Chapter 11: Business

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Ramiah's POV

I woke up with Mel in my arms, I got up and checked the time it was 4 AM. I got up and changed to go jogging while waiting for the sunrise, I went out of the house and jogged around. After 30 minutes of jogging Em called me, "Hey Cam! I knew you were awake." She says "Hi Em, yea I'm jogging right now" I say while stopping in front of my house "As always. Soo did you ask her?" She asks "Uhhh yea I did" I say while smiling "I just know you are smiling right now, I bet you 10k" she says laughing "Ok you win, you always do" I say while laughing "Well congrats on getting a girlfriend, I never thought you would." She chuckles "Ha...ha rude but yea thank you, and  btw tell me about ur crush" I say waiting for the tea "She's my classmate, she is literally smart as in top 1. She is really beautiful and she is my age." She admires her crush "Have you confessed??" I ask "Hm not yet I'm not sure if she likes girls" she says sadly "Oh it's ok, goodluck Love u"
"Thank you and obviously I love u too" she says before I end the call smiling, I see Mel at the door looking at me "Hi good morning babe" I say while running to her and putting my phone in my pocket "Good morning" she smiles "Why are you up this early?" I ask because it is literally 4:54AM "Nothing, I was looking for you" she says "Ohh ok" I say while giving a peck on her lips "Were you jogging" she asks "Uhh yeah" I say while wiping my sweat "Oooo wanna go to the roof to see the sunrise?" I quickly ask after "Yea sure" she says while I grab her hand and took her to the roof.

We both stand there leaning on the railing while watching the sun rise. "It's beautiful" she says while I was just looking at her "Yea, it is" I smile, after a few seconds she turned to look at me "You're not even looking at it" she says "I know", "I love you" I smile "I love you too" she smiles and puts her hands on my shoulders, I put my hands on her waist and kissed her. I put my head on her shoulder, we stay there for a while.

We were in my kitchen because we were cooking. We were cooking breakfast, bacon and eggs! When we were done cooking we ate, then watched some tv. After some episodes we decided to go back to our apartments, we got in my car and started to drive. I was holding Mel's hand while I was driving and singing to songs on the radio, we got to our apartments after 35 minutes.

I go to my apartment with Mel, "What do you wanna do?" I ask "Netflix please" Mel says as she flops down on the couch, we decided to watch a series. In the middle of our third episode, I heard a notif coming from my phone so I get my phone and searched for the notif. It was a message from my sister.

Moody Sister💅

Ash: Kai and I will go back to the U.S

Miah: What? Why didn't you tell me?

Ash: Idk it was just random, we wanted to spend time in U.S. Sorry my dear sister😇

Miah: Ok tell me if you guys become a couple. Stay safe! Love you

Ash: Ha...ha loveu2

I close my phone and put it back in my pocket, I continue watching with Mel.

A week later, May 11, 2019

Ramiah's POV

I miss Mel, I haven't seen her in 3 days because of going home late due to business and she is always asleep already. I was in my office going over the things I have to do, I decide to text her.


Cam: Mel where are you?

Mel: Home.

Cam: Okk are u mad?

Mel: No, its just because I have my period😫

Cam: What do you want?

Mel: McNuggets and chocolate🥺

Cam: Ok, See you later loveu

Mel: Thank you❤ loveu2

I get out of my office and went to the store and bought chocolate and flowers, I then went to a drive thru of McDo for the nuggets. After I got all the things, I went to her apartment quickly. I was in front of Mel's door, I used my key to open the door. When I came in I closed the door and locked it "Babe where are you?" I ask "In the bedroom" she says, I go in her bedroom and see her just laying in bed watching Netflix "You look cute" I chuckle, I give her the chocolate, nuggets and, flowers "Thank you bub" She says as she hugs me,"You're always welcome bub" I say. "Will you stay here?" She asks "If you want" I say "Yess stay here I want your cuddles" she looks at me, "Ok" I go to her bed and cuddled up to her.

The next day

Ramiah's POV

I was in Mel's apartment when I got a message, it was from my mom.

Mother Dear👑

Mom: Cameron, you have to go to Bacolod for business

Ramiah: Ok mom when?

Mom: Today, it is very urgent

Ramiah: What time?

Mom: 10AM

Ramiah: Mom that's an hour away from now, private jet?

Mom: Yes now go to the airport, you have clothes in your house there

Ramiah: Ok, loveu

Mom: thank you, loveu2

I closed my phone, "Um babe I have to go, I have to go to bacolod for I don't know how long" I say while getting up "Wait, now?" She asks "Yes I love you" I kiss her "Ok stay safe, love you too" she says, I give her a peck on her lips and went out of the apartment and went to my apartment and changed my clothes. I got in my car and went to the airport, I got there on 9:20AM and got on my plane.

2 days later

Melissa's POV

Cam had to go to bacolod, so I asked Kira and Elisha if they wanted to hangout, they said yes. We went to a mall and ate and watched some movies. After we watched a movie, we decided to hang out at a cafe. "Soo do you guys have a bf/gf already? I need tea!" Elisha says which causes me to laugh "What? I'm serious" Says Elisha "Nope" Kira says "Yea no" I say while going to drink my drink "When is Melia going to be together" Elisha whines "what is Melia?" I ask "Ramiah and Melissa" Kira says "Oh yea where is Miah?" Elisha realizes "She went to Bacolod for business" I say "oh ok" says Kira. I miss her now, I miss her cuddles that make me feel safe. I miss her kisses that I wish would last forever. I zone out thinking about MY beautiful Aimer, "Mel??" Elisha waves her hands in front of my eyes "Mel are you ok" Kira asks me "Uh yeah sorry I zoned out" I apologize.

A/N Uhh a lot of time skips are coming, I think the time skips will stop when the pandemic comes, but anyways pls leave suggestions

I'm going to my province all this month, Bacolod and Dolores but I think I'll upload tom. Or later

Till next chapter👋

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