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chapter nineteen – soul of the sea


AUGUST 4th, 1985

Irene straightened the black summer dress that clung to her body with a sigh. She stared at herself in the mirror, picking apart her somewhat kept together look. She could hear the muffled sounds of chatter and a James Taylor record playing outside in the living room. Through her peripheral vision she noticed a figure leaning against the doorframe and turned to meet Sam's gaze. She mustered the best smile she could but it faltered; it was evident in her face that she was exhausted.

Mateo's funeral had just ended and everyone had come back to the Vasquez household to exchange memories and mourn in the warm company of family.

Her mom took it really hard and what hurt the most was that Irene couldn't even tell her how everything really happened. She spent most of the days leading up to his funeral laying in his bed saying that it was the only way she felt close to him. Irene hadn't stepped foot into the room; she wasn't ready to face the reality just yet. Sure, he was now six feet under and she wouldn't see him everyday but none of it felt real – she swore any moment she'd wake up and it'd all be just some silly nightmare or joke and her brother would show up, she'd hug him tight, and they'd laugh.

Everything felt like it went by in the blink of an eye. Their father showed up, but only for the viewing and he had the nerve to bring his new family with him. It took everything in Irene not to scream at him that Mateo wouldn't have wanted him there, but she'd have been lying. At the end of the day she was just glad he at least showed his face; it hurt her though that he meant everything to her brother yet he never called and he couldn't even stay for the burial of his first born son.

She was thankful for the support she had all day though; the Wheeler siblings attended the viewing and burial but had to be home earlier than expected as well as some of the others. The Byers, El, Robin, and Steve were the only ones able to stay longer. Because Sofia was so adamant about being there for Joyce – despite hardly knowing her – during Jim's funeral, she only saw it fit to do the same. She brought a delicious apple pie and despite her timid nature, she fit in with the Vasquez families dynamic really well.

Sam had stuck around too – since she first broke the news to him, which he also took really hard. Even though he only knew Mateo for three months he spoke of him like they'd been friends for years. When he stepped up to share a few words about his friend, he recollected dancing with him to show tunes one night and remembering Mateo as "rough around the edges" but nonetheless a "a kind soul." She wished they had gotten more time.

"I don't think I can go back out there." Irene whispered, sitting at the edge of her bed and placing her head in her hands. A dull headache formed behind her eyes; there was so much tension in her forehead from crying. She read a eulogy too, but it was fairly short because she couldn't stop her sobs from slipping between every word. Her and her mother had a difficult time talking about him – they didn't want to. They wanted him to be alive; to be there beside them.

She felt the bed dip beside her before an arm was slung around her, "You don't have to, it's been a heavy day." Her eyes traveled to look up at him and his face matched hers – sunken and tired – yet there was also a comforting lightness to it. "You know, your brother always talked about when you two were kids. He said he felt happiest when you would ride your bikes down to the beach and dance around on the sand to the radio. He still remembers the last song you guys listened to before you moved from California–"

"Soul of the Sea by Heart." She smiled softly at the memory.

"When he would stop by the shop he'd always make me play it." Sam groaned playfully before the two fell into gentle laughter and then tears welled in both of their eyes. Irene frowned a little and leaned her head against Sam's shoulder, soon feeling his head lay atop hers.

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