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Shiro liked to think he was a well grounded paladin and could help his fellow paladins as the leader. But this leaves himself without anyone to lean on multiple times though he may try to lean on Kieth, he needs him to stand tall since he has no one to lean on. He often kept the nightmares to himself. He never said anything about how much his shoulder aches or his scars hurt. He never talked about the stress he's been in. No. He must be strong.
That's why Shiro refused to ask for help when he woke up from a nightmare. His breath fast and laborious, he felt as if he couldn't breathe. He had a nightmare about the arena again. The panic attacks are becoming more and more frequent. His body spasmed as if he was in the arena again, always fighting, then another shock, one after another died and if he didn't he would die. He can't fail now he's a leader he can stand. He will be fine, he can survive. It was like the world always wanted to close in on him and try to kick him when he's at his weakest. And he couldn't breath and he was going to die.
"Shiro, you're okay! Shiro you are in your room at the castle. Kieth is in the next room, after that room is mine and then it is Pidge's and Hunk is at the end. The lions are sitting and protected in their bubbles, everyone one is safe. Allura is in the cockpit steering and Coran is cleaning the pods. Shiro you are alive. This is the blue paladin, Lance. Full name Lance McClain. Shiro you are in the castle in your room-" lance repeated the information again and again into his ear, not so loudly that he was shouting but in a soft yet audible voice.
Slowly Shiro's breathing evened out and his blurry eyes full of tears fell on Lance who was in his nightwear , his deep blue eyes were calm. Like the ocean, beautiful and full of life yet calm and relaxing. His body was still spasming but Lance stayed near not touching him but his presence was still there. He kept repeating these words, his face still with a warm and accepting smile he always had.
After what felt like hours his body finally had calmed down enough but he was still shaking. "S-sorry Lance..." Shiro said his eyes were a bit watery and his body exhausted. Lance looked at Shiro with a small smile, he gently guided the taller upper half into his lap. With his slender fingers he massaged his arms and shoulder. Rubbing gently on the sore and tense muscles as under his breath singing a soft lullaby in Spanish. Shiro's tremors slowly calmed down as the melody overtook any of his prior thoughts, the other paladin's warm hands touching his sweat cool skin felt oddly nice. Slowly and surely with Lance's smooth voice Shiro's eyes slowly closed as his worries washed away.
Shiro woke up rubbing his heavy eyelids, his head heavy and his body felt like jello. He didn't even know if he could get up. "Honey, you can go back to sleep." A warm voice whispered as they used their nimble fingers to tousle the white hair and rub their hands gently on the pale scarred skin of the black paladin. Shiro thought how long it had been since he's been held like this. Since he's been able to let loose a little and think of nothing. Unstressed. Listening to the voice he stayed like that, for once deciding not to stress.
"Shiro, I'm going to wash you up a bit okay? If anything feels too much, give me a sign even a small turn I'll stop. Is that alright?" Shiro, still feeling as if he was in heaven, gave a simple hand movement to show he understood. Soon enough a familiar warm hand helped him pull off his shirt and began rubbing something lukewarm onto his skin, the oily liquid was calming yet strange but Shiro couldn't care less as he finally felt some of the sweat finally peeled off of him. The voice warm and slow began to sing in a strange yet soothing language. Once again Shiro let his body and mind rest.
Shiro once again woke up his body and head feeling better than it had in months. He slowly opened his eyelids feeling refreshed. He saw someone had changed his clothes, and pulled a new blanket over him, as his blankets were neither this soft nor warm. Slowly lifting himself up to sit on his bed he realized someone had left him a meal and drink on his nightstand which the lamp on it had been left on. Shiro had not even realized how hungry he was until he reached out for the meal and devoured it. The person being even more thoughtful as they had left him a bottle of water as well.
Shiro wondered who had helped him? Maybe an angel? He didn't even think angels existed but maybe there was on the ship. His thoughts were interrupted when his door opened.  Shiro gaped at the slender Latino who stood there a small smile on his face, in his arms was a bundle of fresh sheets.
"Hey there. How ya feeling?" Lance asked but instead of his usually dramatic vice he said it in a more hush tone as he walked to Shiro. Dropping the sheets on the bed in order to feel Shiro's forehead with his warm slender hand. Shiro started, unable to comprehend what the other was doing. Lance brow furrowed a bit in worry but he still smiled, staying alert for any signs of uneasiness, sliding down his hand to Shiro's cheek making sure the other hadn't  broken into a fever from stress or any of the past events.
Happy to feel no fever Lance retracted his hand and began cleaning up. "Do you feel sick at all, Shiro? Feverish, sore throat, coughing, stuffy nose...?"
On instinct Shiro answered, "No."
Lance wiped the nightstand with a cloth which he produced out of his pocket, "Okay, did you like the food?"
Lance nodded and picked up the now empty plate off the bed playing it on top of another cloth he left on the nightstand. "Are you still hungry?" Asked Lance even though he was smiling, he stubbly analyzed Shiro in case he was lying or uncomfortable.
"Okay do you think you can stand?"
Lance looked at Shiro skeptically. Shiro, not used to this from his other paladins, looked at the floor, embarrassed and unsure. Lance debated internally before holding out his hand. Shiro took it quizzically. With the help of Lance, he heaved himself off the bed, only to end up leaning on Lance as his legs still felt like jelly. "My legs feel weird."
