The Joy

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-Hey Guys!Sorry for update late.Im really sorry cause this week is exam..A lot if thanks for reading,vite and comment.Thanks again for supporting In Love With Mr.Arrogant


"L.."Said Yoon and sit beside L at living room."yes?"Ask L while looking at Yoon.
"Hmm...Nothing"Said Yoon and smile."What's wrong?Tell me.."Said L while play with Yoon's hair."Nothing"Said Yoon again and smile."Sure?"Asking L."Yes~~Okay i wanna go to my room.Bye~"Said Yoon and go to her room.

Yoon POV
Hmm..I want to tell you something..But im scare.I want to say that I Love You..But im scare if you said "Im sorry,I don't Love you"Hmm..

L drawing at his room.L don't know what to draw,So he steal Yoon's pic and draw her.
L so happy when draw Yoon.


"Who's there?"Ask L.He didn't want people disturb he."Its omma"Said Omma.Omaa and appa just get back from L's aunty's house."Oh,Omma.Wae?"Ask L."No..I just wanna check you.."Said Omma.."Im fine Omma.I just wanna relax"Said L and looking at the moon through his windows.

L knocking Yoon's door."Nae?"Ask Yoon while putting mask on her face.Of course..we girl want to be pretty right?"Can you open the door?"Ask L."Wait a minute."When Yoon open the door,L shock.He thought a ghost early."Bwo?"Ask Yoon when saw L's face.
"Aniya..You just like a ghost"Said L.

Suddenly,L hold my hand."Yah..Tomorrow why don't we go watch movie?Im so bored here."Said L.Im shock.."Ermm..Nae.."Said Yoon and smile."Really?Okay tomorrow ea?"Said L and touch my hair."Yeahh..Yah,Yah now go to your room."Said me and push L to his room.

I lay on her bed.Suddenly L text me.

+Hey sweetie pie~~~

~Ermm..Sorry wrong number..

+Ya,Ya,Ya!Jakkaman..I just wanna check
Are you sleep already or not.

~I wanna sleep now..Annyeong

+Dream of me yah..Annyeong >

I laugh.."Aigoo.."Said me.I take my pillow and try to sleep.

Tomorrow morning,when im awake,Im shock!L has wait me to awake at my bed."Good Morning"Said L.
I shout.."Yah,yah,yah..Shh..Omma'll hear."Said L while close my mouth using his hand."What you're doin here?"Ask me.
"Waiting you"Said L and sit beside me."Yahh..Why you come in to my room when im sleep.If you want to wait,just wait at your room!"Nagging me.
"Shh..You've talked too much..I want to see your sleep face.Is it wrong?"Ask L and make his cute face."Fool!Yes,it is wrong.Now get out."Palli-yah..Im waiting you outside here"Said L.I just close my door.Uggh..Its ashame.I just sleep wearing my singlet..

Once im done,i open my door.And I saw L is sleeping at my door.I sit beside L.Aww..He so cute even he sleeping."Yahh!Wake up!"Shout me.L shock and awake."Bwo?Bwo?Bwo?!"Said He..I laugh."What are you laughing at haa?"Said L and poke me."Come on!"Said me and help he get up.

L bought me to arcade."Yahh..You said we want to watch a movie?"Ask me.Im so disspointed.."Ohh..Don't be said.This is more fun than movie.Come on!"Said L and pull me.Its so fun!We play the zombie,dancing,racing and others game."L..Im having a blast!"Said me while we rest at the bench."Like what i said..Now,Let's go!"Said L and pull me again."Where?"Ask me.L just ignored me.

L take me to ice skating park.Im so fascinated."Come on!"Said L.Once we've ready with our shoes,L pull me."Yahh!Yahh!Yah!"Shout me."It's Okay.Come on i'll teach you!"
After 30min,I have know how to skate.Yayy!Thanks to L.

After having fun,We back to home.We back by walking.On the way to home,L ask me."Are you like it?"Like what?"What?Like what?"Ask me.L smile."Are you like it when with me"Ask L."Hmm"Said me and looking at the sky."Im really like it"Said me again and look at L.
Suddenly,L hug me.."L.."I said.Im really shock."I like you"

L has confess to Yoon!Want to know what happen next?Please wait for next part.If more vote or comment,I'll more fast update it.



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