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I take desicion to back to my home for awhile because mom is sick.Omma ask to take mom live here but mom don't want."Mom.."Said me and massage mom."Yoon..Thanks for back home"Said mom."Mom anything for you.Mom want eat?I made soup."Ask me while get up."Yeahh"

I go to kitchen to get mom's soup.Suddenly L text me.

+I'll come later to your home.


+I wanna check my mother-in-law :)

~You don't need to..

L didn't reply.I bought soup and lemontea for mom."Here mom"Said me and give mom."Mom why you don't want live with omma?"Ask me while looking at mom

"Mom want to keep your father's house This house is so precious to mom.Mom even want to die at this house."Said mom while looking at soup."Mom!Don't say like that"Mom keep saying 'die'..It's make me more pitiful to mom.

Suddenly,someone knock the door.It must be L.I open the door but it's not L."Who are you?"Ask me.I'd never meet or know He."Don't know me?Huh..I'm Hwang Min."Said Hwang Min and wink at me.What the..."Does I know you?"I ask.Who he actually.

"Huh.."Suddenly omma came."Who Yoon?"And suddenly too mom shock."Waeyo?"Ask me to mom."Hwang Min!My Hwang Min.."Said mom and hug that guy..

Mom invite that guy come in and sit at sofa."Yahh..Hwang Min you're growing now"Said mom."Mom..Who is he?"Ask me again and looking at that Hwang Min."He's your cousin.."Said mom and laugh.

What?I have cousin?Mom never told that.."But mom said that i.."Not yet i finish my word,mom say"Mom just joking.He's your one and only cousin."Omma..Actually since mom and dad died,i've lonely in Incheon.So,can i live with you and Yoon?"Ask Hwang Min to mom suddenly.Just go sit at Incheon.Why came here?Huh such a brat..

"Of course you cann.."Said mom and get up."Mom!!"Said me to blocking that guy to live with me."Bwo?He is our family..Can't he?"Said mom and bought Hwang Min to guest room."Aishhh.."Said me and stepping my foot.Aishhh..That Hwang Min..Luckily he is cute or i'll kill he.

I wash plate at kitchen.Suddenly,i heard Hwang Min's voice."Hey"Said He.Aishh..Disturbing..."What?"Ask me in anger mood.He laugh."Next,help me paint this house.Okay?"Said Hwang Min and leave."Yahh!"Shout me.He just ignored me.Aish..I didn't say yes yet..How could he..

After washing,i saw Hwang Min's ready to paint the wall."Come on!"Said he."Nae"I take brush and start painting.Suddenly,Hwang Min put paint on my face."Yahh!!"Shout me and do the same.We having fun and forgot to paint.

After cleaning,i lay on the grass at backyard."Uggg"Said me.I'm so tired.Suddenly,Hwang Min lay beside me."Having fun?"Ask he."Yeah"Answer me.Hwang Min smile and close his eyes.

"Yoon.."Said Hwang Min while looking at me."Yeah?"Hwang Min get up and hold my hands."Come on!"Said Hwang Min and take me to somewhere.

Hwang Min take me to Centre Park."What we doin here?"Ask me."I want you to see this"Said Hwang Min and point to a tree."Tree?"Ask me.To me it just a simple tree like others tree.

"It's not just a tree.It's Magical Tree.It has story.If a couple who love each other kiss under this tree,their love will be forever."Said Hwang Min while smile.
"Oh.It must be wonderful"Suddenly,L call me."Sorry i've to answer it"Said me to Hwang Min."Take your time"

>Yeoboseyo L...


>Ohh.*laugh*Okay..Message me the place and


"Who?"Ask Hwang Min."My friend..Hwang Min let's go home.Later i want to hang out with my friend."Said me while hold Hwang Min's hand.Hwang Min just like my oppa even it's our 1st time meet.I really happy have oppa like him.

Suddenly,He put his arm on my shoulders."A date huh?"Ask Hwang Min."Aniya!"Said me while blushing."I knew it!"Said Hwang Min while poke me."Yahh!!"Shout me and chase him.

L text me the place.

+Charae Cafe now.

"Now?"Said me loudly."Wae?"Ask Hwang Min who making a coffee for mom."Aniya~~Oppa said to mom i'll back at 10 p.m...Bye!!"Said me and leave."Yahh!Yahh!Aigoo~"

I arrive at Charae Cafe and saw L waiting for me outside cafe."Annyeong"Said L and smile to me.I smile back to L.I saw he hide something."What's that?"Ask me."Suprise!For you!"Said L while show a small cute pinky box.I wonder what in there.L open the box and i saw a pretty necklace with a heart diamond.

"Ohh!For me?"Ask me.It's so pretty!L nodding.He put the necklace on me.He smile."It's suit for you.Pretty"Said L."Thanks!"Said me and hug L."This necklace is our love proving.I've too.."Said L while show his necklace.

"Where'd we want to go?"Ask me.L hold my hands while walk."Somewhere"Aish..L keep saying somewhere..I want to know to!Suddenly,L take me to a wonderful lake."Wow!Where are we now?Heaven?"Ask me.I'm so fascinated.The lake is so beautiful than Han River."It's call Paradise Lake.."Said L while hug me from back."Paradise Lake?I think i've heard somewhere.Yes!The magical lake,right?"Ask me.I remember when i was kid mom tell me a story about Paradise Lake.The magical lake for a loves.

"Long time ago,there was a very beautiful girl who live near this lake.One day,she fell in love to a boy who save her at this lake.One day,the girl's mom mad at her for dating with that boy so,her mom kill the boy.The girl was really sad.Everyday,she go to this lake,and crying for the boy.She keeps praying for the boy came back for her.Suddenly,she saw the boy get our from the lake.The boy is alive and it's because their love power and this magical lake.They live happily forever.."I remember mom tell me the story.

Me and L sit on a bench under a pretty tree."L..It must be wonderful to have a true love"I don't know why suddenly i said that word.L smile."Yes..You must be wonderful too.."Said L and smile."Why?"
Suddenly,L kiss me.Our lips touched.Honestly,it very wonderful to be with you,L..

Thanks for reading.
What Cupid means?I don't know what's that.

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