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chapter onethe clairvoyant and the scornful brother

The girl sat alone in her grassy backyard. Spring was just breaking through as the flowers in her mothers garden began to bloom. The breeze blew her hair in front of her face as she watched the ladybug that crawled between her frail fingers. The air smelled of smoke from a grill and the machinations of a bright Sunday afternoon.

"I knew I'd find you here," Her older brother's gentle voice could be heard from behind her. Beyond them, somewhere inside their home were their bickering parents — arguing again over things which were never disclosed to Irene. If there was one thing her parents agreed on, it was that arguing in front of their children was never right. However, the signs were there and even if they tried their best to keep the looming shadow of a crumbling marriage away from their children it still lingered. The weight of their heartbreak was unbearable.

"I always come outside to think." She looked up at him; the sun illuminated her brown eyes. Mateo's soft smile faltered for a moment, he knew that when she spent hours by herself outside it was because she was trying to quiet her always-moving mind.

"What was it this time?" He asked, taking a seat beside her. The grass flattened beneath him, supporting the twelve year-old as he scooted closer to his younger sister. The atmosphere was still and they could faintly hear the slam of their fathers truck door and then the gentle revving of its engine.

"Us moving again...except we were older, I'm not sure where dad was, but mom seemed sadder—lonelier." She sighed, placing the ladybug back onto the grass before pulling her knees to her chest. Her head gently fell into the crook of her brother's neck and he placed his head atop hers, slinging his left arm around her.

"Who knows maybe it'll be wrong this time around." They both shared hopeful looks, although they knew the truth deep down. They were only children yet they felt so much older – like the world had aged them, sometimes they secretly look back and wish they'd cherished those moments more. The times before everything changed. 


"I just don't get why we had to leave Arizona in the first place." The oldest Vasquez groaned as he hulled yet another box into their living room. His voice echoed throughout the house as sour feelings rose within the depths of him. He hated saying goodbye only to greet another town which he knew they were just passing through.

"I thought we could use a fresh start." His mother chirped optimistically, moving past him with a box labeled kitchen. Mateo scoffed at her response, he knew the real reason and it bothered him that she and his sister were acting so nonchalant about it.

"I think it's nice...quiet." Irene gave her brother a hopeful smile, one which he grimaced at. Ever since their parents divorce and the move, he'd ignored her every chance he got. She missed when they were closer – when he would sit at the edge of her bed and ask about her visions or even just about her day. She was lucky now if he even muttered a simple good morning to her. His distaste towards her was vibrant.

"Es una mierda." He spat under his breath and his mother lightly pinched his arm as she passed him.

"What did I say about talking like that?" She scolded before he dragged himself to his new room, glaring at Irene as he moved past her. She turned to say something to her mother, to fill the uncomfortable silence, but was met with emptiness. She dropped her shoulders and placed her headphones back onto her head, Linda Ronstadt played loudly in her ears as she finished taking her things to her room.

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