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The entire day was gorgeous as the six friends hiked up and down mountains, around a small pond and stopped to watch deer in an open field. Desi made it a point to spend most of the day next to Laney, knowing that the nighttime would be for her and Brian. The girls laughed and carried on, picking wildflowers at random and taking so many pictures that they had to replace the batteries in their cameras halfway through the trip.

Desi pleaded with Brian to take a couple pictures together, pouting out her bottom lip cutely and batting her eyelashes till he caved. With a roll of his eyes and a smirk, he pulled her in close and tucked her head into him, smiling as Laney fired off a few shots. Desi smiled like the cat that ate the canary as she secretly snuck a few of just Laney and Matt talking over something they saw up in a tree while everyone else was taking a break...if only those two would get their heads out of their asses and admit their feelings she thought, laughing as she watched Zack beat her brother in skipping rocks into the pond. In true Jimmy nature, he scowled at Zack's gloating before picking up a large rock and tossing it into the water right in front of Zack, effectively soaking his clothes.

"You fuck hole!" Zack laughed, shaking the water from his hair as he walked back over to everyone else. "I am not a vagina...that's Brian!" Jimmy snickered. Brian just gave Jimmy a shit eating grin, pulled Desi into his side and laughed. "I am what I eat after all" he stated smugly. The guys groaned, Desi blushed furiously and Jimmy commenced the production of fake vomiting all over everyone. 

"Do NOT say that in my presence ever again!" Jimmy complained, shuddering like someone had run fingers down a chalkboard. "You are a vile, repulsive fuck and you are corrupting my sweet baby sister!" he chortled, yanking Desi from Brian's side and covering her ears dramatically. Desi giggled as they began walking back to the cabin, her fingers laced through not only Brian's but her brothers as well, making her heart swell with the memories of walking home from school with him this way when she was little. 

By the time they were all back in the cabin it was dinner time and not only did Desi deliver a delicious dinner but Laney helped her cook it, leaving the guys to do whatever they wanted for the time it took them to cook. While the guys were distracted, the girls talked quietly amongst themselves about a variety of subjects but the main one was Matt.

"Just stop being stubborn and ask him out" Desi huffed quietly under her breath. "There's no rule that says the girl can't ask the guy." Laney shrugged her shoulders and looked over at the guys. "I just don't think he sees me that way D, we're just really good friends is all." Desi rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Bullshit Laney...what friends do you know that act the way you two do and NOT want a relationship?! I'm telling you...he wants you...the dumb dork is just too chicken to take the first step!"

The girls quietly debated the subject right up until dinner was ready and then promptly dropped it but not before Desi finagled the seating arrangements, so Matt and Laney ended up sitting together on the bench seat alongside the table.  For the next two hours the friends chatted and laughed, bantered and teased each other mercilessly before the girls took the initiative and started cleaning up the table.

By the time they were done, Desi thought she was going to fall asleep standing up. Yawning heavily, she walked over and kissed her brother on top of his head before leaning over and kissing Brian. "I'm gonna go take a shower while you guys finish your beers...behave yourselves for twenty minutes!" Jimmy just laughed "As if I'm going to listen you squirt! I'm not the one that needs to behave here!"

By the time Desi got out of the shower, it had been closer to forty minutes and the cabin was oddly quiet. Desi squinted her eyes in the darkness of the room as she searched for the clock, intent on seeing what time of the night it was. She was so intent on finding the clock that she didn't see Brian sitting on the edge of the bed till she was almost an inch from him.

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