Chapter 13: Meeting

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May 30, 2019

Ramiah's POV

I just came from a meeting which was very important so I wore a suit, it was a meeting with our business partners. I went to my apartment and saw Mel cooking food, "Oh hey babe" Mel says as she heard the door. I took off my coat and and put it on coat rack. After a few seconds she looked at me "I'm done-" she cuts herself off and just looks at me, after a few seconds I clear my throat and loosen my tie "You look hot" she says as she approaches me, "Hmm thank you" I pull her closer to me by her waist, we look at eachothers eyes until Mel pulled me by my tie and kissed me. I kiss her back and carried her to my bedroom, I gently put her down on the bed and kissed her all over her face. I heard her laugh cutely, I stopped kissing her and looked at her eyes "Why are you so cute?" I smile "I love you" she smiles and kisses my lips "I love you too"

After that, we got changed and went to eat. Were eating the food that Mel cooked, "Wow Mel it's delicious!" I compliment "Thank you thank you" she says "But do you know what's more delicious?" I pause "You~" I said seductively, she blushes hard and playfully hit me. I laugh and continue to eat, after we both ate we went to bed and cuddled till we fell asleep.

The next day

Ramiah's POV

I woke up early to work out, I got up from the bed and went to my gym. I changed to my gym attire and started to work out. I look at the clock and it was a few hours since I started working out at 4AM, it was now 7:14AM. I stopped after 16 minutes and went to take a bath, when I got out Mel was still sleeping. I decided to call Em, she answered almost immediatley.

"Hey Em"
"Hi Cam"
"When should I go to Samar?"
"You should come sooon your cousin is coming back the day after tomorrow."
"Yess your favorite cousin, I think"
"Oh my goddd, finallyy I missed him"
"Yeppp you should come soon"
"I'll go tomorrow."
"Ok ok see you soon, Love you"
"Love you too, bye"

I ended the call and saw Mel looking at me half asleep "Good morning beautiful" I greet "Who were you talking to?" She asks "Ohh just Em, by the way wanna go to samar tomorrow?" I ask "Yea sure" she says as she lays back down, I go to the bed and cuddled up to her.

After we both woke up, we ate breakfast. After we ate we decided to go to a meetup with Kira and Elisha, we only honestly hang out with close friends.

After meeting up with Elisha and Kira, I called my mom that I was gonna go to Samar with Mel tomorrow. She said that she would prepare the jet and chopper for 1 PM.

The Next Day

Ramiah's POV

I woke up without Mel beside me, I was really tired so I went back to sleep. When I woke up again I checked the time by looking at my phone, it was 8:20AM. I got up and brushed my teeth and fixed my hair, I went to the kitchen where I saw Mel setting the table up. I went behind her and leaned on the counter "You look beautiful as always" I compliment, she quickly turned around and fixed her glasses "Good morning to you too" she smiles, I really love her smile, everytime she smiles I get butterflies in my stomach. I went up to her and put my hands on her hips "You know, I really love your smile" I say "Well thank you babe" she replies.

We went to eat breakfast, after we ate we went to the couch. We were both on the couch watching F.r.i.e.n.d.s "Oh yea bub our flight today is at 1PM" I inform "Ok I already packed earlier" she says "Oh ok I already have clothes in my house there so I don't have to bring any." I say, we both continued to watch the series.

After a few episodes I checked the clock for the time, it was 11AM. I got up to take a bath. After I was done, Mel also took a bath. Mel and I changed to our outfits for the airport

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