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Keith looked down at the lovely tear in his jacket. It was at the shoulder, he should've been more careful when playing with knives. He sighed. "Maybe I should ask Koran for tape so I can tape it together or something..."

"I know you're an idiot Kieth, but I don't think even an idiot would tape their jacket together." To Kieth's dismay Lance had come into the Lion hub where he had been throwing knives at a makeshift target he made with cargo wood. He defensively clutched the jacket closer to his body as if to hide it from the other. "I'm not an idiot! If anybody is an idiot it's you! Walking around without a card in the world."

Lance rolls his eyes, "at least I'm not the one hiding a jacket like it's some big secret. I already saw the tear."

Keith bristled as his face started to redden, "shut up, at least I'm not hopeless shameless flirt like you!" They continued to bicker when Lance suddenly began quiet as he stretched out his hand. Kieth looks down at Lance's hand in front of him. His stance loosens, his face expression softened in confusion. He hadn't realized they had walked all the way to Lance's room. Lance huffed before gesturing to the coat which Kieth was clutching in his hands.

In his confusion Kieth slowly put out his own arm depositing the coat into the Latino boy's hand. "I can sew, since with my big family mending clothes was a must. Especially when our goat tried eating my sister's shirt. I have a sense of fashion too so I made them into crop tops and added old fabrics to create new shirts." Lance admits while walking into his room, Kieth trailing behind.

Lance grabbed a small box which was on top of his dresser along with all his cosmetics, photos and strangely books. Kieth didn't think much of it, he only came to get his coat fixed. But the curiosity still lingered, the Korean boy never would've pegged Lance to be the reading type, he didn't even think Lance had brain cells sometimes. When had he gotten so many pictures of the team? They all hung on the mirror proudly like an abstract masterpiece.

Kieth looked at the picture of him, he was standing with his arms crossed and a small smile playing at his lips. He didn't even remember the day it was taking. There was another picture of Shiro mid-laugh, and another photo of Pidge sleeping with her laptop falling off her lap and a blanket draped over her small form. In the other was Hunk baking a big smile plastered on his face. A photo also had one of the lions in the hub resting. A photo of Allura laughing holding the mice proudly. There was one of Koran as well in story telling mode, with his hands raised above his head and stars in his eyes. The center of all of them was at the dinner table eating sweets, smiles on everyone's faces.

The Latino boy sitting on his bed with his legs crossed, holds a small silver needle and a thin sliver of red thread in the other as he carefully tries to put the thread through the eye of the needle. After a minute of unsuccessful attempts he managed to prepare the needle and start to end the clothing while Kieth analyzed the pictures and the items on the dresser. A comfortable silence came upon the two for a long time.

"Done. Here try it on so I can see how it looks." Lance says getting up and handing the jacket to its owner. Keith slipped it on, feeling the familiar snug of the material on his arms. A smile tugged at the fair skinned boy's face.

"It looks good. If anything like that happens again don't hesitate to come to me. Or just leave it on my bed if you're too chicken to ask me in person." teases Lance who gives Kieth a thumbs up. "Your coat is starting to look small on you though.." Lance points out, he gets closer leaning in to get a closer look at his teammate. "Now that I see it you've grown quite a bit! You're almost as tall as me, mullet head but you're still shorter!" Lance ruffles Keith's hair.

Kieth swatted at the other, knowing that he realized he was just an inch or two shorter than Lance. His clothes were getting harder to put on as well. Oh well his clothes can last a little longer. "Get off me you beanpole. What's gonna happen when I grow taller than you! I'm already stronger." Kieth snapped back.

"You'll always be a mullet head in my eyes. No matter how tall and handsome you get, so don't think you have to fix everything yourself. I really care about you and the rest of us in this ship too. Don't make us worry..." Kieth was taken aback. Lance was looking at him not with his usual teasing but a genuine smile that showed love. Kieth unused too these emotions turned bright red.

Lance upon looking at Keith laughed and ruffled his hair again. "I love to helping mullet heads is such an ego boost." Kieth once again slapped his hands away, "if your ego gets any bigger you're never gonna get a girlfriend."

"Oh yeah? Well I think I'm better at throwing knives than you. Believe it or not it's a game me and my siblings used to play with our Papi. So think you have a sliver of a chance at winning? Mullet brain." Kieth growled and dashed out of the room, "oh course I can you worthless monkey!" Lance ran after him both laughing true whole hallway down.

Lance ended up hitting the target perfectly, not only causing Kieth's jaw to drop. "Hey I'm the sharp shooter for a reason!" Lance pouted feigning hurt by Kieth's actions. Lance then challenged Kieth to a sparring match,which he got his ass handed to him. Lance didn't care as he would never tell Kieth but he only sparred with him because he didn't want Keith to feel bad. He could handle a million sores and bruises to see that glint in Kieth's eyes. They both continued to spar until it was time for lunch.

Later that evening Keith would find bags full of clothes on his bed. Keith to his surprise ended up being really light, stylish and his size. That day, Lance couldn't stop smiling when he saw that Kieth was wearing the turtleneck he had gotten him and blushing around Lance before giving a proper Thank you.

Kieth never realized how much Lance took care of them till then. A smile stretched across Kieth's face. It felt... nice. "Come on bet you I can beat you too the lion den."

"It's on." 

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