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Desi had temporarily forgotten the drama between her, Brian and her brother...she was having such a good time at the beach with the rest of the gang that she blocked the mornings events out of her head entirely...that is until she spotted Jimmy walking through the sand towards their fire pit.

Desi was currently sitting between Brian's outstretched legs, her back against his bare chest while he had his arms looped casually around her waist, holding her to him. No one had spotted Jimmy except Desi and she didn't point him out to the rest of the gang...she figured he could announce himself when he got closer to them.

"Our set is early enough in the night that we can go to the club afterwards" she heard Matt explain as the guys talked about their upcoming gig at Chain Reaction again...They were only playing three songs this time so there would plenty of night left to have fun and they were all debating on what to do with their weekend.

Desi knew the minute Brian spotted Jimmy nearing them simply due to the fact that his arms tightened around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Everyone grew quiet as Jimmy approached them and set a case of beer down on the lid of the cooler that Zack had brought. Jimmy sheepishly smiled at everyone before turning his attention to his sister, nudging his head towards the pier. 

"Come walk with me a minute Squirt...I wanna talk to you."

Desi narrowed her eyes at him, not sure she could trust him and what he had to say. Jimmy, to his credit, chuckled and held his hands up in the air. "Please. I'll behave this time. I promise." Desi sighed softly, untangling herself from Brian's embrace so she could stand up, deciding at the last minute she would test her brother's sincerity. She quickly leaned in and kissed Brian lightly on the lips, giving him a small smile. "Save my spot?"

Brian nodded, trying to ignore the dread building in his gut. "It's all yours" he mumbled softly, pulling her in by the chin again for one last kiss. Sitting forward, he draped his arms over his knees, watching as Desi took Jimmy's outstretched hand and walk away to where they could not be overheard.

Matt, Zack and Laney all watched brother and sister walk off towards the pier before turning to Brian. "What's that all about?" Laney questioned rhetorically, she knew Jimmy was not having an easy time processing the last few days and she didn't exactly trust him to have a change of heart all of the sudden.

Once they were out of ear shot, Jimmy turned and faced Desi, feeling like a complete ass all of the sudden for the chaos he had created. Sure, he was still mad they went behind his back and betrayed him but after he had sobered up both from the coke and the alcohol, he had realized something.

"Listen Squirt...I want to apologize..."

Desi opened her mouth, fully prepared to start a defensive argument with him before it registered in her brain what Jimmy was saying.

"So, you see...I just want to protect you is all..."

Desi stared at her brother, dumbfounded as he went on to explain how and why he overreacted to everything.

 "So, you're okay with seeing Brian and I together now? You're not gonna like, flip out if he kisses me or something?" Desi giggled as she watched Jimmy shudder with disgust, his nose wrinkling at the idea of his baby sister kissing one of his best friends.

"Just like...keep it PG would ya? I don't want to have to gouge my eyes out because you two want to be disgusting..."

Desi laughed, happy tears stinging her eyes as she lunged at her brother, hugging him fiercely like she had missed doing for so long. Jimmy sighed in relief, glad to have everything off his chest as he pulled her in tighter, his arms swallowing her up.

"Just promise me something DJ...promise me that you won't let him break your heart. YOU be in control of the relationship."

Desi laughed softly, nodding her head against his chest. "I promise JimJam...but promise me something in return...give Brian a chance to show you that this is different, him and I. He really does love me."

Desi stared up at her brother, their eyes connecting as Jimmy mulled over what she said before rubbing her back and sighing softly. "I don't think Brian knows what love is but if anyone can show him, it would be you DJ. Just know this, if he EVER breaks your heart or makes you cry I will KILL him."

Desi chuckled, pulling her brother along by the hand as they walked back to the gang. "No murdering the man I love" she teased, her eyes on Brian the entire time. Jimmy fake gagged and dramatically tossed her hand away "Ew Desi...don't go all mom-Hallmark-movie on me now!"

Jimmy stood back and watched as Desi laughed happily before throwing her arms around Brian, hugging him around the waist as she mumbled something to him.

"You sure he doesn't want to kill me anymore?" Brian muttered in Desi's ear as he connected eyes with Jimmy. Desi just laughed against him before pushing him towards her brother, the sparkle in her eye doing something funny to him that could only mean one thing...he was definitely in love, and he was definitely pussy whipped.

Brian approached Jimmy cautiously, totally aware that everyone was silent and watching them, as if they expected the two guys to start brawling right there in the sand.

"Desi said you were okay with this? With us I mean?"

Jimmy nodded his head, suddenly at a loss for words...and he usually had an overabundance of them! "I'm sorry dude...I just get overprotective of her ya know?"

Brian knew all too well how Jimmy was with his baby sister and gave him a friendly smack on the back. "I understand man...I never meant for this to happen ya just kinda did. But I want you to know something...I really do love her Jimbo. I've never felt like this, and it scares the shit out of me."

Jimmy chuckled, draping his arm over Brian's shoulder as they stood talking, Desi's face all but glowing as she watched them talk back and forth. 

"If you of all people are scared of something Squirt did then it's GOTTA be love...the Brian I know doesn't let ANY female get to him!"

Brian laughed in relief, nodding his head at Desi as she came over to both of them.

"What can I say man, you Sullivan's are one of a kind."

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