"Don't worry they just need to wake up." Lance said as he helped him to the bathroom. He propped him into the toilet and turned around this the Latino trying to seem casual and not have Shiro seem embarrassed. Lance busied himself shoving off his jacket and tying it around his waist so he could make Shiro a bath. Throwing in a bath salt instead of his usual bath bomb, hoping it would help his muscles and skin. Shiro quickly did his business, and used the toothbrush handed to him to brush his teeth still sitting on the toilet pants pulled up. Shiro was relieved at how casually Lance had taken the scars and deformed body and his neediness. He didn't mind the looks, it was only natural due to him not having an arm and, well, all the scars across his body. A painful reminder of his past traumas. He nervously looked at his short and pants knowing he needed to take them off.
"I'll be back, I forgot to grab a towel." Lance, the angel he was, didn't even bat an eye as he strode out of the room giving Shiro the space needed to undress. Shiro taking this opportunity, threw off his clothes and hopped into the tub making a little of the water pour onto the floor. The subtle smell of the bath salt made his head feel as if he was in the clouds, the water at the perfect temperature feeling great on his skin. Shiro let out a moan, it was so perfect. Shiro closed his eyes letting his mind wander off, now that he realized it Lance smelled nice. He smelled fresh, and sweet as if he had been sitting in a garden. It wasn't overpowering and it added too Lance beauty as a small accessory. Lance who always took care of his skin making it shiny and soft. Shiro's thoughts were interrupted when he heard a knock on the door. "Shiro, I brought you a towel and some clothes. I'll leave them on the counter. If you need anything Kieth is in his room, Hunk's in the kitchen, Pidge is working, Coran is cleaning the healing pods, Allura is in her room. I will be in the hall cleaning, if you need anything just holler." Shiro took a second to submerge himself in the water before Lance came in, gracefully plunking down the folded clothes and towel onto the sink counter, before walking out.
Gratefully he began to scrub his body, his body getting up from the dirty bath water which he began to drain. Shiro cringed at the murky water draining but his body has never felt so fresh as he rinsed himself off. Getting out of the tub he wiped his wet body with one of the two towels Lance had brought him. It was then he realized that Lance had brought him many other things other than clothes. Shiro wrapped a towel along his lower part as he curiously looked at the objects. In one was a blue cylinder with a twist-able white top on the bottom written in marker as 'skin cream postshower'. In it revealed to be a cream, another had a tube filled with what looked too medicine labeled 'burns', Shiro looked at the bath supplies, creams, Vaseline, too help with pain, burns, scar each labeled.
Shiro looked in awe, he had to thank Lance. He dried himself off and dressed himself quickly, opening the bathroom door to see that his room had been cleaned as well. His once unmade bed now with fresh sheets and blankets, the old ones nowhere to be seen. On his nightstand he saw a cup filled with some drink and a small plate of treats he assumed Him had made. Has Lance always been this nice? He was so... so motherly?
Shiro felt an urge to thank Lance and opened his door, revealing Lance his hoodie still tied around his waist with a cleaning cloth in one hand and a bottle in the other. Lance at first a bit startled, broke into a smile. "Oh Shiro, you scared me a bit there! Do you need some help or do you wa-"
"Thank you!" Shiro shouted, he blushed in embarrassment as this outburst. Lance's eyes widened a bit, before his smile became softer. In one swift motion he opened his arms, opening himself up for a hug. Shiro felt tears prick his eyes at the kindness. His mental state was so relaxed he didn't even think to tense up. Shiro didn't know how but he ended up crying, being rocked back and forth in Lance's strangely safe arms. He was back on his bed again where after a few minutes of tears he let go of all his worries telling Lance how tired he had been of having no one to lean on, if the nightmares were never able to relax. Shiro let his mouth run loose for once speaking his mind. Lance listened to every single word holding Shiro not as if he was fragile but with acceptance and understanding. Shiro shifted to talk about his likes and dislikes while eating cookies indulging in the pleasure of just talking to another person about something other than being in space or the Galra. A breather.
He had talked for ages when he realized how late it was. Note than half the day had passed, what in the world was he doing he should be-
"Shiro you took a self care day and bonded with me. I say you made a bunch of progress today. Relaxing your muscles and mind once in a while will help with reflexes and quick thinking especially helping you be more creative." Lance spoke as if reading the others mind. Shiro pondered in his words a bit before nodding. Convinced by the Latino who had once again pulled him into his embrace, "don't worry we'll be doing this again. I'll make sure to bring some candies next time." Lance giggled. Shiro thought he heard an angel. Maybe he wasn't so alone after all. Maybe he could lean on Lance, the thought giving him a warm feeling in his stomach. Looking at Lance, Shiro couldn't help but smile.
"Since we have some time do you wanna polish the lions?" Asked Lance, knowing Shiro loved talking to black lion, not to mention the activity wouldn't put too much stress on his body yet be productive. Shiro felt his heart soar.
"That sounds like fun." Shiro agreed as Lance dragged him for a day of fun. If Shiro asked to hug Lance a couple of times in private no one would have to know. 

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