe it's already 3 months since I'm your girlfriend..." (She blushes) "And, it will be almost 3 weeks since... you know..."

Lena bites her bottom lip, like Kara, she can't stop thinking about their 1st time. Lena constantly has wet dreams about that night and God, she wants nothing more than repeat it, but, work has been her block since then...

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