Lance's Space Children Part 3 & The End

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Lance POV


"Lance! Can you hear me!".

"I think he's regaining consciousness..."

What.... the is a bawling toddler on my chest. Correction, my bawling toddler is on my chest. I raised my shaky yet weightless arms to caress his hair and face.

"Hello my prince. Did I make you wait long?" It hurts to talk but I need to calm Lawliet down.

"Mama!" "Lance!" The other two children jumped onto the bed which I was apparently on. They too, have tears in their eyes as they clung onto me, crying out my name. I fumble a bit before being able to also brush both of their heads. Allowing them to hold my hand.

My mouth feels like sandpaper so I give a small smile. "It's alright. I'm okay."

I was then lifted off the bed and onto a bear hug with Hunk, "Lance! Buddy I'm so glad you're okay!" The big guy is crying a river. Pidgeon also coming to join.

I try to whisper reassurances the best I could, when Shiro saved my ribs, "Take it easy guys, he still needs rest." Hunk immediately loosened his hold, allowing Lance to lean on him without suffocating. The children come beside me once more, their hands clinging onto my clothing and Lawliet climbing onto my shoulders with the help of Hunk. Greta and Lawliet seem fine with touching Hunk now, which was faster than I expected, but at least one good thing out of this ordeal. Goodness, he hasn't had to deal with people like that since he was dealing with the city kids.

"We're glad to see you awake Lance." Shiro ruffles my hair a bit. It looks like he needs to sleep in my room tonight. It's a good thing I made some incense with those flowers the other day, I can rub cream on him after I take care of Vanderi's dry skin.

Koran hands me a glass of water, "Here you are. This should help a bit." Koran, the angel he is, handed him a bottle of water which I accepted gratefully. Keith who was acting all cool in the corner, that reminded me I need to help him wash red later. I'll make it a contest, and the kids can play in the hood with blue. Had the kids even eaten, knowing Hunk he probably tried to stuff as many snacks into their skinny bodies as possible, although they can only eat small meals at a time. I gave him a small wave as a hello but in response the mullet head refused to even look at me? Now that I think about it Pidgeon isn't clinging onto me anymore she's slowly backing away. I watch carefully, Shiro, despite smiling his face is stiff...

It's probably not best to ask right now. I hand back the empty bottle to the elder, it's getting stuffy in here. I can pry it from Hunk and Koran later. Everyone is probably tired anyways, so maybe a change in scenery is needed. "Thank you guys but can we ditch this place? As much as I love the body suit, I think I prefer something a little more stylish. Plus, I'm starvinggg..."

No one laughs or smiles at my words, rather everyone seemed to tense up at the idea. Vanderi's claws dig into my thigh, and I look down to see both of their eyes are shaking. What in the world happened?

"Let's head to the dining room. We haven't had a chance to eat yet today and we still have some things to discuss," Allura states. The room got tenser, as I could feel the hands of the children and Hunk tugging at me, holding onto me. I can only smile lightly and nod my head, I can't be shaken by this, they need me right now. I won't let this shake me.

I breathe deeply through my nostrils and fix my expression into a smile, "alright. How about we eat then watch that cartoon I've been dying to watch. I'm still kinda tired..."

Allura seemed to get enough of a hint to drop it for now, as she left the room. I did not like the look of her back as she shut the door behind her.


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