Who Are You?

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Suddenly,L kiss Yoon 's cheek.Yoon seems shock.

"Yoon...Please dont too much worry about us..Now,I want you too rest your mind.."

"L.."Said Yoon and hug L.

"Lets go back home"Said L and stand.


At home..

"Annyeong..Oh,where's omma and appa?"Ask Yoon.

"Oh,Maybe they go somewhere"

"Ohh..L,I wanna go sleep.Goodnight"Said Yoon.


Yoon lay on her bed.Trying to sleep.Suddenly,someone message her.

???:Annyeong.Are you have sleep?

Yoon:Who is this?

???:I Miss You.Lets meet tomorrow.

Yoon:Im asking!Who are you?

???:Tomorrow at S Cafe.8 a.m See you there!

Yoon:Who are you honestly?Do i know you?

???:Just meet me tomorrow.You'll find out.

"Weird?Does i know him?Hmmm..."

Yoon POV
Tomorrow,I wake up at 6 and jogging.After jog,I makeup for meeting ???..I should not tell L or he will follow me.

I slowly exit the house.Luckily,L still sleep.I leave a note with the breakfast.

Arrive at S Cafe.I saw no one here.The Cafe not open yet.Suddenly,I saw  a bench outside the cafe.
I sit waiting for ???.

Suddenly,a van came and two guys came out.All that guys is wearing  all black.I shock.They ran towards me.One from they hold me.And onether one give me sleep poison.

Suddenly,i fall asleep.


Errmm?Yoon go out?

Dear L,

    I've to meet my friends this morning.Dont worry i'll be fast.I made you breakfast.Enjoy it
                          Your love,

I smile.Looks like she really will be fine.I eat the breakfast.Its really tasty.

Now?Its afternoon.I worry about Yoon since her dont remember her memory yet..
I try call Yoon but her phone is off.
I became more worried.

That night,i try again to call her.Suddenly,i receive a message from ???.

???-Yoon now with me.

L-Who are you?

???-If you wanna her save,please go to S Mall rooftop.Only you.

L rushing to S Mall rooftop.

Yoon POV

I awake.All i see was dark.Im afraid and scare.I really hope L was here with me.I think ??? cover up my eyes.

Suddenly,that ??? open up the things he cover my eyes with.I see that im now at the rooftop,being tied.

"Who are you?What did you want?Let me go!"Shout me.

"Shh..Shh..I wanna make things simple.Dont you remember me?Im your ex-boyfriend.Im Yojoon."Said that Yojoon.

"Let me go!Someone help me!"Shout me as loud as i can but of course nobody will hear me.

"Nobody will hear you,beautiful"Said Yojoon while strokes my hair.

Yojoon go somewhere then.Maybe toilet or else.Suddenly,I saw L at the rooftop door.He was sweat.Maybe he ran to rooftop.

"L!L!Help me!"Shout me and suddenly cry.

L untie the rope that tied me.I hug him as much i miss him.

"L..L.."I cry.

"Shh..Now its all fine"Said L calming me.

"Lets go"Said him and help me to get up.

Suddenly,the door closed by Yojoon.

"Where'd you think you wanna go ?"

I look at L.He doesnt seem shock at all.Maybe he know Yojoon.

"Yojoon!Why you do this to Yoon?"Ask L.

"Fool!I do this for my revenge!"Said Yojoon and take out his knife.

Omg what he gonna do?Did he wanna kill me?or us?

"Revenge?What did Yoon has do to you?I thought you really love Yoon as much as your life"

"Yes!But now all my feeling to her as gone after she kill my sister!"

"Your sister?When did i kill her?!"


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