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brents balls x everyone

Everyone was in the meeting room as miles explained what the plan was "Okay I'm gonna go over it one more time so that Kate understands. So Gab will be waiting at the main door in case Brent runs out and Mikki will be outside brents door. Tea and Zam will be the ones to chase brent and Kate will tackle brent down so that Elisha can take his pants off and chop off his delicious balls." Elisha and the others nodded and Rhianna raised her hand "Yes?" "We are getting paid for this right?" He nodded "This is gonna take place tonight at specifically 3 AM at brents hospital room. Got it?" Everyone got on the table and started to do their hand shake, in reality it was just all of them twerking to "Good 4 u" By olivia rodrigo


Miles waited outside the hospital room and Brent was watching boku no pico and miles signaled Zam and Tea that it was time to chase him. Zam popped out of his left side with a strap on dildo and Tea was on his right side with a kitchen knife. Brents eyes widened as he stood up and ran away "COME BACK BRENTIE WENTIE PANTIE WANTIE" Zam yelled and as brent was running Rhianna hugged him and he struggled to get out of her grasp and kate helped Mikki push his flat ass onto the ground. He screamed in pain since his penis was flattened and Rhianna tied brent up and elisha and miles came out, Tea and zam soon followed as they all circled around him and Kate started playing "The periodic Table Song (2018 update)" and Brent screamed and cried as Miles unzipped his pants to reveal his ben 10 boxers as Elisha walked to the front and Held the knife up in a sacrificial way "Deorum Genitalium vi, hos pilarum par Ballario immolamus. Twerkie workie perkie shrekie wekie"

Everyone started chanting and Elisha chopped his balls off and Miles dropped the instant growth serum and he started to grow more balls. and Everyone got a chance to cut off his balls and they had enough to experiment with.

8 years later

They were still using brents balls but everytime they chopped it off he sharted on the bed but eventually they were able to use his shit for protein shakes. Everyone was super healthy due to the excessive nutrients that his balls had. But they eventually ran out of brent balls and had compromise. They started to feed off of the balls of miles, he had this new sauce that was labeled as "Ball Sweat"

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