Author's Note

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Hi! That was the end of this story. Although this is kind of a short story I hope you all have enjoyed something to maybe brighten your day. I thank everyone who has shown me continuous support and positive feedback. Believe it or not, I have read almost every single comment and many of them have made my day and the determination to finish this story strong. Thank you for telling me that Hunk is actually Samoan, and allowing me to use female pronouns for Pidge and allowing me for breaks! I'm sorry that I didn't really make any ships, so I will take those tags down from my story. I didn't add Lotor as with the last three parts made me want to focus on this group of people rather than adding any new characters as this would lower the quality of the story.  This is the conclusion I have decided to keep for now as I do believe in finishing the stories I have started, (despite it taking forever). 

Thank you again for your precious time and thank you again for all the wonderful moments fyou have created for me. 

Space Mom LanceWhere stories live. Discover now