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Allura fought her white locks gently with her brush. She loved yet hated her white hair, loving the way it made her look like her father as he had thick white hair just like her but hating how it also reminded her so much of what she had lost as well. She gently placed the brush on the counter letting her hair run like waves on her back. She couldn't sulk too much though, as much as she missed her family, the paladins also must kiss their parents and siblings. She sighed and closed her eyes tilting her heavy head down. What she would give to just have one more day in Atlanta with her family and friends. She is forever grateful to the stars that she still has Koran. Koran who knows his wife and children are dead, but he still smiles everyday. Allura opened her eyes and slapped her cheeks bringing herself out of her sorrows. "We have Voltron and we are going to save the galaxy, we are heroes." Allura sobering her expression to a neutral expression. She stepped out of the bathroom walking silently to the control room. The halls were silent except for her echoing footsteps. Each step a painful reminder just how alone they were. But her expression shifted to surprise when she opened the door, "Allura! Look what Koran and I found while cleaning!" Lance beaned as he held a box full of what looked like dusty garments and jewelry. The girl's crystal blue eyes sparkled as she recognized the items."These were my parents' wedding clothes! They're dusty but in every picture they've shown me my mother's dress was this beautiful starry material that looked like it was plucked out of the sky. My father wore his general armor, but my aunt refused to have him go in dirty armor when she could spruce it up." Allura stepped forward and gently ran her fingers through the silky, vibrant material. "One time my mother and father tried them on for their anniversary and they danced in an empty ballroom, when they thought I had been sleeping. They looked surreal under the stars." Allura smiled softly before turning to the control panels. Koran started his own screen, the joyous memories turning sour as he saw the princess's blue eyes become a bit watery. Lance instantly realized why the demeanor of the room had suddenly darkened and closed the box, pivoting towards his room to start cleaning once more. Before he left though he stopped to get a good look at the girl piloting the ship and Koran running through the computer helping her in any way possible. Lance could only let them grieve but he knew that they would never get better, but he also knew that they didn't want his pity either. Lance kept his mouth shut but his mind was buzzing with an idea. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I demand to know why I must be blindfolded! If this is some sort of joke, I do not find this amusing!" Allura shouted, she was currently holding onto Hunk's arm as she trudged the long halls with a black cloth wrapped around her head preventing her from seeing anything. "Just wait a bit longer, it took ages to get everything ready and he'd be really mad if the surprise was ruined." Hunk laughed. Allura cheeks puffed up in frustration, not wanting to be in the dark any longer, the suspense was killing her. She puffed her cheeks as she carried on wondering what in the Voltron this 'surprise bonding exercise' was. Her ears perked up as she heard whispers of the other paladins voices but not loud enough to make out any real words."You guys shush! I hear her coming!" A voice that probably was Lance ushered. A groan most likely from Keith and some laughs followed. Allura felt as if she was about to combust from waiting so long. "Hunk how much longer must I wait? This surprise bonding exercise sounds more like dilly dallying!" "Okay princess hold still." Hunk replied finally ready to reveal the big surprise to his friend. Allura stood completely still as Hunk gently untied the knot of the blindfold, before he himself scurried off to his position as well. Allura slowly opened her eyes, letting her pupils dilate to adjust to the bright lights of the ship. Squinting she looked at the group in front of her. "Huh?" Allura stayed her left eyebrow quirking up in confusion. The paladins were in nightwear but their pajamas weren't the usual ones they wore. Allura noticed they were traditional Aldean night garments, the tops loose with an airy fabric, each in their respective color, the dark bottoms were like leggings, the stretchy yet firm material clinging to their toned legs. Lance and Pidge's shirts were a bit different though as theirs were much longer, the hem embodied with white flowers, reaching mid thigh. Even Coran was in a baby blue night suit with instead of dark leggings he was wearing white ones, a sleeping hat to fit the picture. Allura looked with wide eyes, until her eyes landed on a pink outfit in Lance's left arm. Lance with a big warm smile on his face beckoned her forward, "Coran found these traditional Altean nightgowns so I thought this was a good reason to have a slumber party!" Excitement woven into his soft voice. She stared at the fabric with a bit of disbelief, unsure of how to physically react to all the emotions growing in her gut. She hadn't even realized that the garments were already in her hands. The soft, flowing fabric tickled her fingers. Her mother had a dress just like it, knowing her grandparents had also similar nightwear. The style thousands of years old obviously hadn't been in the mall they had gone to. Nor had any real fashion of her time not that she was looking. A small bittersweet smile . Her fingers brushed the material she hadn't even realized she had walked towards the Latino. The tall boy gently lowered his arm, letting the fabric pool into her hands, the fabric felt heavy yet Allura knew how comfortable and breathable the fabric was. With her arms held in front of her she gaped at the dress, before looking up at the blue paladin as if she were lost. The other paladins looked away, unsure what to say in this situation even Coran who knew of Allura's pain. Lance with his lax posture nodded and turned his head in the direction of the bathroom. The mice appeared on Lance's shoulder jumping up and down with excitement for her. Allura smiled back, breaking out of her trance as she rushed to get changed. She couldn't help but remember all the times she and her mother would have some 'girl time' together, they would read, watch whatever was on the tele, braiding each other's hair. Sometimes her friends would be over as well and they'd stay up late as possible, she never even dreamed of doing this like this again. She quickly threw off her dress and pulled on the pink nightwear, before staring at herself in the mirror. The big blue eyes widened when she realized how much she has changed since this adventure started. She had grown taller and stronger, she felt her firm lean muscle on her arms. Allura moved her hands to her cheeks which had lost some of her baby fat. She noticed slight bags under her eyes which made her look more mature. The woman in the mirror was the spitting image of her father, Allura smiled at the thought of how much she was like her father, mentally and physically. 

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