Chapter 9: Dolores

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Ramiah's POV

I woke up due to the alarm, I got up from the bed and checked if Ash was awake. When I looked at the other bed she was still sleeping, I decided to wake her up by kicking her bed because I am a good sister :) She woke up groaning "Our flight??" I say to her while getting a towel and some clothes "hmmm ok" she says while getting up and going to her room to use her bathroom. I took a bath and dressed up, I checked my phone to see the time it was 10 minutes past 4am. Ash walked in after a few minutes with her luggage, I was just bringing a backpack since I will just wash my clothes. I kissed Mel's forehead then left to go to the garage and got the keys for my Jeep wrangler. I went in the drivers seat and started driving as a car followed me out of the gate, just my guards I think. We got to Kai's house as he comes in the backseat with Ash.

We all go to the airport and boarded the private jet. Our flight was alright, but it was bad since the whole time Kai and Ash was just cuddling and it is making me feel single. Anyways we got off the plane and landed in Samar, we took a chopper to go to Dolores. When we arrived in Dolores a car of mine was prepared for me along with another car for the guards, I honestly don't know why I have guards. When I got in my car both of them got in the backseats, I started to drive to our house in Dolores. When we arrived in our house, I went to my room and unpacked my things and put them in my closet. I heard a notification from my phone.

Mother Dear👑

Mom: Cameron, there's a meeting for the shop on 9AM

Ramiah: Ok, I will be there

Mom: Ok, thank you loveu

Ramiah: loveu2

I close my phone and checked the time by looking at my watch, it was 7:34AM so I decided to ask Emma if she was awake.

Emma Stone and Watson

Ramiah: Emmaaaa r u awake?

Emma: no😃

Ramiah: oh that's nice

Emma: yea ikr

Ramiah: anyways wanna meet up for bfast? My meeting is at 9AM

Emma: yea sure, pick me up

Ramiah: ok I'll use my motor, be there in 5-10 mins

Emma: okkk

After that, I closed my phone and went to the garage and went on my motorcycle. I drove to Emma's house and picked her up, we went to a cafe that was owned by my family. I turned my motor off and got off, she also got off and followed me into the cafe. We both went to a table and sat down, "What do you wanna get?" I ask "I'll get what you'll get" she replied "okie dokie" I say while getting up and going to the cashier, I told them our order then paid.

I went back to our table and sat down "Sooo how are you?" I ask "ehh fine, just really bored" she says "Oh really? Don't you have class-" I was then cut off because I hear a ringtone, I got my phone from my pocket. It was the gc calling, I answered and turned my camera on. All of them was in the video call "Hi, why are you calling?" I ask "Nothing, we're all bored" they all laugh "Okk, anyways I'm having breakfast with a friend" I turn the camera to the back camera.

Melissa's POV

Cam turns her camera back and shows a girl waving her hand, who is she? Is that her girlfriend? Did I miss my chance? Sh*t I regret everything now. "Where are you guys?" Elisha asks "a cafe that our family owns" she replied, after that we talked for a few minutes with Cam and Emma until a server went to their table with their food.

Ramiah's POV

A server went to our table and gave us our food, "We have to go now, byeee" I say "Byeee" I hear them all say. Emma and I ate while talking "Wasn't that the girl that you always talk about in our chat?" She asks, I stuff myself with food so I wouldn't need to answer "Hey! Stop eating and answer me!" She says jokingly "Hmmm?" I hum while still eating "Ok ok stop" she says "Fine, what?" I ask pretending I didn't hear "ha...ha you totally didn't hear that" she says sarcastically, I just smile at her "She is your crush right?" She asks me "Yea yeaa" I say before stuffing myself with food "Soo when will you ask her to be your girlfriend?" She asks me "Welllll I mean I wanted to ask her when I got home" I reply "Then good" she says. When we were done eating, I checked my watch to see the time it was 8:12AM. I got up from my seat "Where will I take you?" I ask "My house" she says "Ok, let's go!" I say while grabbing her hand and taking her to my motor, we both got on my motorcycle and went to her house. When we got to her house it was 8:20AM "Thank you for the breakfast and for the ride" she say "You're always welcome Em" I say while getting on my motorcycle "Bye Cam!" She says while I turn on the engine "Bye Em!" I say while going to the place where the meeting is, when I arrived it was 8:50AM since I stopped in some places since the Aimer family is well known here in our province. Before I went in the room of the meeting, I called Ash and informed her that I was going to a meeting for Lolo P. (Our cafe name dedicated to our late grandpa) She said that she would explore dolores with Kai. I went in the room of the meeting, the meeting was 2 hours. We talked about the design of the new milktea shop which was designed by my sister, the stocks, employees, shop hours and other stuff which I dealt with.
(A/N that was on monday.)

The whole week was filled with meetings, family outings and, friend outings.

Tuesday - Family outing with cousins to go island hopping with Emma and Kai since Emma has been friends with our family since we were kids and Kai was known and trusted because my sister always talks about him and always brings him to our cousin outings.

Wednesday - A lot of meetings! And a friend outing with Emma, Kai, Ash and, some other friends we have in Dolores.

Thursday - A meeting in the morning, platonic date with Emma and a flight back to manila on 5:30PM since Mom said that I attended all of the meetings already. Yay! I get to see Mel!

Thursday 1:25PM

I was on my like meet up?? Platonic date?? I honestly don't know but anyways a platonic double date(?) With Emma, Ash and, Kai, (Seating:Emma, Ramiah and Ash,Kai) we were sitting in a table in a restaurant when Kai said he would go to the restroom. He got up and went to the restroom while Emma and I just talk to eachother while facing one another, I hear a click of a camera and turned to Ash "What?" I ask her "Nothing" she says while I hear a notif from my phone. I got my phone from my pocket and went to the chat with a notif.

Ugly noobs GC

Ash: *Sent a photo*
Ash: I feel like a third wheel

Elisha: Awww poor Ash, Cameron! Stop making your sister a third wheel HAHAAHHA

Kira: Awww where's Kai

Melissa: Sad.

Ramiah: What. We're just talking🥲

I close my phone and go back to talking to Em, we were talking about my crush since I was forced :,)

3:20 PM

We went to the airport for our chopper, after like a one hour trip we went to the airport for our flight back to manila. The flight back to manila was kinda boring, I was just watching Ash and Kai talk.

When we got to Manila it was 6:40PM, we got out of the plane and I drove Kai and Ash back to their house I guess. When I was going back to my apartment 2 cars were following me home, 4 guards each car. I was using my Jeep Wrangler, when I arrived in the building the 2 cars stay behind my car and 2 guards came out and followed me. I was going up the elevator and I was about to go to Mel's apartment when I saw a man banging the door of her apartment, I clench my fists ready to punch someone.

A/N Hi! This chapter is kinda long, sorry for not updating the moment that I said in my last note. Ummm I feel like there will be plenty of time skips in the upcoming chapters, btw I don't do smut I am sorry. Umm idk what to say umm this is 1551 words including this A/N


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