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"You remember last 2 years..That i ask you..Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"Ask Mark.



"So what?Mark..Me and you.."

Suddenly,Mark kiss Yoon's cheeck.

And Suddenly too,L came.


I finally arrive at Yoon's mom garden.
Arhh~Im so nervous!
Suddenly,I saw a boy kiss Yoon.
Im so shock..Suddenly,the rings box fall from my hand.
I ran back to my car.

Oh God..Why i feel like this?My heart really hurt..
Suddenly,my tears fall..Oh God please say its a dream..

Back at home,
I lay on bed,try to sleep cause its already late but i can't.I keep thinking about Yoon.Ughh...

Suddenly,my door opens and i saw Yoon.She is smiling to me.

"Hey,I made kimbab,want some?"

I silent.I dont know what to say.
In my heart,I just wanna scream and mad at Yoon..But I can't..I can't make Yoon sad or hate me again.


"Whats wrong with you?You look sad"Said Yoon and sit beside me at bed.

"Nothing just go!"I shout at her.Oh my god i dont know that i could shout at her just like that.


Yoon POV

You remember last 2 years..That i ask you..Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"Ask Mark.



"So what?Mark..Me and you.."

Suddenly,Mark kiss Yoon's cheeck.
What just happened?!Did he just kiss my cheeck?


"Dont worry,If you dont want,i'll understand..Good Night"Said Mark and stroke my hair.


Once Mark leave,i stand and i saw a ring box.Ermm?Someone throw it?It looks new.What a waste..

I take it and wear it..Its really pretty.It looks like diamond with heart shape.

"Yeppuda"Said me and go in to the house.

Arrive at L's house?i bought kimbab that i made with mom earlier so he can eat.He must be hungry..Hehehe.

I open his room door.I saw him lay on his bed,listening to song.

"Hey,i made kimbab,want some?"Ask me.


"Whats wrong with you?You look sad.."I sit beside him.

"Nothing just go!"Shout him.

Did L just shout at me without any reason..I really like wanna cry but i hold it.I dont wanna cry infront L..
I lay on my bed..Crying..Im really sad when L just shout at me..What've im done?Did i do anything wrong?

Tomorrow,Omma and Appa really tired cause Appa company party last night.So,i made their breakfast.

Suddenly,L come at the kitchen.Huh...
I really mad at him now.

"Hey,Im really sorry about last night..I didn't mean to shout at you.."

I silent..I dont want talk to him.Huh..

"Hey,Are you really mad at me?"Ask L while laugh.

He laugh?He thinks it funny huh?Ha..Ha..Ha..

"Looks..Im really sorry..I didnt mean it.."Said L again while kiss my hand.

Oh my..He really made me melt..
Now,im okay again!

"Okay then..I forgive you"

"Yeayy!"Said L and hug me.

"Yahh!Go away!I wanna cook!"

"Let me help you"

"No..You just sit at there.."

"Okay"Laugh him.

After breakfast,I sit at the bench near the pool.Reading my fiction.
Suddenly,L came and sit beside me.



"I bought this lemonade for you^^"


"Yahh!Where did you get that ring?"

"This ring?I found it.Its really pretty isnt?I really like it~"Said me while touching the ring.

"Can i take a look?"

"Of Course"

L take a look at that ring,why he seems so interested at that ring?Huh,weird..

"Yoon!"Call omma.

"Oh!"I ran to omma and forgot the ring.

"Nae omma?"

"Can you massage omma?Hehehe"

"Hahaha..Yes omma"


I saw Yoon sit at the bench,reding her fiction.



"I bought this lemonade for you^^"


"Yahh!Where did you get that ring?"

"This ring?I found it.Its really pretty isnt?I really like it~"Said me while touching the ring.

"Can i take a look?"

"Of Course"

This ring really looke like mine.Wow,is it?


"Oh!"Yoon ran to omma.Its my chance to take my ring back!Yahoo!

At that night..

L:Hey,Yoon!Can you meet me at my garden now?✅✅




At Garden,

"Hey,So what?"



"Do you like me?"

"What are you asking?"

"I ask do you like me?"

"Yes!Of course i do!Why?Suddenly you just ask that question.It makes me blushh,ya know?"

"Well.."Said L and knee.He show the rings!

"Kim Yoon In..Do you wanna be my one love and only..Or simply do you wanna be my wife until forever?"

[COMPLETED] Fallin Love with Mr.ArrogantWhere stories live. Discover now