What Happened?!

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Hey guys
Really want to say thanks for reading Fallin Love with Mr.Arrogant
I've work hard for this FanFiction.
If have mistake,typo or boring just comment.Dont forget to vote.
Oh and sorry for my broken Englishml


Its Yoon 2nd Day alone with L.
I wish i could invite LeeulBi come here.Yes!I can!

I call LeeulBi for inviting she to come here.

"Annyeong LeeulBi!Are you free?I want to invite you to come to my new house.I mean the house i work for.So?"

"Annyeong Yoon!Oh..Bian.Today,i have date with ChanHee.Bian.."

"Oh okay.Good Luck!"

Hmm.So how now?
Then L sit beside me at living room.
Im shock.

"Yahh Yoon"
"Lets go watch movie"Said L while show a couple of movie ticket.
"Can I?"
"What?Of Course you can~.So?"Ask l with his cute face.

L smile to me.
His smile makes me life again.Ahh~~

I wear a cutie black sweatshirt and pink legging with fancy sneakers.

At mall,before our movie start,we eat first.

On the way,we meet Chorong.

"Oh,L.Yoon?"Said Chorong.

"Chorong?!"Shock me and hug Chorong.

"I miss you Yoon!"
"Me too."

"Oh,and hello L.You're like always,handsome."
"Thanks"Said L and smile.

"So what ur guys doin here?date?"Ask Chorong

"Ehhh!Aniya!We just wanna see movie.We just friends"Said Yoon.

Suddenly,L put his hand on my shoulder.

"No.We are date now.Right?"

And L step his foot on my shoes.

"Auch!Yeah yeah.We are date now."

"Oo..Okay.So see again.Bye~"Said Chorong and leave.

"It hurts you know?!Why?Whats wrong?!And why you say we are dated huh?"

"No..I just wanna avoid Chorong.You know right Chorong is my EX..If i say you are my girlfriend,she must feel said and leave.."

"Oohh..But Why?Don't you love She?"

L silent..
Why L dont like Chorong?Chorong is nice person and beautiful.And his EX.He must still love she
So mystery~

After watch movie,
We back to home

"Are you hungry?"Ask me.

"A bit.Make me ramen please"Said L and lay on sofa.


I made ramen for L.I dont know why people love Ramen but its really delicious.

"Ramen done!"Shout me.

L not say a thing.I go look on he.He fall asleep.
What should i do?

"L..L.Your ramen"Said me.

L awake and eat his ramen.
I just smile look he eating.

While L eating i lay on sofa while watch tv.Suddenly i fall asleep.

After L finish his ramen.He sit at the sofa where Yoon's sleep.L smile and he approch Yoon's lip.
Suddenly,he kiss Yoon.
Suddenly too,Yoon awake.

"L.."Said Yoon.

L smile."good night"Said L and rubbing Yoon's head.

"What just happened?Did we.."Said Yoon and touch her lips.

The end for this Chapter.
Thanks so much for read this book.Thanks.Please wait for the next chapter.

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