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By the time they reached the pier, Desi was so excited she forgot to be nervous with Brian at her side until he laced his fingers through hers and pulled her onto the main walkway. Desi felt her cheeks flush and a stupid grin spread across her face as they strolled hand in hand. There was something so taboo about being secretive behind her brothers back that had her so giddy she didn't know which emotion to process first. It wasn't until Brian pulled her into him so her backside was pressed up against his front as a large cart with carnival food went wizzing by that she felt her blood boil over.

Brian chuckled as he held her to him, unware at first of how they were positioned until she moved her ass just right. A deep groan emitted from his chest as he wrapped his arm around her slim waist. "Fuck Desi what are you trying to do to me?"

Desi giggled, her entire body growing considerably warmer at the knowledge that she turned Brian on. Between sneaking around behind Jimmy's back, her feelings about Brian coming to fruition and Brian reciprocating them she was just about dizzy with excitement. She gave way to her inhibitions, let go of her shy, kid sister like image and turned in his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her height.

"The same damn thing you've been doing to me" she breathed haughtily against his lips, a second before she sealed her lips against his. Brian's arms locked around her waist in a vice like grip and he hauled her in as close as humanly possible. Neither one of them cared who was around as they stood there making out, they were too lost in each other to give a fuck about anyone or anything else.

Desi couldn't hear any of the surrounding noises, the blood surging through her head was too loud. Brian was hands down the best at kissing and she felt light headed from his lips alone.

'I gotta pull back' she thought to herself, she could feel herself starting to lose all control and the last thing she wanted to do was get arrested for public indecency so, as much as it caused her body physical pain, she pulled back from Brian slightly.

Brian groaned with regret as he felt her break their connection but as soon as he looked into her hazy, unfocused eyes he knew he needed to calm down or he'd end up fucking her right out here in the open. "Jesus fucking Christ Desi...are you trying to get back at me for fucking up on your birthday?! I said I was sorry!"

Desi laughed happily, pulling him along by the hand as she headed towards the rollercoaster, stepping in line behind other young couples. "No I'm not actually" she teased "Maybe I'm just trying to pick up where you left me hanging." She gave him a seductive smirk and a wink before turning her back to him, pulling his arm around her waist so they were pressed close again.

Brian cursed under his breath and slid his mouth down the side of her neck, biting her shoulder lightly as they shuffled ahead a few steps. "Baby if you wanna have sex, all you gotta do is say the word, I'll be happy to take care of that for you." Brian whispered these words hotly in her ear, smirking at her sharp intake of breath as he slid his hand under her tank top and spread his fingers wide on her bare stomach.

Desi couldn't help but let a whimper escape her lips, thankfully no one but Brian heard it over the background sounds of the rides and the carney's barking out about their games they were manning. "Brian..." she warned, the tips of his fingers were creeping up higher under her shirt and she was afraid someone was going to see and kick them out. Again, he let out a low, rumbling laugh as he kissed the back of her head and stepped back enough so she could slide into the now empty car of the ride.

Due to the early morning, there wasn't a huge crowd yet and they were able to ride the rollercoaster twice in a row without getting out. Desi was having such a good time she remarked, without even thinking, how the day felt like a scene out of the movie, Fear...a guilty pleasure that her and Laney had watched one too many times! It took Brian a second to remember what movie she was referring to but once he did, an evil thought crossed his mind as he slid his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in closer to him.

"You forgot to wear a skirt though, D...are you gonna make me work for it?" he whispered hotly in her ear as the ride took off again. Brian enjoyed watching her breathing quicken, her mouth open and close a few times as his words sunk in. Sure she was being a tease to him but he was the king of teasing and she knew she wasn't going to win this game...not in the long run. Still, Desi knew she wanted to keep playing with the proverbial fire that was Brian so she took his hand and slid it down onto her thigh, giving him one hell of a mischievous smirk.

Brian cocked an eyebrow at her daring move, unlike in the movie where it was night time, they were in broad daylight and he was slightly hesitant about doing something that risque...still, he wasn't going to chicken out or let her have the upper hand in this. Brian knew he was taking Desi past anything they had ever least together and he had to remind himself to not be forceful or uncaring like he always came off to other girls. He had to take extra care with Desi or Jimmy would truly kill him if he fucked things up.

Desi thought for a split second that she had the upper hand in this teasing game they were playing but the second his fingers slid beneath the edge of her shorts she knew she was losing this round. Desi's hips surged forward on their own account, she was powerless to stop it from happening now. Brian groaned loudly and Desi let out a pitiful squeal as the tips of his fingers slid between her folds. Her body was so responsive to his touch that she was wet as hell and sensitive to just the slightest touch, she couldn't help but throw her head back. Because of her shorts, his movements were restricted and they both grew frustrated by the fact, so much that when the ride stopped, she flew out of the seat, dragged Brian behind her roughly until she found a semi-secluded spot in between a wall and a bank of lockers and pulled him into it.

Brian was so strung out on his hormones going every which way that he thought he was going to lose his shit but when Desi yanked him into a somewhat darkened crevice he exploded. She yanked his head down to hers and laid a bruising kiss to his lips, all the while, his fingers were working on opening her shorts enough that he could slide his hand in between the apex of her legs. "Goddammit you are fucking soaked want it that bad huh?" he teased huskily, knowing that he wanted it just as bad as she did...if not more.

Desi nodded her head silently, her breathing so erratic she thought she was going to pass out. "Brian...please...please..." she panted against his lips, rolling her hips into his hand more. She hated sounding so desperate but she couldn't hold back...she WAS desperate! His touch and his words were doing something to her she never thought possible and it was making her mind dizzy as hell.

With one rotation of his wrist, Brian's fingers slid up inside her so easily he just about blew his load right then and there. His hips rolled into hers as she let out this highly sexual noise he never would have guessed could come out of such an innocent little mouth. "Oh gggggoooooddddd..." Desi panted out, her hips rolling faster as she basically fucked herself on his fingers, unable to do anything else BUT that. Desi started wimpering only a few seconds later, something intense building up deep in her belly.

Brian knew what her body was telling him, she was going to come and it was going to happen FAST! Brian braced his free hand on the wall behind her and started hammering his fingers up into her faster, he could barely hold himself up as he felt her juices running down his hand but when she exploded around him a moment later it took all he had in him to not combust himself.

Desi gripped his forearm with both hands and cried out his name, her chest rising and falling so drastically he almost wondered if she was going to have a heart attack. He waited till her hips slowed down before he gently removed his hand from her shorts, kissing her forehead sweetly as she slumped against the wall behind her.

Several minutes of them both quietly gathering themselves together passed before she dared to look up into his eyes and swallowed the lump in her throat. She may have gotten what she wanted right then and there but she knew that Brian had won that round and that their 'game' was far from over...and they still had the entire day together!

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