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"Kim Yoon In..Do you wanna be my one love and only until forever?"

Im really spechless.I feel like i wanna stop the time and check is it reality or a dream?!

"L..Yess...Yes i do"Said me and hug L.Suddenly,I cry.Crying for my happiness..OMG~Hold of it~~

"Thanks Yoon"Said L and kiss my forehead.He put ring on my finger.Its pretty^^

"Wahh!!"Said Omma and appa that just spying us earlier..Oh my god

"Omma"Said me and hug omma.

L hug his appa.His appa is happy for him.

"Omma and appa are really happy for you guys.Finally you guys will marry!"

"So,when the wedding date?"Ask appa.


"Molla?Okay you guys pick the date and make sure the date is next week and all preparation,let mom,omma and appa handle it.Okay?"

"Next week?!I think its so early..Im not ready yet"

"but i think its late.Why dont tomorrow?"Ask L and laugh.

"Hahaha...Its so funny"

"Yes it is!"Laugh L again.


Mom came to L's house for discussing with omma and appa.

While me and L,go for a wedding dress!L take me to a wedding dress shop at the center of Seoul,Kirana Wedding.

Once i enter the shop?i really really fascinated.It has many many many wedding dress,accsories and others.And for me only!Hahaha~

"Wahh!Kyeopta kyeopta!!"Said me and check out the dress.I give my handbag to L.He shock and start feel dizzy when im shopping.Hello,im a girl,okay?

"Wahh!L look at this dress!Its so beautiful,isnt?"Said me while show the love neckline dress.

"Ermm.Why dont you try it first?"

"Okay then"

After several minutes,i came out from the dresser room.L silent..Hmm..Maybe he dont like it.

"You dont like it?"Ask me.

"Aniya,Aniya!Its pretty!Im really fascinated now"


"Perhaps..Are you weighing weight?You look fat~"Said L and laugh..

"Yahh!"Said me while throw pillow to him.

"Aniya!Its really pretty"

"Okay i want buy it!"

"Just like that?Dont want check the others?"

"Nope.If you say this dress are pretty than i'll only choose this dress."

"Omo~~"Said L and poke Yoon.

L sent Yoon home cause he need to buy a special gift for Yoon.Their wedding is next week so L want give Yoon a special gift.

L buy Yoon her fav Pororo.
Yoon might love this present~

Suddenly,A lorry from his left is so fast and driving towards L.The lorry cant stop and hit L'car suddenly.
L go out from the car.He is bleeding.All his body is bleeding.And suddenly,he faint.

Yoon POV.
L said he have to go somewhere.Now its 12 a.m already..Hmmm where is he?

Suddenly,i got a call.I thought its L but its an unknown number.


"Hello.Are you L's wife?"


"L..Is accident now he at hospital."


I drop my phone.Im shock and cry..

"Yoon..Waeyo?"Ask omma.

"L..L accident.Now he is at the hospital"Said me and hug omma.

"Bwo?!Lets go to hospital!"


Arrive at hospital,me and omma ran to the icu.L still coma.

"Oh,Are you L's aqquaintace?"Ask the doctor.

"Im her omma.How L doctor?Is he okay?"

"Well..Huh..L is okay but he need a lot rest.But,he cant walk because we cut his left leg for survive him.."

"Bwo?Hmm..Nae doctor,Can i see him?"


"Thanks doc"

I saw L lay on the bed.He still not wake up yet.Oh god,Thanks he is all okay...Even he cant walk..

"Omma..Its already late.I think you should go home fist.I can take care L."

"Can you?"

"Nae..You go home..You look really tired,omma"

"Nae..Kamsahamida Yoon"

Yoon sit beside L.
Holding L's hand.
Waiting for L to awake.

"L..Why you do this to me?Dont you know how im really worrying about you"

"Excuse me..This is L's.I found at accident place earlier."Said a man give the Pororo bear that L buy for her earlier.


Yoon saw a card at Pororo sunglases.
Yoon take the card.

Dear My Yoon,
Finally,Its my dream tomorrow,marry you.I buy this for you!I know its you fav isnt?Always be happy~Eat well~Even without me..Thanks for always be with me.
Your love
Kim Myungsoo

Yoon cry...Remembering her memories with L..

"Yoon.."Said L.

Thanks for reading 'Fallin Love with Mr.Arrogant.
Its will end soon~
And sorry too if it kinda boring~
I tried my best on this ff,ya know?

Well,if you think its good or nice,vote please?
And if had any questions or want to critic or whatever,comment~

Please wait for the new part~


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