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absit omen.

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the hellfire club


THE BODY OF DANIELLE CADWELL crawled against Steve's, toes curled and her body warmth connecting to his. Steve growled in his beard, appreciating the sensation of her fingers lurking throughout his hair. Steve fell miserably beside her figure as he snuggled against the covers as much as he could.

"C'mon, we can't stay in bed, you have to drive us to work."

"Yeah, you really both should pay me for that," he complained.

She rolled her eyes. "As if !" laughing together, Steve laid his lips on hers, kidnapping her rosy flesh onto his, memorizing the mesmerizing sensation of the taste of her breath. Lemon. Sour fruit, often underrated by the costumers of Scoops-Ahoy.

Leaving her mouth like a thief, sounds of annoyance escaped Steve's mouth as he kept his stare on his girl. She was beautiful, her face enlightened by the first rays of sun that invaded the place that was Steve's room.

Pushing him far from her, Harrington attempted a grab on her waist, but failed lamentably when she started dressing up.

"I wouldn't go to work naked, you know."

"Honestly, I wouldn't permit it either," he chucked softly, earning a smile from Danielle.

She threw a shirt to him. Steve slid into the fabric, letting his head find a way out of it. Once he got up on his legs, both barely had time to swallow a rapid breakfast. Four feet went by, jumping into a car as Steve twirled the keyset into the small orifice. The engine roared in dawn, awakening the sleeping birds, renting the branches of the trees for the night.

Picking up Robin was fast, for once in a month, Danielle hadn't forgotten to pick her uniform up from her place before going to Steve's.

"Hey lovebirds, how's things?" asked Robin, hopping in the car on the passenger seat right next to Steve.

"Would've slept a couple more hours," complained Danielle, followed by an agreeing nod from the brown-haired boy.

"I don't wanna how come both of you are lacking of sleep."

"Oh please," Danielle begged with much fakery in her tone. Steve smirked brightly, he wasn't enchanted to go to work, but at least he'd drive to work with two of three of the women of his life : his girlfriend and his best friend.

"... And his problem with Heidi, is that she's saving and wants to go to college. And I already told him to not start a relationship that does not have another point than sex ? Yes I did. But does that makes sense to you ? I don't wanna be the bad friend," explained Steve.

The young man grew in annoyance when he noticed Robin was a hundred percent focused on applying a thick layer of eye paste. A paste that was qualified as "mascara". "Robin ! Are you listening to me?!" he had a shout.

"Ah-uh, yes yes"

"Okay, what did I say? What did I just say?"

"Uh, something about sex with... with, Linda !" she attempted, making hand gestures to portray her confusion, mascara wand in her right hand and the tube in the other.

"No I'm talking about Heidi."

"Cut me some slack, please ! Your friends' love life and yours are labyrinthine complexity."

"She wins a point there," jumped in Danielle.

"Ah, thank you ! Finally, somebody agrees."

Danny flipped her hair, giving a mocking smile to her boyfriend, who replied with a grimace. "It is seven in the morning, we have the stupid pep rally. I woke up looking like a corpse !"

With a disillusioned glance, Steve laughed at Robin's words. "You worried about a basketball pep rally? Expect me to believe that?"

"Yeaaah, so?"

"Soooo," he took back. "We all know what this is about, okay ? I'm not buying that bullshit, this is about Vicky."

Panicking internally, Robin answered the fastest she could, despite fire invaded her cheeks. "Nope, this is not what this is about."

"Stop to be somebody else when you're around her, okay? You-you just gotta be yourself."

"You're literally quoting me to me, you realize that?"

Steve felt the arguing heating between his friend and him. He didn't want vexing Robin, he knew how much her love life was a difficult and hot topic, mostly because she couldn't just talk about it out loud to anybody surrounding her. "Maybe you need to listen to yourself, ever thought of that ? I listened, look who's at the back of my car."

Danielle rolled her eyes, what a smooth talker he was. "It's not the same ! I ask out the wrong girl, I'm the town's pariah, a boy does, he's a hero."

"Yeah and I'd buy that, except Vicky's not the wrong girl !"

"We just don't know that, do we?"

Danielle lifted her eyes up her journal to give Robin a death stare. "Oh yeah honey, we do."

"She returned Fast Times paused at fifty-three minutes, five seconds," began Steven. "Who pauses at fifty-three minutes, five seconds, Robin ?!"

Danielle bent her back towards the driver and the passenger. "People who like boobies."

"Exactly !" shouted Steve.

"Ew, gross! Don't say boobies," urged the blonde girl.

"Boobies, badonks, milkers," chanted Danielle.

"Boobies," messed Steve. "Not a big deal, okay? I like boobies, you like boobies, Danny likes boobies."

Robin suddenly pivoted her back in the brunette's direction. "You do?"

"Yeah, I had a crush on a girl when I still was in catholic school."

"Nasty girl," purred Robin.

"Vickie likes boobies, definitely," finished Steve.

Finally arriving at their destination, Robin jumped off the car, heading toward the video club to unlock its doors. "So, you like boobies?" asked Danielle, jokingly.

"Yeah, especially yours," answered Steve with a wink.

Danielle opened the car's door, grabbing her back at the same occasion. "Come on, lover boy."

absit omen. (book II) • STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now