the tower

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It is said that in the Tarot, the Tower represents a drastic and unforeseen change, one which can be characterized by danger, crisis, and liberation

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It is said that in the Tarot, the Tower represents a
drastic and unforeseen change, one which can be
characterized by danger, crisis, and liberation.
While many are "afraid" of the Death card appearing
in a reading, the card one must truly look out for is the
Tower because it brings unavoidable change.

When the Tower appears one must let go and heal
from their past in order to not be trampled by their future.
This is why it can also symbolize a warning or revelation before disaster strikes...

– Aldous Huxley

"– Aldous Huxley

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The girl at the corner house who spoke broken English and brought empanadas for lunch was an oddity to those around her, leaving many who met her to pass exaggerated legends amongst each other. From tales of possession to mind control, Irene has never been given the opportunity to tell her story. Speculations always seem to trump actual truths when it comes to who she really is. To her mother she is a legacy – someone who she prayed would inherit her gifts with pride and did.

The rumors, as vile and haunting as they were, had some truth to them.

Precognition was a rare phenomena that burrowed itself within the Vasquez family tree for years, but it was a gift whose colors were beginning to fade. The 20th century offered no welcoming committee to those with precognitive abilities. To the majority of society, those who claimed such gifts had to have worshiped the devil, either that or they were on serious drugs...which were also works of the devil anyway. Because of this widespread fear, many of the Vasqeuz family members hid their abilities — some refused to practice them altogether. All hope of their gift reaching further in their bloodline was practically lost.

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